QL Stretch | At Home Stretching Series
QL Stretch | At Home Stretching Series
Hey everybody! Andrew here, coach at EarthFIT. Welcome to another series of stretches. This one’s going to focus on our Quadratus Lumborum and our Lats.

A Lot of people who sit all day long with bad posture, but also who are active all day long or are golfers, are tennis players who rotate right a lot, runners who rotate those hips, move those hips for running and things like that. The lats and the QL are going to be very tight for us, causing a lot of issues.

So what we’re going to do is take one hand placed on top of our head, right? Just like this. Then the opposite hand reaches across our body and holds on to our thigh. And we’re going to lean towards that one side, which is opposite of our elbow that’s up here and we’re going to hold on to our thigh here as we lean to the opposite side, you need to feel that stretch all the way down here. Now for me, I want to get an extra lats stretch.

So I only bring my shoulder and my hand all the way back behind here. As you can see for that extra lat stretch, as it leans to that one side and do 30 seconds, maybe three rounds of that on one side, 30 seconds, three rounds of that on the opposite side for those extra stretches. Do that night and day, you’ll feel amazing and a lot better off.
-EarthFIT Coach Andrew