Interview With Jim Girard The Creator Of The Biocharcher NG (Healing Hacks)
Biocharger NG is a bio hacking tool… Basically sparking the healing process. (Biocharger | 00:10)
What I learned about Rife and Lachowski and their work was you know, the folklores is stories of success and treating all sorts of different things. So I thought let’s try building some of these devices and started experimenting and had friends coming over, checking it out, you know, see what it was all about… I was coaxed into manufacturer, but there’s always still expanding, and learning. Came across Rife’s work and started building his device, which is more using a shortwave radio instead of Lachowski work was using a carrier wave use at a Tesla coil utilizing shortwave radio. (Rife and Lochowski’s work and learnings | 2:52)
What Rife was actually doing was he utilized the shortwave radio that he did pulse width modulation, and several of the things that they were able to do with the pulse width modulation. (Rife and Pulse width modulation | 4:46)
The pulse width modulation, with rife, what happens is, what’s really unique about it is it generates different sets of harmonics and frequencies. Okay. So if when I look at it, technically speaking and most people really consider Rife, there’s like a targeted thing where he just generates a particular frequency to target a particular pathogen. But reality, what he was doing is he generated a wide spectrum of frequencies… very similar spectrum of frequencies is what you would see with the multi wave oscillator. But unlike the multiple, a multiple wave oscillator, utilize it, a spark gap design, it only generated one set of harmonics are frequencies. The beauty of rife when he found out is as you change the pulse width modulation, you generate unique sets of harmonics and frequencies and if look at rife’s work as it develops. So there were three versions of rife that were made. So, um, there was the original version where he just pulsed it, it, uh, a particular frequency degenerated that set of harmonics and frequencies for a short period of time that if he did narrow sweeps around particular frequencies, you generate clumps of harmonics and frequencies that are over a very narrow spectrum. So you’re just really just creating like these clusters of frequencies throughout the spectrum when you just slightly changed it and it was a fuller version. (Rife and Pulse width modulation, Harmonics and Frequencies | 5:06)
If you look at things on a cellular level, I actually, if you look at everything in life, I mean, you look at our bodies are our heart heart’s electrical or braids, electrical our nervous, was the electrical, chemistries, electrical, it’s electrons and orbit charge. And if you even look at, cells at a cellular level, there’s frequencies as voltage. There’s capacitance of reactants. So it’s actually related. (Frequency and the body | 7:02)
So the idea that what Rife was doing what Lachowski was dealing with there, frequencies and harmonics generation is they’re generating a wide spectrum of frequencies and harmonics that cover from AM FM shortwave, long wave UHF VHF for those who remember the LTV stuff, microwave millimeter 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G all the way up through visible light. We’re generating this wide spectrum of frequencies and they’re literally quadrillions of frequencies from zero to visible light with the electronics. So what, so one of the things that happens in nature is you get these wide spectrums of frequencies and harmonics and we can measure with spectrum analysis, that’s caused from all the solar systems, galaxies, planets to somewhat are exploding and mixing, and spinning and they’re generating this white background noise that cover this entire spectrum generating quadrillions of frequency simultaneously. We also have literally hundreds of lightning discharges that happen every second or up to a hundred lightning discharges every second that rang the upper atmosphere. And these harmonics and frequencies cover again, this whole spectrum of frequencies. (Rife, Harmonics and Frequencies | 8:06)
That is an essential part of life. Without that we are, we are dead. If he actually shield yourself from that, you are dead. So I think one of the things that are modern lifestyle, we’re prevented, you know, worry indoors. We’re in buildings that have cement, have rubber, they had rounded shielded faraday cage, it prevents from it, and they’re an essential part that trigger those frequencies that we’re talking about. Those spectrums of frequencies and as Tesla would say that we’re, we’re related cellularly as frequencies and frequencies and harmonics it spans this whole spectrum. (Frequency on a personal level | 9:27 )
One of the other things that the biocharger does also, so you generate those with the lights that you see. So we’re generating liked it. What you would see in nature, not the, not for the sunlight, but the light class. What you see in the blue, the sky is related to all these different gases in the atmosphere there being excited by solar radiation. It releases photons of light. When you mix all the colors, gases together, you’ll see blue. But what we see in a biocharger all of the different gases separately. They produce different spectrums of frequencies as it relates to the type of gas that you would have. So it chemistry, you burned a flame and you could see the gas spectrometry of the different gases emitting, right. That may determine frequencies and that does full light that they’re looking at or you can excite it by a voltage and it excites two fluorescent and releases photons of light it, you know, quadrillion times a second or over a quadrillions… (Biocharger | 10:06)
Biocharger is producing those spectrums of frequencies that you would see in the visible light spectrum as it relates to different gasses being excited to excitation from cosmic rays to solar radiation… the spectrum of life and frequencies that cover AM FM shortwave, long wave UHF, VHF ultimate frequencies are an essential part of life. (Biocharger and Frequency | 11:11)
So if you look at what the World Health Organization had to say about it, they said absolutely, there is no history and danger using cell phones in health, same thing with uh, they, they investigated a whole bunch of different things including go back to AM/FM radio and stuff. (Cellular Phones and Frequency | 12:43)
There was standards. It’s required that they, you know, you want to meet certain, like obviously you don’t want to stick your head in the microwave, right? You could take that same signal that you’re producing from the microwave. Turn the power down a little bit. Quite a bit. Biocharger does is we spread the frequency across a very wide spectrum. We, we spent the energy across a very wide spectrum of frequencies. So we’re not just directing our, all our energy, at carrier a wave of our cell phone, but we’re actually covering AM, FM, shortwave, long wave and a bunch of harmonics in between all the way up through there, up through visible lights. (Cellular Phones/ Electronics and Frequency | 13:12)
World Health Organization, our own federal government at both said that, uh, cell phones transmissions are safe. 750 scientists from the European Union had it looked at 40,000 of different studies, said cell phones are safe. They also looked at the history of it before cell phones and after cell phones. So if you look at, presently we have 4 billion cell phone users in the United States. I mean the world, 360 million cell phone users, the United States alone. And you know how it is. I mean, everyone has it, you know, right up their rear ends up to their neck all the time, using it all the time, the years of history behind it. So with those types of numbers we would be seeing it as it relates to 4 billion. One in a thousand is what, four 4 million, you’d be seeing 4 million cancers. You know, and they looked at everything from around the neck. Brain, breast, shoulders, all… We didn’t see any increase before and after. That would be significantly related to, you know, the number, the sheer numbers of people actually using it.” (Cellular Phones/ Electronics and Frequency | 14:00)
So with our limited electronics, we can generate hundreds of thousands of harmonics and frequencies, which sounds like a lot, but yeah, you know, quadrillion of Frequencies. It’s not really that many to spit in a bucket. So it was how do we create our harmonics and frequencies that we generate to be the most effective manner so we can target it. So we slightly changed our harmonics and frequencies. So if you look at it over time, they’re just a bunch of clump through AM, FM, short wave, long wave. They’re all just clumped together. Just slightly change and maybe only by a thousandth of a hertz or hundreds of of a hertz between each one as you change, you know, or you can just change it. Like Royal [Raymond Rife] was doing with the Rife machine where it was just sweet and from 500 Hertz, 50,000 hertz, and didn’t worry about any particular frequency wanted, but just constantly changing it. So you generate new sets all the time. That’s the things that we do with our recipes and programs. (Harmonics and Frequencies | 20:25)
The Biocharger NG is a tool that emits photons. It’s basically photon therapy. (Biocharger | 21:41)
Some people call it, platonic. So people call it bio photon. Some people call it light therapy. But really what we’re trying to do is produce those frequencies into visible light spectrum as it relates to physics, which would be excitation of gases that release photons of light. So, and that’s releasing it, it, you know, in the visible light spectrum between 10 to the 12th attended the 16th hertz. (Biocharger and Photons | 21:54)
So we have many different ways… We have a research group. We have other practitioner, we have other uses of the bio charges who are practitioners and skilled in the art of frequency devices. They have come up with particular recipes that they are, programs and frequencies that they thought would work well. They gave it to us. We created recipes based off of that. We did testing with it and then we put it out into the open. Another way we get our recipes is a… Rife, there are plenty of different Rife sites that are out there that documented different particular frequencies. And in what we do with those recipes is, any particular frequency, we’ll do a narrow sweep around it. So we’re not just generating that particular pulse frequency. And a subsequent harmonics that go all the way up. But over time, what we do is every second we’re slightly changing that. So we’re so maybe seven 27 which is a really popular rife frequencies. So we may start off at seven 27.001 hertz, and then we’ll go up to seven 27.002 Hertz at seven 27 all 270.003 hertz all the way up to seven 28 over 20 minute period of time. Okay. We do other recipes that, you can look at things scientifically so you can see, you know, figured out diameters of cells and figure it out, particular frequencies and harmonics. So related to that particular diameter of any thing that you’re looking at specifically. So we approached recipes in multiple different manners. We also have recipes that are based off of mathematical principles. So, uh, my background is mathematics. And so one of the recipes we have this, the FIBONACCI sequence. So there’s a mathematical relationship between all the harmonics and frequencies and generated. So there’s, this geometry process follows us. (Biocharger, Frequencies and Recipes | 23:00)
So if you look at things, what’s like the car radio or the tuning fork analogy. So if you look at the tuning fork and if I hit the right frequency, I could through sympathetic vibration causes the other tuning fork to, to ring. So I generate that particular harmonic on a cellular level of frequency. I can begin to ring that cell and transfer energy, much like you could transfer energy like a voice signal or something like that you’d normally do with radio. Then we superimposed on top of that a voltage, so surrounding every cells, the cell membrane and acts like an insulator dielectric. And that insulate a dialectic resists voltage, but over a period over as you increase, that voltage that will finally break down where we’ll just short circuit through it. Well, what happens in between time though is you could start to leak voltage from the outside of the cell membrane wall into the nucleus of the cell. At that point, what you’re affected is the ATP. So it’s been pulled in it through magnetic fields and electric fields. You can, affect that ATP, which is measured in a transmembrane potential, which is a voltage. So, as we age that, Adenosine Triphosphate, which is measured voltage drops. So as the cells are repaired itself. So if you look at our bodies from five years ago we don’t have a single cell that we’ve had today. The cells are always replacing itself. So in this replaced the process, what they do is they, the cell has this charge across the cell membrane wall, which is the ATP. So the ATP that charges sufficiently high enough, then you’ve got mitochondria so the cell replicates properly and it, everything is a balance. Um, as that voltage dropped, the mitochondria cuts off, then the cell goes through mytosis, you know, first it replicates into a damaged cell doing that until finally dies off. Right. Well, those are the relationship between this voltage and or I mean, yeah, the voltage of the TNP and the frequency that has a direct impact on a cellular level. (Frequencies, Harmonics, and the Cells | 25:33)
So what we’re trying to do is generate a bunch of different frequencies and harmonic simultaneously. That’s what we’re doing. You’re generating literally hundreds of thousands of different harmonics and frequencies. So every second. So when we’re doing that, whatever frequencies tuned to those particular harmonics and regenerate, if there’s any things on the cellular level that’s looking for that, it starts to ring. But then on top of that, we superimpose the voltage on that. And that’s the beauty of why you want to use a Tesla coil versus a shortwave radios get the voltage compost because you need to sufficient voltage, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of bolts to start leaking energy into the nucleus of the cell… Then you can have that effect on the ATP and stuff. So we’re communicating to sell on a frequency level, but regardless of fact, we’re still hitting the cell everything on a cellular level with the voltage part of it. So we’re trying to charge the cell up, but we’re also trying to communicate. (Frequencies and Harmonics | 28:09)
Well, here’s what they discovered is that cells, a cell membrane, that membrane actually changes as it becomes disease. So two things that they discovered within the study. One is that the physical shape of the cells changes its ability to easily distribute to charges greatly diminished by its physical shape. So technically a healthy, perfect, you know, really healthy cells, perfectly spiritual cell. So when it’s adapt position, then the cell can evenly distribute the voltage across that higher voltage, uh, before you had any breakdown. Whereas the, unhealthy cells tend to be more like a football shape, which concentrates to charges on its edges. You see amount of charge that can store across that the cell membrane wall. The other thing it happens is the dielectric constant of it actually changes. So if you look at on a cellular level surrounding this, that that cells, that cell membrane and it’s insulation capability changes as it becomes disease, it becomes more conductive. So its ability to withstand the voltage is greatly diminished so that you can actually first, what happens is the voltage is low enough, you start to leak voltage into the nucleus. But if you crank the voltage high enough, you can actually destroy the cancer cells. So like there’s a company called Nanoknife right now. So one of the ways in which they kill cancer cells and they’ll stick electrodes inside… So you stick the electrodes inside the cancer cells and it causes the cell cancer cells to open up or poreate. And what they find within that same study is cancer cells require hundreds of thousands of volts per meter before it starts to break down. Whereas the healthy cells stem cells up to 10 billion bolts got the dielectric actually begins to breakdown. But other cells, millions of volts be able to do that. So one of the things that they’re doing is they’ll stick to high voltage into, it causes the cancer cells open up or poreate, which makes it a better drug delivery system to get it into the nucleus to cell. Because that’s the keys chemotherapies, you got to get it into the nucleus itself where a healthy tissue that that cell membrane isn’t gating because the voltage isn’t having an effect. Because of its physical shape and dialectic of the installation of the cell membrane itself greatly increases the ability to store voltage across that cell membrane wall. (Frequencies, Harmonics, and Cancer Cells | 29:15)
