Plantar Fasciitis Part 2 | Health and Fitness Beaufort
Plantar Fasciitis Part 2 | Health and Fitness Beaufort
Hey! What’s up? Coach Andrew here. I’m going to address the Plantar Fasciitis part 2. Just adding another insight for you folks who are suffering from pain at the heel underneath the foot, the plantar fascia, you guys know that pain very well. When you get out of bed, you start walking. It’s like so much and rip your heel apart, right? It’s not fun. We can’t do anything you know very fun with that pain. So part two, if you haven’t watched part one yet. Go back right now.

Watch it because this won’t make sense to you. It won’t make sense if you just skip out on that video. All right. So coming in this is good for routine in your warmup and the homework that you do daily to address your concerns in a plantar fascia. So you’re gonna get a wall here, big step back with one foot, like a split-squat, this front foot is going to come up 90 degrees with your right, with your knee and your hip.

And then with both hands on the wall, you’re going to pendulum swing with that knee bend back and forth here. Make sure those hips are rotating as well. And then therefore your ankle is going to start to evert It’s going to start to do like this. If you see your, you have your foot like that, right? Keeping the heel on the ground, that back heel on the ground the entire time, you’re going to feel the calf muscle work. You’re going to feel your ankle work. Right? So we got stabilized in certain areas of the ankle, the foot, obviously part of the calves… Certain muscle groups, but most importantly, start to lengthen and improve mobility in an overactive gastrocnemius and soleus. Those two muscle groups contribute to a lot of dysfunction and plantar fasciitis, without getting too scientific on you folks. That’s a good repetition, do 15 reps per side, it’s good for the hips too. All right. Then in later videos, I’m trying to keep this video short later videos I’m going to address the glute mead, What it does for plantar fasciitis and what it does for low back pain, but also I want to address the thoracic mobility, which is extension and flexion and rotation that deserves 20 million videos as well. So, see you guys on the flip side, let’s keep working on our bodies, our fitness, our health. I’ll see ya.
-EarthFIT Coach Andrew