The amp coil, the beamer, uh, the IRMS 2000, and they produce a magnetic field that induces a voltage on a, on a cellular level or even in a coil. Anything. It’s a coil of wire, it’s going to do some voltage in to it. That’s considerably different than the frequencies and harmonics. So frequencies and harmonics are actually generating these little radio station. So in the terms of like Rife, the multiway oscillator, the biocharger, we’re generating hundreds of thousands of little radio stations at very weak power levels in a very wide spectrum of frequencies that are broadcast in this little radio stations versus like a magnet where you produce a magnetic field with it. Now the beauty of the biocharger, what the tesla coil is you have that magnetic field component. So the beauty with the Tesla coils is internally in the box is a… primary coil then you have the secondary coil that’s tuned to that, that produces […] electric field. (PEMF | 32:59)
The amp coil is more of the very strong magnetic field. You’ll probably feel that a little bit more than whereas the beamer they have a proprietary and they’re magnetic field is more on the range of what the earth would be as far as if you measure it, you know, maybe a 30 or 40 gal. So somewhere in that range. Whereas these other devices, the high energies for a short period of time could be into Tesla’s the magnetic fields, but they break off. So, um, those amp coils, when you get really close to them, they’re putting in a lot of magnetic fields strength. The biocharger has that high energies, high magnetic field strength internally in the box, but around the edges of it, we’re down in an arrange of where the beamer would be, which is more in the magnetic field of your portion of it. So our magnetic field isn’t is quite as strong as say, the amp coil, but with the versatility, what you see at the amp coil, they could adjust their frequencies, but they can only change that up to 10,000 hertz. We can go up to 50 KD with ours plus the frequencies and harmonics that we generate with ours is a significantly different and power levels I believe are significantly higher with the biocharger. (Biocharger and PEMF | 34:24)
We could do multiple people at the time. So you can easily do six people as you do one person then that’s, that’s what’s really awesome about the biocharger. (Biocharger | 36:39)
The most exciting thing did I’m using right now and it’s built, they’re built into the, all the biochargers. We haven’t released it yet, but in the back door we have a little audio modulation capability with it… So I can literally play music off the top of the biocharger. So I like things like box or I have the psalm the plays or even rock and roll that I’m related to. I mean you can hear every instrument, you can hear all the voices and stuff like that. I had to work on, I’m working on the resonator part to really get the sound out of it cause I still have a little bit of history going on with it. (Biocharger, Recipes and Audio Modulation | 37:24)
What the drawbacks of those other devices that are out there. Once you get it, you got your stack of recipes and that’s it. You know, you can’t really add to the programs that you have other than sending it back in. Where with us, we’re constantly updating our library and, uh, as we make that available, it’s available for everyone. As long as you’re connected to the cloud and it’s operating and yeah, we can do remote diagnostics if we do it. We need to, but you know, built in the back of it, we have an optical port. So, um, you know, there’s a way we can hook it up to play the music. But, also the a just the way which we made it, you know, Tesla wouldn’t have used spark gap or vacuum tube to be take advantage of the cloud structure. So most of our computing is done up in the clouds. So we’re able to you know, down below in our computer into bio charger itself. We saw what we need to store in there and we can run a bunch of different recipes or programs that are in it. And as we add it there available for you to access it. (Recipes | 39:40)
The things that we mostly see are better sleep, more energy, better mental clarity, a definitely better sleep. You know less pain, a little bit more step… (Biocharger Success Stories | 41:10)
20 or 30% of the people have their own specific outcomes that they’d like to achieve with it. And one of the things that we offer is that, a return policy. So we want to make sure that people are totally happy with the Biocharger. Yeah. And, so on that level, you know, everyone’s very satisfied with it. We don’t get biochargers return very often. (Biocharger | 41:57)
We have people who are in their fifties and sixties that we train and they use it and then they go and train and they feel better. (Biocharger Success Stories | 43:06)
I think anything, I mean it, anytime you, you’re one of the biggest benefits with the biochargers, you get better uptake, those nutrients, better detoxification. So if you’re going to have that effect on a cellular level where you can gate the cell membrane wall to uptake nutrients, that’s always a win win. So if you’ve got the extra oxygen going around, you’ve got other things that are happening, uh, nutrition, even chemotherapy, and you’re trying to get things delivering the energy into the nucleus, you know, that’s, that’s where I think that the advantage. (Biocharger and Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber | 43:57)
We typically with lyme we start off a little slower. May not want to do it every single day right away. Maybe once every two or three days, just because there’s some people that respond differently than others, especially with lives depended on if it’s acute or chronic. They might detox too fast or something like that? That’s typically what happens is I think everything gets overloaded and if you’re not filtering it out that it just re circulates. (Biocharger and Lyme Disease | 45:53)
As an engineer mathematician, when you look at the spectrum of frequencies, it’s infinitely, not infinitely more, but, many magnitudes more because right now I’m discreetly changing every second the harmonics of frequencies. Whereas now I fill everything in and everything is just blended. And there’s also, there’s a relationship has the harmonics of frequency, so not only what you’re hearing, but there’s a relationship with the harmonics of frequencies generated there are also following the melodies. So if you do the right music, I think that ultimately I think that there is one, you know, one note, you know, I hit that one note yet, but I believe there is one universal note that a constraint very that uh, all other notes emit from and one of these days, you know, that’s, that’s the goal ultimately. (Frequencies and Harmonics | 46:46)
You had asked about parasites and and people utilizing different recipes and I know you probably had a chance to link up with David. Our head of support and recipe development on a, on that end through the process and seeing him go through and utilize his approach is pretty awesome in the way of these recipes being created and developed and being able to tap into some of these databases that people have kind of documented what frequencies reacting with certain parasites and being able to look to that research and incorporate that as well as some stuff of complimenting systems in areas of the body that that may help the body naturally when getting that ability up our immune system being able to take over and it pushed those out and…Fight it off. Yeah, exactly. And just […] voltage and as Jim said, just giving that cell that proper voltage to really just do what it’s supposed to do and get our body’s functioning properly is really neat to see that. And yeah, it’s a, it’s something to where not only humans and are dealing with parasites, but our, our furry friends too. I don’t know if you’ve got a, if you’ve got dogs or anything like that, but they loved the Biocharger and benefit from it just like we did. (Parasites, Biocharger and Recipes | 50:43)
This technology has been around are these modalities have been around for quite a while and just now incorporating that software and releasing and being on the market since about 2015 I would say most of our market based where those end users at home looking to benefit their own personal wellness efforts. But we’ve seen a pretty big shift in just kind of culture here in the US and and people kind of looking towards different modalities and different things to support those wellness efforts. And now kind of getting that term the biohacker and, and that’s something that we’re, we’re definitely getting a deeper into that market as well and really looking to expand and, and kind of get out there. Cause we agree, we see that and we’re in contact with more individuals like yourself every day that are, that are looking for the next thing to really kind of that peak performance market. Whereas we used to look at it more as athletic performance. But you know, it really does expand to not just athletes cause some, some athletes hang it up and they’re retired and they go to the gym and that’s about it. But they’re not on the field and not looking to compete there, but they’re looking to food, whether it’s, whether it’s in the gym or at home or moving on to the next chapter and starting a business and wanting that energy that they used to have when they were 20, 30 and so on. So it’s a market that we’re really getting into and we’ll actually be attending the upgrade labs conference next in April, so in April, and being able to get the biocharger on the eyes of those and work into really getting to that market more. (Biocharger | 52:50)
We have had awesome feedback with people who use it with Wim Hof that their experience had been magnitudes better when they use it with the biocharger. It’s just like, it’s a, it’s a complete game changer. And I, I’ve heard that from every single person that’s used it with Wim Hof. (Biocharger and Wim Hof Breathing | 54:33)
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, author of HEALING HACKS, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
Interview With John McMullin, CHt, HC (Healing Hacks)
People communicate not only through their words but through their energy signatures that many people have many subconscious attachment they themselves that they are not aware of. (Perception of Realities | 2:30)
Many of us are not aware that we all are martyrs and we benefit by punishing yourself or other people. We don’t realise that because it’s reactive and we’ve adaptive to it… learning how it is use our body parts and punish them for not meeting other people’s expectation. (Energy Signatures and Perception | 3:53)
One of the interesting aspects of adaptation is learning to justify or rationalise so someone might say “I have a broken heart and somebody did this to me” not realising we break our own heart blaming someone else. (Energy Signatures and Perception | 4:44)
What people tells us are symptoms rather it’s behaviour, physical, emotional, mental, spiritual are intuitive aspects. Many people compromise intuition because it’s a source of information the human ego filters out. (Energy Signatures and Perception | 5:30)
We are all gifted with a heart that vibrates an energy of consciousness. And an ego that vibrates, it’s still another energy of consciousness realising that the human ego is what saves us. It’s mission is to defend, improve for survival. The heart on the other hand is an energy field attempting to connect with our inside and outside world. For example, you smell a beautiful flower. It activates an experience. One would say that moved my heart. So back to your important question, we all have available many senses that we can turn on to experience the expression of another human self or nature. If it’s dangerous to the ego, it switches of the sensory system. I make a conscious effort to try and leave them open. (Energy Signatures – Energy of Consciousness, Human Ego | 9:17)
The reason we don’t sense all these energy information of another human is its sensory overload. It’s like if there’s a bad odor to the house we adapt to it and then we don’t even know it’s there. You could go outside and come back in. So what I do is sense that energy signature, the equipment because we hook up some electrodes to the body and start measuring chakra energy, meridian energy, on and on… many different frequencies including what we mention earlier the theoric field but there’s many energy fields around the body layered. And so our purpose is to see if there is harmony… We want glands and organs connecting and working together. If you and I grew up in a family where we experienced this harmony conflict then we associate that and imprint it to glands and organs in our body and they find each other the enemy. (Eductor and Energy Signatures | 12:53)
Healing has an assumption of wounding. In other words it’s rebalancing the energy signature of different tissue in the body and it just briefly look at some people called cancer is tissue that consumes other tissue. It’s the bigguns beating up on the little ones. The conflict we have with self and you spoke earlier off inflammation and what is inflammation? It’s a byproduct of irritation so if we have parts left and right hemisphere of our brain conflicted or we have parts of our body or ourself related to someone else irritated in conflict with another human then comes the inflammation and of course inflammation creates all kinds of problems including arthritis and other challenges. So healing is a process of bringing the body back in to energetic balance and no9t forgiving other people but forgiving ourselves for beating ourselves up for trying to beat other people up or get them to beat us up so that we matter. Forgiveness is forgiving our perceptions, not other people. (Healing | 15:04)
Many frequencies that occur in the body that low frequency are bad and high frequencies are good but actually the piece I would invite us to consider is harmony and harmonics of a base frequency. So we actually stimulate consciousness many people would say through a higher frequency what I would say is that we create a harmony with a vibration of our body that allows us to become a witness of, as well as a participant of life therefore, we have choices. But if our lower frequency we fight, flight or freeze or facade. We either attack or hide, those frequencies are actually imprinted into the not just human body but theoric field around the human body and so we become hyper vigilant and you would call it exhausted to adrenals, maybe a hyperactive fibroid, there’s many consequences to how we experience who we are in the world. (Frequencies and Healing | 17:19)
Basically, an irritated shoulder either it has been compromised emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, intuitively when we carry the weight of the world when we are over givers we have a need for example to make other people feel good so we can feel good about yourself. Our body gets resentful, this is hate, what about me. So we get irritated on ourself and so Louise Hayes and a number of other authors who talked about how to speak about body symptoms as a metaphoric indication. So the shoulder might be carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. It’s a language rather than a literal language. It’s comes a metaphoric language who talk to our body and say “Hey shoulder, I abused you. I was not paying attention and help me here.” And you’d say wait a minute the shoulder doesn’t know that you’re talking to it. I propose oh yes it does. This is especially true of a broken heart where we accuse someone of hurting us and breaking our heart. We don’t know how to say to our heart I broke my heart over my expectation of somebody. So learning the language of metaphoric discussion with a heart creates a new frequency and opportunity otherwise we go on having a physical therapist or a chiropractor or some other telepathic person continually trying to massage or put our shoulder back into place. And the real question I had is why are we not working on the issue instead of the symptom. (Frequencies and Healing | 19:22)
This whole book is about healing naturally at the root cause so we could avoid some of the bigger cuts, slashing and burning which is the typical mode nowadays for within the medical community. It’s like you know chemo, surgery, and radiation or something like that… MRI’s, etcetera. (Healing | 24:15)
We live in I perceived a duality world. And that we learn from the shadow and enjoy the light side of energy. Many people hide from the ego, hides from shame and fear and what threatens us and what shames us but in truth, we learn more from our challenges than we do from pleasure. And so what I would say to Dr. Hawkins and some other people say I just want to live in peace, I just want to be happy and what I reflect to them… well how do you learn? If you live in this world of no challenges, how do you expand consciousness so I would offer that there is what some people would call destiny meaning the synchronicity of the moment we live, die and all the events in between. It’s not the event, it’s how we experience though and so for me the core issue here isn’t the events of our life. It’s what they represent to us, that issue determines the functional coherent flow of life force energy through our body as much as anything else. (Duality World and Ego | 29:34)
If we can find an age where we can represent where we were traumatise we have no clue, reclaim the event and turn it into a learning experience instead of a paralysing event, magic happens. (PTSD | 32:25)
If we can help a person experience an event from a different position, magic happens emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, intuitively we become a different person. (PTSD | 33:24)
All hypnosis or self hypnosis what they’ll do to us is they create an environment where we hypnotise yourself and it only takes milliseconds to self hypnotise so… (Hypnosis | 36:12)
Consider the possibility that we are numb through dissociation, daydreaming, misdirected attention, attaching to opinions and defending them, it goes on and on… until we become a witness of our own behaviour so inviting ourselves to participate with what I call holistic coaching or good therapist whatever that means to have somebody reflect back to us how were communicating messages of experiences we ourself don’t know we’re communicating. In other words to be compassionately curious about what it is we are hiding from yourself is the beginning. (Hypnosis | 37:33)
The reason through hypnosis is to bring people out of hypnosis and instead of reading a book to be informed by the author, I teach them how to read a book to challenge the authors’ experience with their own. It keeps them coherent. (Hypnosis | 40:27)
It’s true that all living things have a level of consciousness. The question that hand is, are we present, sensitive, aware of the message that all life has to send to us. And when we’re busy whether own world or not very interested in witnessing… one of the great challenge since you brought it up I believe for the human ego is not to attach to the stories we’ve made up about who we are but to witness through other people’s filter system what they make us. Although I have opinions of who I Am, what I Am more interested in is your life experiences and what I represent to you. (Nature/ Environment and Human Ego | 42:30)
Our environment influence our well being and shades of grey absolutely. As you well know our DNA is made up in a helical format, the most efficient antenna that man has ever designed to track satellites, this helical antenna with parabolic reflector underneath it and you and I actually have tuned our helical antennas or DNA to the energy of self and the outside world and we can actually adjust, the DNA actually expands or contracts based on its experience of the outside world. Another word we would use for that is adapting. (Environment & Energy Signatures and Health | 44:51)
We all have the consciousness to turn off pain so we don’t have to feel it which has a lightning shadow… we take the frequency of homeopathy or urban remedies or energy signatures from other sources and intend them to merge with the frequency of someone’s belief system and watch how quickly we can influence how a person perceives themselves and influence our self loathing from the drug industry it’s a chemical function of how we adapt to the influence of synapsing of the brain. From the holistic point of view, it becomes another opportunity… (Environment, Frequency & Energy Signatures | 46:35)
I have a series of question to help people help themselves, self evaluate where they are right now and I don’t believe we can give anybody anything we are so so possessed, and so how does a person really experience themselves in the relationship with themselves about another person? We would say what’s my relationship with my spouse or how that goes. For me it’s a question how do I experience a relationship with myself about that person because we never know another human. All we do is project our eclectic experiences on to them and say well you’re bad or you’re a good person or I loved you when we got married, now I don’t love you anymore. We don’t know how to say I don’t trust myself with you the way I once did. So back to the important question, all of us would want to ask ourself. You were talking about low hanging fruit is why would anybody want me for a life partner and since you’re hosting this show, how would you answer the question why would anybody want you for a significant other? (Frequency, Energy Signatures and Health |51:28)
The reason it’s such an important question that we ask ourself and or another human is we all have what we would call self loathing or another word is we all have an inferiority complex. I mean it comes from being a small child and the presence of family members first where we felt helpless and it’s an imprint. Most of who we are is identified within our first 7 years of our lives… If I’m in process of having a partnership with another human, I realise that I can never compliment them beyond their threshold, their ability to receive the compliment. And the question is so significant because most people answer it well- Im charming, I’m good in bed, I’m funny, I’m smart, and on it goes, in other words their answering the question out of human doing rather than human being. So what is human being? It is realising who I Am not through my activity but through my experience of the stories I made up about me. So if I need to prove and defend I matter because I have credentials behind my name, I have big house, car, blah blah… that’s called attachment. In asking someone to connect with their being, well I’m a vessel to express life in this literal realm in a unique way. No other human can. That my being is vesselling consciousness beyond my ego’s awareness. So if someone can say I’ll tell you who I Am John. I Am the experience of other people. I can’t make somebody happy or sad. I can’t be…I think I can make people happy by giving my body away, my money away or whatever. Here’s the truth — that’s called enabling. I labeled it, but when we enable people we are trying to take care of them to make ourselves feel good about ourself… I would ask them to embrace this important question. Why would anybody want me in their life? The answer is based on their life experiences of what they make me not who I Am. Then that helps minimise the shame and fear that I Am not me being somebody else’s expectations. So you ask about low hanging fruit, there’s a good place to start. (Healing and Energy Signatures, Awareness | 53:58)
We are unbelievably powerful beyond what we can even phantom and how our body is a machine that has the ability to heal itself (Body and Healing | 57:41)
I think it’s really important to grow beyond the attachments that we had as children because we are adult children to believe in a simple truth we are a lot more afraid of intimacy and power than we are ashamed in fear. Our attachment are ashamed in fear because we perceived we can control it. You cannot control how magnificent we are so we dismissed it and make ourself pathetic because interesting paradox we have much more power in the family being pathetic than we are dominant. (Human Ego and Perception | 58:35)
Our experiencing other people’s perception of us without attaching to them, being curious about who we are in the minds of other people without needing to meet expectations. Learning our purpose, if you can’t define your reasons for being in this literal realm then you dismiss yourself and ask other people to do that. Who are we? We are a vessel to express life in this literal realm. It’s a dualistic world and it’s the only place that the human soul or spirit can experience the consequences of duality and the reason we are here is to confuse ourself so that we can wake up to oneness. (Healing and Energy Signatures | 59:55)
Ego doesn’t like getting an information that it can’t hide. (Ego | 1:03:13)
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, author of HEALING HACKS, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
Interview with Miguel Barthelery PhD Molecular Medicine (Healing Hacks)
When you workout you can pretty much eat whatever you want and you’ll be fine to a specific degree or in a certain point. (Health | 5:28)
What you put in your mouth conditioned your health status. (Health | 6:33)
Changing people’s diet that’s one of the pillars of the whole thing and aromatherapy is a big one. (Diet | 16:27)
If these 4 pillars work your body will generate and will start healing itself. Healing is not a mind thing, it’s more of a mind learning to step away from what the body needs to do. And the 4 pillars you’re right, first thing a baby does is seeking his first breathe so breathing is a very first thing that’s why breathe work… (4 Pillars | 17:54)
4 Pillars (18:24)
And they don’t understand that the reason why the body is making so much cholesterol…Yeah even if you don’t eat animal protein is because your arteries are weak and it need some type of a glue, some type of something… rupture, foods going to make a lot of cholesterol to make sure that your arteries are not going to rupture and of course when you take statins the first side effect of statins are aneurysm. It’s the first thing obviously so it looks like your body is screwing up and actually it’s not. It’s trying to compensate for something that you do that is wrong and it’s thinking that it’s temporary and of course it is not because you are not supposed to live like that for a long time. And your body has a sort of middle term type of remedies for things because it’s assuming that you know you will do, you will cooperate. Your body is going to scratch your back and and is going to scratch in… (Cholesterol | 22:24)
High blood pressure is when you have a lot of starch residues behind your arteries so your tissues are starve from fluids and that keeps the pressure up. The minute you take, get rid of these residues then flow starts to come back to tissues and then the pressure comes down that’s why when you exercise you don’t have high blood pressure because you put that extra work on your lymphatic system and you sort of force it to work more so you get that basically the pressure’s going to sucked up in your tissue and you won’t have that high blood pressure issue. (High Blood Pressure | 23:45)
The pharmaceutical industry doesn’t know how to help the body, that’s not his job, and I’m not saying that’s an evil plan from someone who’s throwing some moustache. I’m saying that it’s not the strategy of a pharmaceutical industry. As a scientist when I work in a pharmaceutical industry, the strategy was to inhibit things, it was block things, it would have target In terms of proteins and enzymes. We have targets to block their action so when you block a protein, you block the body. Plants work in a totally different strategy you know if you could argue that plants have energy but when you give something an essential oil not inhibiting anything… When you give someone a plant you’re helping a body, you’re not preventing anything from happening, that’s a very new paradigm you know… mindset when someone is sick to prevent something from happening that’s starting from the 50s. (Health and Pharmaceutical Industry | 25:11)
The mindset was always to help the body. And that has completely changed instead we block the body from doing something, we even block bacteria from doing their work and that’s their job to clean up when your immune system can’t. (Health | 26:42)
A disease is only 3 things… only 3 things. Disease is the blockage, the slowing down or the hindrance of elimination process. So if the body is trying to eliminate something and it’s blocked, it’s slow down or if it’s prevented in any reason for example put to medication then you get, you could have a problem, you create disease. So basically a disease is a manifestation of the body trying to cleanse itself but not being able to finish the job, it stuck somewhere so anytime you’re fighting disease, you’re fighting the body … usually your body is stuck there because of vaccination, because of constant bombarding of people’s body with anti-inflammatory, compounds with antibiotics… (Disease | 29:19)
If disease is blockage slowing down, or hindering things or elimination process when you’re talking health. What are you going to do is unblock what is blocked, speed up what is slowed down and you kind of resume what is stopped or hindered. So without plants, and without cleanses what happens… when you give the body what it really needs is you might resume the old diseases that you had before. (Disease and Cleanses | 33:04)
When you used plants and when you use cleanses you help the body out, so you finish the job and sometimes if you use cleanses the right way you won’t even see the manifestation of disease starting up again because you’re going to keep clearing the lymph, the circulating lymph, it’s going to clear it as it gets loaded by the body regularly to be expelled later. So plants do that especially in particular they will trigger gene expression they will reactivate organ function. What essential oils do on gene expression is just astounding. They will also… so people talk about certain essential oils like tea tree or cinnamon or oregano like antibiotics than anti-anything… ortho biotics. The suffix Ortho in greek means right angle, makes something right. So it puts the balance back in the microbiome, in the diversity of the microbes you have. So it’s going to prevent by helping the body eliminate faster, it’s going to be prevent the accumulation of the bacteria, pathogens and that we’ll talk about maybe later and it’s going to prevent them from proliferating too much and help the good ones establish some sort of a barrier against them. So it’s never going to kill everything. If you give somebody antibiotic, it can kill everybody. And they’re just as effective. In the end, no more infection but one of them killed everybody and the other one… so the difference between having a global war everybody dies and then theres no more war or having be able to declare peace treaty. At the end no more war but you have 2 different scenarios there… (Cleanses | 34:07)
Breath works is an amazing way to get rid off acids. When people want more information on that they can listen to what Wim Hof has to say about it. (Breathe Work | 37:18)
The minute you add cooked starches to your diet, you clog your body. You threw wrench into the body’s mechanism of cleanses. (Food and Nourishment – Starches | 41:04)
We need to give the body what it needs. It’s like having a car like a regular car and having put in your engine a diesel gas. So the first thing you need to do is stop and put in a regular gas in your car, that is the first thing you need to do. You’re not going to keep putting diesel in your engine. But second thing you need to do is cleanse your engine. So it’s one thing to give the body what it needs to start regenerate but you need to cleanse the body. And you won’t cleanse the body until the body has enough energy to do so. The first thing that’s going to happen is to give and stop eating crap and give the body what it needs and that’s going to give the body energy and the energy is going to rise and rise… And whenever the body hits an excess energy, that’s when the body starts cleansing. 2 cases when your body cleanses…So the first thing that the body does… The 2 cases when your body start to cleansing mechanism on its own, the first one is when you have excess energy. You’ve eating a lot of fruits, you’re on vacation you’re going to the sun it’s summer, taking time you are resting. So all the pillars are getting better and better, you toggle above a certain thresholds that is variable between one person and another and then all of a sudden your body cleanses. Second case when your body does that, and that’s one of the reasons people you know they’re like – oh you know I went to vacation and now I’m sick… “And now you’re body is able to get rid of whatever they get rid off. It looks like a disease because the process slows down, incomplete or it’s blocked and so it’s disease. The second case when the body is going to do that is when your body has to deal with a shock. It could be emotional shock, physical shock, it could be trauma, it could be thermal shock. That’s the interesting part of the Wim Hof method. The body is going to try and cleanse because it’s in a way you’re going to trigger the fight or flight response. You’re going to trigger an impulse of internal energy to expel something. And the body is going to do that, it’s going to try to cleanse and the cleansing mechanism is very important to understand normally so you have 3 exhaust pipes.You have your colon for solids, you have your bladder for fluids and things that are soluble in water, and the colon is for things that are solid and non soluble in water and then you have your lungs for gases. When your body is trying to expel mucus and I guess it’s a good segue way to talk about mucus, when your body is going to expel mucus, you’re going to try expel a solid through your gas pipe, that can’t go right when you’re having bronchitis that’s exactly what happens. You’re body is trying to expel mucus through your lungs and your lungs are just made for you to expel gases so this is going to be long and painful, this is going to be slow, that is disease because that is the only way out your body was able to find. Because usually, either the person has been denied of having diarrhea as a kid several times every time the kid had diarrhea you stopped it… that’s at some point the body to stop doing that or sometimes genetically it has degenerated so much that the body doesn’t even consider that option. And Chinese medicine also teaches you that if your colon is blocked, the lungs are going to take over. (Cleanse | 51:13)
Complex carbohydrates are actually mushrooms or fungus so that’s a speciality. Actually if you see a tree trunk that is dead in the forest you’ll find mushrooms… that’s their job. But mushroom only only operate with oxygen. If there’s no oxygen there’s no mushrooms, there’s no fungus. So when there’s no oxygen who takes over? Bacteria because they can live without. So people who have issues candida albicans than people who tend to not to have issues with oxygen intake in their bloodstream, most people don’t and they will have a bacterial infection instead… So you have 2 poisons, 2 real poisons or humans. First one is animal product – proteins and the second one is cooked starches and cooked starches make mucus so it doesn’t matter if its rice or whatever it’s going to make mucus. Some mucus is lighter than other for example – gluten is very heavy. It’s going to stay around the lower part of the body, it’s going to stay around then digestive tract kind of hinder a lot of exchanges with the legs, the genitals, the leg area, the colon. It’s going to stay down there… “You have other type for example rice, potatoes, make very light type of mucus and that travels more around the body. It looks like rice has a tendency the lingo if gonna be using jargon for a minute probably call it a tropism. It’s going to preferably stay in a certain part of your body, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t go to the others but likes that area a lot, and rice loves the upper body area. It’s going to love the head area so people who have sinus infection, rhinites ear infection, people who are shy, people who are very scared of everything, autism is another one. Rice is a bad news. Rice is going to make it worse… so many people gluten free At first it’s going to feel better because all of a sudden the digestive tract is sort of liberated in a way, you stop poisoning the digestive system so you have more nutrients coming through, you have a different type of intestinal flora, of microbiome growing. Usually the parents because they think that’s the way we’ve been brought up, the parents think that they need some sort of a starch, they’re going to start eating rice instead… (Food and Nourishment – Starches | 56:50)
So autism doesn’t just dropped like that from the sky. Usually it’s a result of damage done by medication. (Autism and Medication | 1:02:42)
It usually started in the vaccine. I’ve seen consequences of vaccine being other than autism. I have seen more diabetes, the juvenile diabetes coming from vaccination than autism but maybe because in France people eat different types of starches because that’s also something to consider, what types of starches people eat, what there diet. Because to me you really have to understand this are the 2 poisons – Animal proteins because they’re rich in glutamate among other things and for other reasons… And cooked starches. And these are the two types of bullet in your magazine . Everything else is just a trigger. So of course if the magazine is loaded and you pull the trigger then it going to shot. If you take the bullets out of the gun then you can pull the trigger all you want, nothing is going to happen. So pesticides, heavy metals, this and that…pollens, whatever… it doesn’t matter. If your body is clean it won’t affect you. So why does it affect you and not somebody else it’s another issue because basically you know when you look at your screen right now you have 3 diodes in your screen – you have a red one, a blue one and green one, tiny deluted ones and mixing the colours of the three things makes 16 million colors that you can have on the screen. So same for health you have the crystals or the precipitated acids, you have the mucus and then you have the genetics which is a mixture between your personal history which is epigenetic and your ancestry; which is like your hardcore genetics. So with these 3 things you’ll do every single disease on earth. And it’s going to look different like colors are different but we do it with these 3 things. So a kid… usually kid who develop autism are kids that were… not always but a lot of the times, these kids have very powerful bodies as a matter of fact somebody who is always sick is not somebody weak. It’s the total opposite, somebody who’s sick is somebody who’s body is still able to say I need to cleanse, I need to get this out of me and of course there’s other people that are the most medicated. My point was that… when a kid has had a mucus type of diarrhea, it’s more and more difficult to find kids who are able to be able to do that… like these green diarrhea, very mucousy diarrhea… (Medicine, Food and Nourishment – Starches | 1:03:02)
If you don’t support the body it will kill you. Yeah… true. But if you support the body so you keep it hydrated, you let the thing and you don’t try to stop it, you help it with plants and you help the body cleanse then all these mucus comes out regularly. And kids who develops autism a lot of the times are kids that were stabbed dead in there tracts trying to expel mucus. Either mucus coming out of their digestive system or usually coming out of their respiratory system. And there were stabbed dead on their tracts like a really strong medication and that stunned the body, the mucus did not come out. It could be from the intestines, it could be an ear infection, and what happens the mucus stays in and you have mucus in your head and your body goes… it just shuts down. You get glues, you get mucus in your head, all of a sudden you get that veil on your brain basically and you start going into yourself and because you’re intoxicated you will only ask for, you basically ask for the type of food that favours the lymph… So if the lymph is loaded with mucus, you’re going to love mucus. Mucousy type of food so you’re going to be eating tons of starches. It’s going to be your kryptonite. So the bad news is that if you are lymph is loaded with acids, you’re going to love acid generating foods. So dairy products, meats, processed food, very processed food in general… so all that is going to feed into your intoxication so that’s the bad news you’re going to be attracted to your kryptonite. The good news is that you’re going to be attracted to your best medicine as well. The medicine being in the world of plants when they’re unprocessed and raw. So you’re going to be attracted to foods , fruits and vegetables. Raw fruits and vegetables are the best for you. For example, somebody who is very acidic like type 1 diabetics. They love kiwis, they live pineapple, they love acidic fruits because the acid in these fruits are acids that are very soluble number 1 and they have the body displays the insoluble ones that are problem for the body. So it’s not the question of acids or base or alkaline or acidity. It’s the question is this acid soluble in vivo or not. (Cleanses | 1:08:01)
Apple cider vinegar has ethanoic acid which is same as regular vinegar, or wine vinegar but it has another acid which is another very interesting one which is malic acid. And malic acid is excellent to solubilise and break down any type of stones… So gallbladder stones especially. It’s a great great way of making these gallbladder stones more soluble and start making them break apart. So apple cider vinegar is kind of like 2 head things so it’s interesting for people who have a very toxic type of diet, people who eat pasta and ham every night or every day. Of course when they get apple cider vinegar it’s going to be better for them so it always depends on where you start from. Same thing if these people who eat only pasta and ham every night with butter or ketchup whatever or with cheese… all of a sudden if you give them yogurt, it’s going to be better because it’s alive food, it’s going to be better for them that what they’re used to. But this is still acid generating food so you’re going to plateau at some point and for people who are already eating rough foods already pass that you know doing a good job of making their lives better by changing their diet, apple cider vinegars are bad idea. You’re better off actually making green apple juices to cleanse your liver. So you probably familiar with Andreas Moritz protocol for the liver cleanse. The clock cleanse, I encourage everybody to read that book, it’s an amazing book… (Cleanses | 1:11:52)
What you need to understand is that when people have start making things like kidney stones and stuff like that it’s not because of what they’re eating. Im talking about raw plants right now right… Im not talking about cooked food, thats different story. Talking about raw plants, they will trigger the release of stones from your kidneys. Stones that were already there. If you go to juice cleanse like if you’re going to drink a lot of… wheatgrass. If you drink a lot of wheat grass and your kidneys are littered with kidney stones… you’ll go to a gigantic crisis where everything its released all at once and you’ll go through like the worst nightmare of your life. And people will tell you oh you have all that raw vegetable juices that’s what cause because of the oxalic acid it cause the kidney stone happening. This is not the case… Oxalic acid of course precipitates outside of the body does precipitate certain minerals that’s true but it’s not what caused the kidney stones from happening. They were already there. What happened is that taking that green juice got rid of all the mucus that was actually holding these stones together and then it released. That’s one of the reasons when people very acidified I tend to tell them that they’re going to drink juices and stuff but I didn’t tell them that they need to alkalise, that they need to put a lot of alkaline matter in their bodies, they’re going to start cleansing with magnesium salts like magnesium hydroxide and start getting rid of the stones enough that when the mucus comes out it doesn’t…they just don’t break in half. (Cleanses | 1:19:08)
So my point is that I’m not against modern medicine. I’m just saying that modern medicine is an emergency medicine that is taking way too far and I think it got its destroying medicine, It’s not, it’s just not… and when somebody goes for detox, somebody has like a bad case of bronchitis or bad case of diarrhea or something…eczema or boils or whatever it is. If they don’t know how to help the body, I’d rather have them stop it. I’d rather have them go to the emergency room, go to your doctors, take antibiotics, try this and try that… because to me this is emergency to give you, to buy you time until you’re able to help the body do what it needs to do. So I’m totally okay with that… and some of my patients when they said if they go through crisis for some reason… you know retreat somewhere there’s no phone connection and they’re going through a crisis although they have a crisis, a protocol they need to go through. Sometimes it’s a protocol that’s going to be tailor-made for them but it’s not going to be applicable in every single situation and usually when they go through crisis because they did not cleanse. If you cleanse properly you never see the shade of a crisis… Because you help the body cleanse very slowly… (Cleanse and Modern Medicine 1:22:07)
For me there’s a role for modern medicine and it’s emergency role sometimes you have no other choice but to do something, to stop something because you don’t have the energy, you don’t have the knowledge, you don’t have the resources to do what needs to be done and I’d rather use to have a process because you don’t know what to do… and so you find someone who can help you. (Modern Medicine | 1:24:21)
Because you went in the first time because the modern medicine instead of treating the cause was just treating the symptoms when it actually was not an emergency in the first place, they treating the symptoms so you went in a situation where your body was like no I still want to cleanse and then it came to a really bad crisis because of your job and because of your own genetic constitution and it makeup you had the strength to keep trying to cleanse yourself and then modern medicine came in and disrupted it once more and that was the end of it for you… and so that’s what happens. (Modern Medicine | 1:25:13) [I think it’s important to mention just on here where talking about like the epigenetic and genetics. So youre talking about like your ancestral genetics and essentially you can be passed on this genetic kind of profile and in that profile there might be the latent gene for certain disease expression and if you eat bad food and you’re exposed to toxins, that gene expression will be turned on whereas if you’re healthy and eating the right food, that gene expression will be triggered off.]
So real quick kind of synopsis. How do you get people to express the right genes and feel good and heal the body? “Breath work number 1, food… So I talk about nourishment, I don’t talk about nutrition. I don’t care about nutrition. It’s very important to look at that word – Nourishment. If you dissect the word it’s nourish so you have to do with making something grow. M-e-n-t that suffix… so in French actually all our adverbs finish by m-e-n-t. All our adverbs so whenever you use an adverb for example Kindly would be gentiment, it’s putting kindness in the mind. In France that’s how it works. So it means a lot in a way that in our culture everything has been put in the mind by the way so… nourishment is making the mind grow. It’s not about making your body grow. The body is going to grow anyway, it’s making your mind grow, your soul so your mind and your body obviously. So it’s a holistic thing… so I don’t care about the nutrition, I care about nourishment. So nourishment is about going towards the food that actually going to make your body grow, your emotions healthy, and your mind grow second thing. Third thing – rest… Chinese medicines teaches you that, actually the ancients used to say that every hour you sleep before midnight counts double and Chinese medicine… Chinese medicines tells you why… your adrenal glands recharge according to the Chinese medicine. Your adrenal glands recharge between 9pm and 11pm. Your thyroids recharges between 7pm and 9pm. So you got to be recharged as you sleep in these hours, you’re going to be recharging 2 glands, well 3 glands – 2 sets of glands that are really important in the management of your energy. So in terms of access to energy and a release of energy. It’s a very, subtle difference. Both of these sets of glands are able to do that so you recharge these glands. So when somebody does that sleep cure, so the essential oils involved are important because it’s difficult to do it without to be very frank because it’s kind of like artificial type of thing. But because they are able to do that even if they go to bed and they sleep like 4 hours a night then the following week they’ll be fine in the morning. So I don’t encourage them to do that of course but I’ll tell them just do that so that you consolidate the third pillar – the rest one. It’s a sleep but it’s not just a sleep, resting. Take time off to do other things, not take time off to workout necessarily. Take time off to do nothing and you’re okay doing nothing. And something you’re just in bed and just like look at your ceiling and that’s what meditation helps you to be okay with not doing anything. And it could be just have a walk in the park. I tell people actually to practice grounding and then resting. So I tell them go if you have a park next to you or woods or something, take your shoes off, go walk for half an hour that’s the best antidepressant… So the third pillar is the rest that’s going to be important and the 4th is eliminating and this is where cleanses are important. (4 Pillars)
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, author of HEALING HACKS, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
Beaufort Health: Healing Hackers Interview – Miguel Barthelery PhD Molecular Medicine
If you want to find out what real health looks like and how to heal naturally, you may want to watch this video.

I interviewed my good friend Miguel Barthelery for a book I am writing, who has his PhD in Molecular Medicine and was doing his post doc at Harvard and working for the pharmaceutical industry when he decided to leave the US to go back to France and embark on a journey to help people heal naturally. It is a long interview but you will find out real nuggets of truth about your body, mind and health. We speak about healing people naturally through raw diet and cleansing acids and mucus.
Alright so I am here with my good friend Miguel Barthelery. So Miguel, I’m going to share a little bit of your background but I know it’s extensive and that you have a PhD in Molecular Medicine and you are doing your postdoc at Harvard and you left Harvard to go back to Paris or France where you are from, is that correct?, “That’s right” and then your barked on a healing journey. “Yeah so the journey well… I don’t know if it never stopped or never really started. It is difficult to tell but something happened definitely after I received my PhD. I’m a graduate from Penn State University and my postdoc was at, some of a joint postdoc sort of where half of my time I spent at Harvard and the other at Harvard Medical School and then at Harvard Cancer Institute and the other half was at Novartis in Cambridge on the other side of the river. It was actually funded, my post-doc was funded by the private industry, so I have a pretty good idea what’s going on in the private pharmaceutical industry. I understand and actually I think I’m pretty compassionate I am on that because there are wonderful people working for that industry. What happened was me… what I was doing for myself, for my personal life became… it didn’t match what I was doing in the lab because my background is biochemistry. I have a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry and molecular biology and most biochemist are really really into nutrition and metabolism and stuff like that, that’s pretty much what we are studying most of the time. And a… so I had been experimenting with my diet pretty much since I started studying biochemistry.
What age would you say that was in your early 20s?
Yeah my early 20s, I’ve always never big on eating meat, that was not really my thing. As a matter of fact it’s part of contention with my mother who was a carnivore and a nurse so she was you know… she was definitely formatted in the idea that you should be eating a certain amount of protein a day. And her loving meat in the first place, it made a very difficult for her that her first born just didn’t want to have anything to do with meat. Umm…. So that was something already. I remember having… it was a big subject growing up people said I’m a picky eater which I thought was stupidest thing because I would eat any vegetable. What kid eats all vegetables? I just don’t wanna eat any type of meat or was very picky about the meat. I love fish, eggs or stuff like that but red meat and black meat in chicken or something, I was like no it’s just not for me, and so I didn’t feel I was a picky eater because I love vegetables.
Anyway… so that was sort of where I started with the whole meat thing and I started eating meat again when I was 17 just to give you an idea how it came about because I felt like well you know I was starting working out and everything and you’re like okay…
Trying to put on some muscle? Yeah…
And I was like oh maybe I need to eat meat again and started eating meat again when I was 17 or something and that was me picky with the meat. I would eat but sort of starting to eat that again and the moment I left home actually, when I left home to study in the United States… with the study I was involved in… in College it became clear to me that you know it didn’t really matter if it’s animal or sun based proteins and as a matter of fact it seem more logical to have sun based proteins, the prime apes that we are.
Did you ever encounter any health issues when you started to eat the animal protein or did you ever embark on the healing journey specifically because you encountered any health issues?
No…as a matter of fact I think that’s somehow I put the health on the back burner. Number 1 because I worked out so health was never an issue. When you workout you can pretty much eat whatever you want and you’ll be fine to a specific degree or in a certain point. And I was young enough that it didn’t matter?
Unless you’re poisoned by medication.
But as a matter of fact I did have health issues… I have asthma a kid. I had asthma but that’s not because of animal protein, that because of starches which is another topic. So… my idea was I was always interested in health and everything because my parents being in the…my mom being a nurse, my dad was a special educator so everything he deal with psychology of kids and stuff like that, health and food was always a topic at home and even in my extended family. It was very very clear at least in my family that what you put in your mouth conditioned your health status. They’re difficult to explain but that’s really what it was… my background
That’s very interesting to me because what I find, what I encounter like these people who are healers is that there’s like a something encoded in their DNA, that’s like the conversation was… like the family unit have already kind of conversation or something like that so do you find that to be true… do you know anything about like your ancestry or like anything?
It so nice that would be interesting to you because I didn’t grew up with them but my mom ’s father who is a Native American which my mom told me couple of years ago that… she mentioned that… oh but you know your grandfather was a healer or something back in March and I was like what? How come you never told me that and yeah he…people came to my grandparents house to you know could be a women who were pregnant and needed to place to stay until they were able to deliver the baby and they would actually pay for the dowry if they needed one and people who got sick for whatever reason they come to my grandfathers’ and my grandmother’s house and my grandfather would go and get the plants that they needed to get back together. My grandfather you know healed my mom, their entire life with plants and with fasting, and purges and I didn’t know that and I had no idea but it happened and she mentioned that on a conversation that we could’ve missed altogether and I still wonder why that didn’t ever cross their mind but what was interesting is that he never liked meat which I did not know. My mom told me that my grandfather ate meat because his wife cooked meat and his wife was a carnivore as well and she was a type 1 diabetic of course because she liked meat so much but he just ate a little bit of what she cooked because he loved his wife but kept telling her you know I’d rather you not do that. He would just eat it anyway but if he was left alone on devices, he would never ever cooked meat… ever. So like what you said there was something there that you know I’m 42 this year and it just, I only learned of that couple of years ago…
So something has passed down to you essentially…
It sort of looks like that way.
So tell me about a… so you moved from Boston, you went to Paris and you somehow came across this lady who has now pretty much changed your life right and this is kind of like this is now what you do for a living… is this correct?
Yeah she a… so when I was working at a pharmaceutical industry, it became more more clearly to me that what, how I was living my own life, you know I was spinning instructor, I was working out like everyday of the week except for the weekends, I would eat…really into you know I was including green juices in my diet, I cut off all the meat…I was like I don’t need that I’m just going to make the juices and everything. And everything that I started…it wasn’t something that I could describe as something in me shifted were I completely lost interest in what I doing in the lab. It was super interesting on a. Intellectual level but I did not care anymore to actually do the bench work, it was like hmmm…
Do you think you were like a removed from the matrix a little bit…
Well… I was never quite in I think. If I may say to myself… speaking of which when that movie came out I remember coming out at the theatre like I was thunderstruck and my friends were all talking about how great the special effects were, how great the animation was and other friend of mine was you guys don’t understand what it was about, it has nothing to do with special effect like this is like yeah it made sense to me back then in a way that that trilogy is a reference for me…
Yeah, same here.
And I think the idea that it was more subtle than that.
Okay is it maybe like a… your soul now knew the direction of its path maybe more?
So again the point… it became more and more clear to me that I need to go back to Europe and I was trying to find a way to find a job where I could at least go back and forth from Boston to Europe or even from New York or wherever. I mean I had been… at that point I had been to United States for 13 years right? So I had my life, I had my friends, I had my great apartment in Boston, I have great life and there was no reason for me to leave that and everybody kept telling me, “why do you want to come back?” I said I don’t know. And then because I was tired of giving that answer I started to tell people well… I started to come up with an answer and I’d tell well you know it’d be great if I could just you know apply the fact that I speak French, I speak English and you know kind of put that in my work life, I want to travel more and now I wanted do this and that… and at that point I was the Vice President of the Harvard graduate consulting club. So I was interested in many different consultings and we actually being Vice President of that club we did have real measuring consulting cases that we were pursuing pro bono for a lot of companies around Boston area including Novartis actually but we did have a lot of pro bono work just to just try to get to a consulting, measuring consulting wealth. And so I look into that and see if I could go back to Europe with that route and everything on the paper was right, but nothing worked. It was the strangest thing, when people needed people actually sought me out to interview for positions either in the managing, consulting or in pharmaceutical industry or stuff like that and nothing worked out. It was weird to me like I don’t understand and then maybe it’s the ostrich in me I’m trying to put my head in the sand but I found like okay whatever we’ll see what that leads and at some point I came to a point where the only way for me to stay in United States would have been cause I didn’t want to pay for a green card, I’m not spending $5000 for a green card sorry you know I think if the United States doesn’t recognise that spending 13 years living taxpayer dollars getting an education is not enough for me to stay here then…
And if you have a lot of value to offer…
Yeah I felt it’s what the book says you know if he’s not that into you then move on… and so I decided to… it came to a point where I was like I just had blown all my shots and I had a month to make a decision either I went back to academia, ask my old boss to hire me for few months you know and kind of like eat dirt, and figure out what I was going to do next or I was just going to leave everything and go back to Europe and start fresh there. And I had a month left to decide and I told my friends, a friend of mine, a very good friend of mine and I told her look I need to come back, I don’t know what I’m going to do. Can I cross at the place and she said yeah sure. So I came back to Europe. And it was…again I felt compelled to go back to Europe and came to a point where I had to justify that decision because it didn’t make any sense but yeah I don’t know how else to say that but I just felt compelled to come back.
So when you came back, you ran into this woman and basically she now is mentoring you…
Yeah… we’re actually working together now.
Oh you work together and so I mean tell me a little bit about what you guys are doing so basically you’re healing people with all types of ailments like can you just give a kind of list of things that you’re healing people with?
Yeah…so changing people’s diet that’s one of the pillars of the whole thing and aromatherapy is a big one. It’s just surprising how much it can do with this aroma therapy. Phytotherapy as well, energy healing for some people. I’ve learned it, I don’t practice it on a regular basis but every once in a while that’s useful for me at least for my patients and at least because I learned that with somebody another great guy in Paris… you know I know a lot of healers because of that because of another guy, another people who do actually trained with me so if I can’t do it myself or don’t have time to do myself I have people I recommend people with that. And of course the Wim Hof method, with the breathing exercise of breathe work is a big one.
Right so you guys have the pillars with oxygen, basically elimination, diet, and a what else is there… there’s one other… sleep yeah.
So that’s exactly, that’s great way of getting people trying to understand what is going on… when a kid is born the baby will teach everything you need to know about health and if these 4 pillars work your body will generate and will start healing itself. Healing is not a mind thing, it’s more of a mind learning to step away from what the body needs to do. And the 4 pillars you’re right, first thing a baby does is seeking his first breathe so breathing is a very first thing that’s why breathe work…
Now we breathes through the nose right?
Yeah and that’s why breath work is so powerful because it’s up there, that’s the first thing you do, that’s your first food. And you can do a lot with breath work. Only with that. Second thing of course is eating so they baby’s going to suck his mom’s milk and it’s going to be eating the food that is the most appropriate for you. Third of course then the baby rest and falls asleep and that’s another pillar that you need to take care of. And the fourth being – elimination. So when the kid wakes up after sleeping you know, the kid has pooped or peed or both and so you need to be able to eliminate the residues of your digestion but you also need to eliminate poisons, you need to eliminate toxins, and you need to eliminate things that are not needed by your body, and not wanted by your body and that’s 4 pillars work than the body is able to regenerate, the body is able to repair and heal. And what she taught me and what I practice now is…and I tell people I’m not here to heal you. I’m here to help you…
You do what your body needs basically
Yeah to teach you how to keep these 4 Pillars straight. And if you do that, the body’s going to do the rest. So I don’t think anybody should take responsibility for healing anybody… even yourself. It’s your body. Your body is… this is my personal view and you know that’s only me but I hate it when people talk about the body that gets a thing and I hate it when people talk about the body as the unconscious, to me it’s another consciousness. It’s another consciousness that you could have or take with and that consciousness only job is to keep you alive that’s his only job.
It’s a self healing machine…
Yeah keep you alive and keep you balanced. And sometimes you you know if you ever… I’m sure you played that game where you know your your head on the tip of the bat of the baseball and turn around and try to walk straight so… you can argue that the person is trying to walk a straight line after doing that can’t balances after the body doesn’t know what he was doing, as a matter of fact the body is trying all the time to keep you balanced but you fucked up to start with so it’s trying to do something and of course it looks like crap in the end but it was doing its work, but you’re trying to keep your balance since you’ve been turning around in a circle and making the body not knowing what’s up and down right? That’s what happened with health we do so much damage with our bodies, we do so much damage to these 4 Pillars that the body has to try and compensate constantly to that assault of its own balance, to its equilibrium… and then the body has to prioritise and… you know what I’m going to have you do this first because, you’re going to do that then everything else goes to give us a crap… I’m going to give examples but not extend myself too much – Cholesterol levels rises. So that’s going to be part of my next book I’ll talk more about the limbs and stuff…. People see you know somebody’s cholesterol level you know being super high or something, oh that’s not good because then you’ll get atherosclerosis then you…
Arteries clog …
And they don’t understand that the reason why the body is making so much cholesterol…
Is to heal…
Yeah even if you don’t eat animal protein is because your arteries are weak and it need some type of a glue, some type of something… rupture, foods going to make a lot of cholesterol to make sure that your arteries are not going to rupture and of course when you take statins the first side effect of statins are aneurysm. It’s the first thing obviously so it looks like your body is screwing up and actually it’s not. It’s trying to compensate for something that you do that is wrong and it’s thinking that it’s temporary and of course it is not because you are not supposed to live like that for a long time. And your body has a sort of middle term type of remedies for things because it’s assuming that you know you will do, you will cooperate. Your body is going to scratch your back and and is going to scratch in…
You’re going to take care of it. Same with the blood pressure right.
Same with the blood pressure, high blood pressure is when you have a lot of starch residues behind your arteries so your tissues are starve from fluids and that keeps the pressure up. The minute you take, get rid of these residues then flow starts to come back to tissues and then the pressure comes down that’s why when you exercise you don’t have high blood pressure because you put that extra work on your lymphatic system and you sort of force it to work more so you get that basically the pressure’s going to sucked up in your tissue and you won’t have that high blood pressure issue.
So yeah so one thing I always find interesting too is cause you know a lot of people who are dehydrated, the first symptom or sign are like on a cellular level first happens on the body then it goes cellular. It’s inflammation and when the inflammation starts blood pressure goes up and then they go to the doctor and then the doctors gives them the pill and the pill which is toxic goes into the cells and the cells have to decide like what we’re talking about. The cells have to say hey how do I take care of you, do I get rid of the toxins, do I get rid of the water and then that turns to a another battle…
Yeah so what you have to understand is that the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t know how to help the body, that’s not his job, and I’m not saying that’s an evil plan from someone who’s throwing some moustache. I’m saying that it’s not the strategy of a pharmaceutical industry. As a scientist when I work in a pharmaceutical industry, the strategy was to inhibit things, it was block things, it would have target In terms of proteins and enzymes. We have targets to block their action so when you block a protein, you block the body. Plants work in a totally different strategy you know if you could argue that plants have energy but when you give something an essential oil not inhibiting anything…
Your stimulating like gene expressions.
Exactly… so you’re helping the body. When you give someone a plant you’re helping a body, you’re not preventing anything from happening, that’s a very new paradigm you know… mindset when someone is sick to prevent something from happening that’s starting from the 50s. People got sick and they were healed in living cities, they live in countryside, they’re healed with plants, kind of like the grandmother type of remedy. The mindset was always to help the body. And that has completely changed instead we block the body from doing something, we even block bacteria from doing their work and that’s their job to clean up when your immune system can’t.
And that’s led us down a dangerous path now because we’re created the super bugs… Cool, so here’s a question for you. So I have a client that has a certain type of breast cancer and I can’t remember what it was called but it’s went to a stomach and she was having a stomach issue and she is a… she’s looking at you know the normal medical process and she going down to Jacksonville here in Florida. And I said hey, you know I was always putting doubt there, have you ever looked into alternative methods and she was like well I’m looking at a lot of things, there’s a ton of different options. Is that something that just by giving those healing steps or process that could be healed through the plants, through the breathing, through elimination?
So somebody who develops cancer. Number 1 we need to define what cancer is. And I’m not saying that I’m going to do that, I’m saying that when you get a biopsy and looking that on a microscope, even that we have ways to determine the samples of these cancer or not, it’s not that easy. And nowadays doctors because of the pressure for diagnosis, they would rather declare something cancerous just in case they missed something especially in the United States, where you could be sued for missing a diagnosis. We don’t have that problem in friends just yet, it might happen well…
So to bring it back actually… a good way of putting it is cancer is the body’s way of protecting itself right? Would you say it?
Well… my definition of disease has that a disease is only 3 things… only 3 things. Disease is the blockage, the slowing down or the hindrance of elimination process. So if the body is trying to eliminate something and it’s blocked, it’s slow down or if it’s prevented in any reason for example put to medication then you get, you could have a problem, you create disease. So basically a disease is a manifestation of the body trying to cleanse itself but not being able to finish the job, it stuck somewhere so anytime you’re fighting disease, you’re fighting the body and when people tell me that oh you need to fight cancer, walk against cancer walk against this or that… I’m like you’re walking against your body…
Yeah and when you go there to have donuts, and a bunch of crap for you to eat while walking for cancer…
Exactly that’s always put a smile to my face. So because that’s the way your body is stuck there, usually your body is stuck there because of vaccination, because of constant bombarding of people’s body with anti-inflammatory, compounds with antibiotics…
So you say like Advil…
Yeah so all these things that stop the body from doing something then the body can’t… think of your body as a kid and actually your body is your inner child in a way. Your body whenever you give it, let’s say you have a kid who’s have a rough life right? Any time the kid wanted to do something an adult would just slap him across the face. Every single time the body is trying to speak, you know, he’d would get a slap in his face. At some point the kid is now going to stop talking, and the kid is going to start being very sneaky, like a smart kid will know well, if I talk I get beat up so I’d rather not talk and do whatever I want but I just want to make sure that I’m not going to get caught. And that sort of what, how the body is. So the body has been… ever since the kid is you know was born and people give them anti-inflammatory drugs when there’s a fever or whatever. Then the kid just stops, the body stops responding or it responds less and less it starts finding back doors, way of doing things. And whenever you try to get the connection back to your body, it’s kind of a silly thing for a kid that has had or a teenager that had passed to beat them up again when they can’t solve a long division points, you’re not going to stop to cross their face again, you’re going to help them and it’s the same thing when your body can’t finish the work they want to because it has not been able to do that their entire life, then instead of stopping it and slapping it again, you’re going to try and help it. So if disease is blockage slowing down, or hindering things or elimination process when you’re talking health. What are you going to do is unblock what is blocked, speed up what is slowed down and you kind of resume what is stopped or hindered. So without plants, and without cleanses what happens… when you give the body what it really needs is you might resume the old diseases that you had before. So it kind of like, it looks backwards like oh I’m doing great, great…great! And then all of a sudden you going…
Basically Herx reaction. Herxheimer, so it’s basically like you feel the same problem you had when you got the disease, it’s just reverse in the reversed.
Yeah so the idea is that when you used plants and when you use cleanses you help the body out, so you finish the job and sometimes if you use cleanses the right way you won’t even see the manifestation of disease starting up again because you’re going to keep clearing the lymph, the circulating lymph, it’s going to clear it as it gets loaded by the body regularly to be expelled later. So plants do that especially in particular they will trigger gene expression they will reactivate organ function. What essential oils do on gene expression is just astounding. They will also… so people talk about certain essential oils like tea tree or cinnamon or oregano like antibiotics than anti-anything… ortho biotics. The suffix Ortho in greek means right angle, makes something right. So it puts the balance back in the microbiome, in the diversity of the microbes you have. So it’s going to prevent by helping the body eliminate faster, it’s going to be prevent the accumulation of the bacteria, pathogens and that we’ll talk about maybe later and it’s going to prevent them from proliferating too much and help the good ones establish some sort of a barrier against them. So it’s never going to kill everything. If you give somebody antibiotic, it can kill everybody. And they’re just as effective. In the end, no more infection but one of them killed everybody and the other one… so the difference between having a global war everybody dies and then theres no more war or having be able to declare peace treaty. At the end no more war but you have 2 different scenarios there…
And one is a win-win and the other is like lose-win.
Yeah in a way…lose-lose
There’s a way… if you look at both ways I guess.
Yeah you’re right. So you’re body need to be able to eliminate residues and we focus a lot… a lot on acids and you know alkaline diet and acidic diet and stuff, that’s half of the story, that’s actually not very interesting story. Well if I say so myself. I think acids are a great story to tell because it’s fairly easy to get rid of acids… fairly easy so you can alkalise your diets, breath works is an amazing way to get rid off acids. When people want more information on that they can listen to what Wim Hof has to say about it.
Yeah you know what I did yesterday? Which I’ve done a few times cause I do a Wim Hof breathing in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber.
Oh God how was that?…
It takes to the next level and I did it actually yesterday while microdosing on mushroom
Good for you…
Yeah so I was experimenting for the book kind of like seeing what works but…
I’m actually experimenting with essential oils but that’s another thing…
Okay yeah I could do that… yeah, cool… so getting rid of acids…
Acids is fairly easy, if our body only had to deal with acids it would take its toll on the gene pool on the individual life, it would definitely take its toll but the body could sort of cope and the body would still have ways to tell the mind to stop. People used to still get gout when they ate too much meat. They don’t anymore before of anti-inflammatory drugs the body is taking so the body doesn’t better response anymore even though we eat 5-10x more meat product than we used to. So the body, you just cut down that particular red flag for the body and then you don’t know anymore when you eat too much animal product. So I’ll give you an example, I’ll try to make it as short as possible is the inuits. Inuits are renowned meat eaters, that’s pretty much all they eat, all they use to eat…
They live off fat right?
Yeah and that’s what actually gave people the idea of keto diet. First of all they ate… they didn’t eat everyday. Most Inuit they would eat once a week, or once in every 10 days or something. They would eat the animals, the meat was raw. I think some of the animal parts would be cooked but I don’t think, I don’t remember exactly… but anyway most of the meat they ate was raw number 1. And number 2 they are not sedentary, they’re actually are used to be a people that are actually travelled around so in the summer and in the spring and summer time, the The Shamans would have access to plants that would grow and these people would have cleanses. They would cleanse their body off of the things they’re eating for the entire winter and the entire fall. They have cleanses, they have fasting, there’s a whole ritual around carrying their body after the cold season. The minute that colonisation take over basically they started being more sedentary. And doing so, they started cooking their food, meat. But what’s more important they started eating to cook starches…
…and that’s when you know the crappy hit the fan because the minute you add cooked starches to your diet, you clog your body. You threw wrench into the body’s mechanism of cleanses.
So give us some of the worst offenders of cooked starches… I know we talk about rice right?
Yeah so the one that a lot of people talk about is gluten so they think about wheat and they’re like oh I’m gluten free… great but then they eat rice instead. So gluten is interesting because it;’s a very… so whenever you cooked a starch, so anybody chemist will tell you the same thing, anybody who’s ever worked in the lab will tell you the one thing that you never ever want to do… is heated up…
Because it changes the molecular structure right?
“Absolutely. And the only time you will heat up your sample is because you put a compound in it like the urea you use usually or soap that will prevent the molecule from reacting with one another. But if you don’t have these we call them denaturing agents if you don’t have denaturing agents the macromolecules, the bigger molecules are very reactive and it’s going to, they’re gonna start cross-thinking and bind to one another and start reacting and become things that your body doesn’t know what to do with. So that happens…”
Yeah the body… that’s the UFO for the body. Something you doesn’t recognise, you’re going to have enzymatic tool to deal with it. And so that happens with proteins, also happens with starches and it actually happens even more with starches because starches… anything that is in the sugar family is super reactive. Aldehydes and alcohol, and these are reactive molecules. So they’re going to cross think very very easily and from weird stuff and it’s going to start gelling so whenever you want to make a sauce thicker what do you do? You add a spoonful of…
We use arrowroot.
Yeah you could use arrowroot or you could use a… something like a you know… corn flour… and makes it thicker, that’s exactly what happens to your lymph.
That makes sense now. That’s a great analogy. That’s perfect. So here’s a question for you. So your family is from Martinique?
So being from the West Indies, so I know my wife is from the West Indies as well and they have cassava, and that’s like a staple like, they have the provisions… so that’s what they lived off. Is that not a good starch? Is that affecting them?
Any starch… it was never…Okay, so that’s the point I’m trying to make because I think people sometimes tell me well we’ve been eating cooked food forever. And I’m like no… we haven’t been eating cook food forever number 1 and number 2 this were very different conditions. Before the 50s, before the industrial revolution ifs you think about it… it really spread up in the 50s… people would eat simple staple foods. So for lunch and for dinner usually what do you have? Some sort of a soup. Something that was boiled in water…
Vegetables… even with meat or fish but it was a soup of some sort with bread. Some sort of bread it could be cassava bread, it could be pretty much anything, some sort of a bread. But the main dish was something boiled in water… that’s number 1. So we all eat like Louis the 14th right now. We all have an appetiser, an entrée and a dessert. That’s new, that is the first time ever in people’s life that everybody is eating on that.
Yeah even the poor people of today are eating better than the people in the hundred and 20 years ago.
Exactly… well “better”.
More I should say.
Well more… yeah so the people used to have very simple diet number 1, the food is very simple. Obviously everything is organic.
Not to worry about pesticides… blocking.
Exactly… and people ate a lot of fruits because it was cheap. So they ate a lot of fruit and vegetable because it was a cheap stuff. Meat was super expensive. So they did eat starches because that was cheap as well but again there was water in what they ate… and they ate… so they had simple food, they had access to fruits and vegetables mostly because these were good fillers they knew that, everything was organic and when you live in the countryside which was back before the 50s most people live in the countryside… very few people live in the cities. People live in the countryside didn’t have the means to see a doctor. So when they get sick what do they do? They fasted, and they took plants. So at no point even though they ate cooked food at no point in their lives they would go against their body’s need to cleanse. Whenever their body needed to cleanse, they would sit that one out, rest, fast and take plant medicines. So even if they did the staple food but not right for them, they did have the body cleanse the way they needed to and they did most indigenous people actually had cleansing practices that they did especially for kids that 2, 3, 4x a year the kids will cleanse. Sometimes with a sea water. There were different types with oils, with sea water, with plants, there were cleanses that was important. And that makes a world different because nowadays people have very complex types of food, very processed, everybody is able to process food. You can boil, you have an oven, you can do a lot of stuff, everybody can bake and everything. We have recipe books and everything. So everybody has a very easy access to very processed food even if it’s home made by the way. So food that is very processed, very in water, most of what they eat is not organic and it’s very processed so very denature from its original form. When people get sick they have access to medicine that actually stops the body from doing to what it’s doing. So they stop eating, taking plants and people never fast ever. When people get sick, what does the medical community tell them? You need to eat more.
When I was at the hospital my intestines was twisted they gave me at the hospital – bacon, coffee, pancakes, and I think there was a gelatin like jello thing and at that time I was like laughing… Are they trying to kill me? Like what are they doing and obviously yeah…
The only thing they do right I think at the hospital, I don’t think they do it in the United States but I know what they do in France is that after 6pm you don’t eat anymore. Your last meal is at 5. That’s the only right thing they do. And the only time they tell you to fast is because you’re headed to surgery and they don’t want you vomit on the table… The reasons why you can’t compare the cooking habits, the food habits of our grandparents with the food habits that we have now. We eat the food but in a very very different conditions and we never cleanse our bodies, we never let the body (50:38m) needs to and whenever it’s trying we’d stop it so obviously we’re going to have much much much more problems than they do.
Yeah… totally makes sense. So back to the question I had… Someone has cancer and basically they’re replicating these cells and is that something that can be reversed, stopped at its tracks by just giving the body what it needs?
Yes… so that’s half of the story. First, we need to give the body what it needs. It’s like having a car like a regular car and having put in your engine a diesel gas. So the first thing you need to do is stop and put in a regular gas in your car, that is the first thing you need to do. You’re not going to keep putting diesel in your engine. But second thing you need to do is cleanse your engine. So it’s one thing to give the body what it needs to start regenerate but you need to cleanse the body. And you won’t cleanse the body until the body has enough energy to do so. The first thing that’s going to happen is to give and stop eating crap and give the body what it needs and that’s going to give the body energy and the energy is going to rise and rise… And whenever the body hits an excess energy, that’s when the body starts cleansing. 2 cases when your body cleanses…
It’s going to start cleansing?
Yeah… it’s going to start the process. At least it’s going to start and resume something. So the first thing that the body does… The 2 cases when your body start to cleansing mechanism on its own, the first one is when you have excess energy. You’ve eating a lot of fruits, you’re on vacation you’re going to the sun it’s summer, taking time you are resting. So all the pillars are getting better and better, you toggle above a certain thresholds that is variable between one person and another and then all of a sudden your body cleanses. Second case when your body does that, and that’s one of the reasons people you know they’re like – oh you know I went to vacation and now I’m sick. Yeah you had access…
Processing out all the crap.
And now you’re body is able to get rid of whatever t6hey get rid off. It looks like a disease because the process slows down, incomplete or it’s blocked and so it’s disease. The second case when the body is going to do that is when your body has to deal with a shock. It could be emotional shock, physical shock, it could be trauma, it could be thermal shock. That’s the interesting part of the Wim Hof method. The body is going to try and cleanse because it’s in a way you’re going to trigger the fight or flight response. You’re going to trigger an impulse of internal energy to expel something. And the body is going to do that, it’s going to try to cleanse and the cleansing mechanism is very important to understand normally so you have 3 exhaust pipes.You have your colon for solids, you have your bladder for fluids and things that are soluble in water, and the colon is for things that are solid and non soluble in water and then you have your lungs for gases. When your body is trying to expel mucus and I guess it’s a good segue way to talk about mucus, when your body is going to expel mucus, you’re going to try expel a solid through your gas pipe, that can’t go right when you’re having bronchitis that’s exactly what happens. You’re body is trying to expel mucus through your lungs and your lungs are just made for you to expel gases so this is going to be long and painful, this is going to be slow, that is disease because that is the only way out your body was able to find. Because usually, either the person has been denied of having diarrhea as a kid several times every time the kid had diarrhea you stopped it… that’s at some point the body to stop doing that or sometimes genetically it has degenerated so much that the body doesn’t even consider that option. And Chinese medicine also teaches you that if your colon is blocked, the lungs are going to take over.
Hmmm… so that’s what’s going on with my son actually.
Yeah if your son has a lot of a lung problems or even sneezing and stuff, that’s mucus coming out of the lung pipe and what you want to do is make sure that the body goes back to use the right one. So you should have the mucus type of diarrhea when you’re body is trying to expel mucus. It’s much faster, it’s complicated for your body when you have “food poisoning” for an instance. Usually that’s your body expelling by the right outlet but it’s too slow.
Yeah he got salmonella.
Yeah so then the salmonella finds a perfect playground because it’s staying to eat mucus, bacteria eats complex carbohydrates.
That’s why he would always crave carbohydrates. So he would constantly crave it so he could feed…
Yeah and on the biosphere, the organisms that are specialised and degrading. Complex carbohydrates are actually mushrooms or fungus so that’s a speciality. Actually if you see a tree trunk that is dead in the forest you’ll find mushrooms… that’s their job. But mushroom only only operate with oxygen. If there’s no oxygen there’s no mushrooms, there’s no fungus. So when there’s no oxygen who takes over? Bacteria because they can live without. So people who have issues candida albicans than people who tend to not to have issues with oxygen intake in their bloodstream, most people don’t and they will have a bacterial infection instead… So you have 2 poisons, 2 real poisons or humans. First one is animal product – proteins and the second one is cooked starches and cooked starches make mucus so it doesn’t matter if its rice or whatever it’s going to make mucus. Some mucus is lighter than other for example – gluten is very heavy. It’s going to stay around the lower part of the body, it’s going to stay around then digestive tract kind of hinder a lot of exchanges with the legs, the genitals, the leg area, the colon. It’s going to stay down there…
It kind of kicks on there right?
You have other type for example rice, potatoes, make very light type of mucus and that travels more around the body. It looks like rice has a tendency the lingo if gonna be using jargon for a minute probably call it a tropism. It’s going to preferably stay in a certain part of your body, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t go to the others but likes that area a lot, and rice loves the upper body area. It’s going to love the head area so people who have sinus infection, rhinites ear infection, people who are shy, people who are very scared of everything, autism is another one. Rice is a bad news. Rice is going to make it worse… so many people gluten free At first it’s going to feel better because all of a sudden the digestive tract is sort of liberated in a way, you stop poisoning the digestive system so you have more nutrients coming through, you have a different type of intestinal flora, of microbiome growing. Usually the parents because they think that’s the way we’ve been brought up, the parents think that they need some sort of a starch, they’re going to start eating rice instead…
Plus they go through withdrawals if they don’t have the starches right? Then they start screaming and crying and the parents will like… alright! Take it.
Exactly… and rice is horrible for that. Rice is bad. So obviously if you take whole starches it’s not as bad but it’s still bad. So I’m never going to tell someone to except of you, people who have really bad asthma, people who are autistic or something, or people who have like mental issues.
So, do you help people with autism as well with some of these protocols?
Yeah… schizophrenia, autism, bipolar disorder…
Oh wow okay. Because I considered myself like I was going to write a book about… one of the book I’m writing now was about healing hackers but I was deciding whether I make it two. And the other one was going to be autistic at 27 because I felt after researching and researching forever I felt essentially that I became… I had the symptoms of what an autistic kid did except I got them all after I was fully neurologically developed and I was able to like cognitively put the pieces together and I started treating myself as autistic kids did and I started healing. And so I don’t know if that’s connected. And this is another question I had for you is people who had the MTHFR gene mutation have a harder time detoxification or detoxing…
Probably yeah…
So is that something that you guys work with too? Because a lot of autistic kids have the gene mutations a lot of times.
So autism doesn’t just dropped like that from the sky. Usually it’s a result of damage done by medication.
Right… blocking the pathways.
Yeah it could be a vaccine. Actually, it usually started in the vaccine. I’ve seen consequences of vaccine being other than autism. I have seen more diabetes, the juvenile diabetes coming from vaccination than autism but maybe because in France people eat different types of starches because that’s also something to consider, what types of starches people eat, what there diet. Because to me you really have to understand this are the 2 poisons – Animal proteins because they’re rich in glutamate among other things and for other reasons…
Which is a poison.
And cooked starches. And these are the two types of bullet in your magazine . Everything else is just a trigger. So of course if the magazine is loaded and you pull the trigger then it going to shot. If you take the bullets out of the gun then you can pull the trigger all you want, nothing is going to happen. So pesticides, heavy metals, this and that…pollens, whatever… it doesn’t matter. If your body is clean it won’t affect you. So why does it affect you and not somebody else it’s another issue because basically you know when you look at your screen right now you have 3 diodes in your screen – you have a red one, a blue one and green one, tiny deluted ones and mixing the colours of the three things makes 16 million colors that you can have on the screen. So same for health you have the crystals or the precipitated acids, you have the mucus and then you have the genetics which is a mixture between your personal history which is epigenetic and your ancestry; which is like your hardcore genetics. So with these 3 things you’ll do every single disease on earth. And it’s going to look different like colors are different but we do it with these 3 things. So a kid… usually kid who develop autism are kids that were… not always but a lot of the times, these kids have very powerful bodies as a matter of fact somebody who is always sick is not somebody weak. It’s the total opposite, somebody who’s sick is somebody who’s body is still able to say I need to cleanse, I need to get this out of me and of course there’s other people that are the most medicated. My point was that… when a kid has had a mucus type of diarrhea, it’s more and more difficult to find kids who are able to be able to do that… like these green diarrhea, very mucousy diarrhea…
My son had that…
A kid who has that is a kid who has a very powerful body.
My son has a very powerful body. He was born like head up like he held his head up on the first day he was born.
There you go. And somebody who has a very powerful body are able to eject, to get rid of mucus through that route very early on because the first thing that the kid’s going to do after being born if he’s inherited a lot of the crap basically that was hanging around his mothers lymph because a kid develops in his mothers lymph after all. The first thing it’s going to try and do is so basically the kid’s going to take part of the mother’s load actually…
The toxic load…
It’s going to try to get rid of it because it’s a small surface area with the same power and it’s going to be easier for the kid and the kid has starting to have diarrhea and of course diarrhea scares everybody. And it’s probably the scariest thing that could happen to modern medicine anytime somebody who has a diarrhea you know you just stop it, it’s horrible…
Yeah because everyone talks about that it’s one of the number 1 causes of death in the world.
Yes. And it is if you don’t support the body it will kill you. Yeah… true. But if you support the body so you keep it hydrated, you let the thing and you don’t try to stop it, you help it with plants and you help the body cleanse then all these mucus comes out regularly. And kids who develops autism a lot of the times are kids that were stabbed dead in there tracts trying to expel mucus. Either mucus coming out of their digestive system or usually coming out of their respiratory system. And there were stabbed dead on their tracts like a really strong medication and that stunned the body, the mucus did not come out. It could be from the intestines, it could be an ear infection, and what happens the mucus stays in and you have mucus in your head and your body goes… it just shuts down. You get glues, you get mucus in your head, all of a sudden you get that veil on your brain basically and you start going into yourself and because you’re intoxicated you will only ask for, you basically ask for the type of food that favours the lymph.
Feeds the beast as they say…
Right so if the lymph is loaded with mucus, you’re going to love mucus. Mucousy type of food so you’re going to be eating tons of starches. It’s going to be your kryptonite. So the bad news is that if you are lymph is loaded with acids, you’re going to love acid generating foods. So dairy products, meats, processed food, very processed food in general… so all that is going to feed into your intoxication so that’s the bad news you’re going to be attracted to your kryptonite. The good news is that you’re going to be attracted to your best medicine as well. The medicine being in the world of plants when they’re unprocessed and raw. So you’re going to be attracted to foods , fruits and vegetables. Raw fruits and vegetables are the best for you. For example, somebody who is very acidic like type 1 diabetics. They love kiwis, they live pineapple, they love acidic fruits because the acid in these fruits are acids that are very soluble number 1 and they have the body displays the insoluble ones that are problem for the body. So it’s not the question of acids or base or alkaline or acidity. It’s the question is this acid soluble in vivo or not.
Okay, so that’s actually good that they’re eating kiwis and…
Yes, it helps them cleanse that out.
Yeah…makes sense.
So they’re gonna be attracted to the medicine and it’s not the question of acid and base so basically vinegar for instance, you know like a vinegar is an acid. It’s very soluble outside of the body, different story in the body. It tends to precipitate with calcium, with magnesium, because of the nature of the soup that is your body. It will precipitate and make crystals that your body cannot get rid off.
So even apple cider vinegar?
So that’s an interesting one because apple cider vinegar has ethanoic acid which is same as regular vinegar, or wine vinegar but it has another acid which is another very interesting one which is malic acid. And malic acid is excellent to solubilise and break down any type of stones.
Yeah… So gallbladder stones especially. It’s a great great way of making these gallbladder stones more soluble and start making them break apart. So apple cider vinegar is kind of like 2 head things so it’s interesting for people who have a very toxic type of diet, people who eat pasta and ham every night or every day. Of course when they get apple cider vinegar it’s going to be better for them so it always depends on where you start from. Same thing if these people who eat only pasta and ham every night with butter or ketchup whatever or with cheese… all of a sudden if you give them yogurt, it’s going to be better because it’s alive food, it’s going to be better for them that what they’re used to. But this is still acid generating food so you’re going to plateau at some point and for people who are already eating rough foods already pass that you know doing a good job of making their lives better by changing their diet, apple cider vinegars are bad idea. You’re better off actually making green apple juices to cleanse your liver. So you probably familiar with Andreas Moritz protocol for the liver cleanse. The clock cleanse, I encourage everybody to read that book, it’s an amazing book.
So what’s the name of the book it’s called the Moritz cleanse?
Something like that but I know that in France it’s called I’ll do the wonderful or fabulous Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse…
But it’s an American doctor so it won’t be difficult to find his work. And I think he has a few videos…
And you were saying he’s the one that work with Hulda Clark you think? The belief…
Okay… cool.
So you can use apple cider vinegar. It’s going to be better for some people but you still adding so much of that ethanoic acid that is precipitating mineral in your body. Some are very good food like a lot of stuff in medicine, it’s question of doses. There’s a dosage and the vinegar has its function. It can be used for certain purposes as medication but its not a staple food. If you’re going a need to acidify any type of food you’re better off using something that is actually alkaline generating like lemon. Lemon is acidic when you taste it but it doesn’t displays these bad acid and citric acid is part of the krebs cycle so it’s recycled easily by the system and you’re able to recycle ketones more because you have these citric acids in the body so it always depends on where you start, and this is one of the reasons I’ll never tell a nutritionist that who tells people to eat dairy product it’s a good thing for them. I’m never going to tell that and if that person tells me oh I have great result, I’m never going to tell them they’re wrong because it depends on what the person…
And where these people start and who that person is actually helping out.
Right like if someone needs a certain bacteria for their gut then maybe raw goats milk will help them.
Maybe… and who am I to say the opposite you know that’s probably what the person needs. But we need to stop thinking of health as a path and it’s something that you… it’s a path where you cleanse your body, you go to wheres the most adequate food which is for the primates that we are… Fruits.
So as primates and as great apes basically, we’re not just primates but we are great apes. It’s a different category of primates. A diet consists mainly of 80% fruit, 89% fruit and 10-20% vegetable. So vegetable are leaves, they are tender roots, they are bulbs, so leeks, onions and garlic and there are flowers so cauliflowers, artichoke, broccoli. So these are vegetables. Everything else is a fruit. A fruit is the part of the plant, the organ of the plant that contains the seeds so you have the sweet fruit that everybody knows- mangoes, bananas and all that. We have the tart fruits so you know berries, and stuffer like that and kiwis and pineapple. Pineapple is a little weird because… it’s a weird fruit, it doesn’t really come from…
I drank a lot of pineapple juice and it destroyed my gut one time like I might scared to do it now.
We’ll talk about it a little later… so pineapple is great for your prostate by the way… so sweet fruits, tart ones or acidic ones, non sweet fruits so bell pepper, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, pumpkin… all these are fruits.
Yeah. Now what about people that have issue like for whatever reason I start to have an issue with the nightshades and so what I’ve been told is that can cause production of uric acid so like the eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers…
Okay so what you need to understand is that when people have start making things like kidney stones and stuff like that it’s not because of what they’re eating. Im talking about raw plants right now right… Im not talking about cooked food, thats different story. Talking about raw plants, they will trigger the release of stones from your kidneys. Stones that were already there. If you go to juice cleanse like if you’re going to drink a lot of… wheatgrass. If you drink a lot of wheat grass and your kidneys are littered with kidney stones… you’ll go to a gigantic crisis where everything its released all at once and you’ll go through like the worst nightmare of your life. And people will tell you oh you have all that raw vegetable juices that’s what cause because of the oxalic acid it cause the kidney stone happening. This is not the case… Oxalic acid of course precipitates outside of the body does precipitate certain minerals that’s true but it’s not what caused the kidney stones from happening. They were already there. What happened is that taking that green juice got rid of all the mucus that was actually holding these stones together and then it released. That’s one of the reasons when people very acidified I tend to tell them that they’re going to drink juices and stuff but I didn’t tell them that they need to alkalise, that they need to put a lot of alkaline matter in their bodies, they’re going to start cleansing with magnesium salts like magnesium hydroxide and start getting rid of the stones enough that when the mucus comes out it doesn’t…
Kill them?
Yeah it does not… they just don’t break in half.
So it’s like a slow deetox because people can really die from…
Oh yeah yeah… if it’s blocked, if the explosion of residues is too quick, the body is blocking the process and if you can’t help the body then yeah you can die.
It doesn’t happen very often but at least it’s going to be ridiculously painful and then that’s going to stop prevent the person from doing that ever again
Right…headaches, fevers, like aches, pains…okay.
So my point is that I’m not against modern medicine. I’m just saying that modern medicine is an emergency medicine that is taking way too far and I think it got its destroying medicine, It’s not, it’s just not… and when somebody goes for detox, somebody has like a bad case of bronchitis or bad case of diarrhea or something…eczema or boils or whatever it is. If they don’t know how to help the body, I’d rather have them stop it. I’d rather have them go to the emergency room, go to your doctors, take antibiotics, try this and try that… because to me this is emergency to give you, to buy you time until you’re able to help the body do what it needs to do. So I’m totally okay with that… and some of my patients when they said if they go through crisis for some reason… you know retreat somewhere there’s no phone connection and they’re going through a crisis although they have a crisis, a protocol they need to go through. Sometimes it’s a protocol that’s going to be tailor-made for them but it’s not going to be applicable in every single situation and usually when they go through crisis because they did not cleanse. If you cleanse properly you never see the shade of a crisis.
Because you help the body cleanse very slowly…
Yeah just like training like when people come in if I just like killed them they would never want to come back, they’d never want to train it’s like little steps.
Exactly so when I tell people look you can… if for some reasons I’m not available, go to the doctors, go to the emergency room. Stop it, stop the crisis that you are not able to get rid off and then first thing in the morning try to get in touch with me. And if you get in touch with me that’s okay. Now you’re in touch with me… You stop being on antibiotics, you’re going to take this, this and that instead. And that’s totally okay right? For me there’s a role for modern medicine and it’s emergency role sometimes you have no other choice but to do something, to stop something because you don’t have the energy, you don’t have the knowledge, you don’t have the resources to do what needs to be done and I’d rather use to have a process because you don’t know what to do… and so you find someone who can help you.
Yeah and that’s like western medicine is the best, it’s like if you’re in emergency situation here you go. You know I appreciate that my intestine twisted, I almost died but the inverse of that is I ended up in the situation I was in because of western medicine so it’s like, this catch 22…
Because you went in the first time because the modern medicine instead of treating the cause was just treating the symptoms when it actually was not an emergency in the first place, they treating the symptoms so you went in a situation where your body was like no I still want to cleanse and then it came to a really bad crisis because of your job and because of your own genetic constitution and it makeup you had the strength to keep trying to cleanse yourself and then modern medicine came in and disrupted it once more and that was the end of it for you… and so that’s what happens.
I think it’s important to mention just on here where talking about like the epigenetic and genetics. So you’re talking about like your ancestral genetics and essentially you can be passed on this genetic kind of profile and in that profile there might be the latent gene for certain disease expression and if you eat bad food and you’re exposed to toxins, that gene expression will be turned on whereas if you’re healthy and eating the right food, that gene expression will be triggered off.
Right or it’s not gonna be factoring in a way. Not that it’s going to turned off but it’s going to be offset by something else.
Right that will be no disease.
Yeah exactly so when I hear… Angelina Jolie getting her double mastectomy just because she felt like she had the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes I’m like just change your diet and keep your breast. Well…
To me that’s more like a stunt to tell the world… I don’t want to get into that but thats like…but so I want to be respectful of your time I could sit here and talk to you all day honestly but so real quick kind of theme of this is healing hackers and so how is it that you give the body what it needs. What is the body needs. So real quick kind of synopsis. How do you get people to express the right genes and feel good and heal the body?
Breath work number 1, food… So I talk about nourishment, I don’t talk about nutrition. I don’t care about nutrition. It’s very important to look at that word – Nourishment. If you dissect the word it’s nourish so you have to do with making something grow. M-e-n-t that suffix…
Is the mind?
Yeah it’s the mind… so in French actually all our adverbs finish by m-e-n-t. All our adverbs so whenever you use an adverb for example Kindly would be gentiment, it’s putting kindness in the mind. In France that’s how it works. So it means a lot in a way that in our culture everything has been put in the mind by the way so… nourishment is making the mind grow. It’s not about making your body grow. The body is going to grow anyway, it’s making your mind grow, your soul so your mind and your body obviously. So it’s a holistic thing… so I don’t care about the nutrition, I care about nourishment. So nourishment is about going towards the food that actually going to make your body grow, your emotions healthy, and your mind grow second thing. Third thing – rest. I teach people to rest, gives them kind of… I don’t tell them to go to bed at 10 every night because it’s not most of the time it’s not something that they can do. But I give them the tricks to do something I called a sleeping cure so one day of the week they go to bed super early and what I mean super early is like 6PM. The one day of the week they can do that, they’re gonna use essential oils so that their mind is just triggered and is able to let go and the body can rest and they might wake up maybe at 10 and then take the essential oils again to have the body relax again, and they’re finish their night. Chinese medicines teaches you that, actually the ancients used to say that every hour you sleep before midnight counts double and Chinese medicine…
I heard that yeah…
Yeah Chinese medicines tells you why… your adrenal glands recharge according to the Chinese medicine. Your adrenal glands recharge between 9pm and 11pm. Your thyroids recharges between 7pm and 9pm. So you got to be recharged as you sleep in these hours, you’re going to be recharging 2 glands, well 3 glands – 2 sets of glands that are really important in the management of your energy. So in terms of access to energy and a release of energy. It’s a very, subtle difference. Both of these sets of glands are able to do that so you recharge these glands. So when somebody does that sleep cure, so the essential oils involved are important because it’s difficult to do it without to be very frank because it’s kind of like artificial type of thing. But because they are able to do that even if they go to bed and they sleep like 4 hours a night then the following week they’ll be fine in the morning. So I don’t encourage them to do that of course but I’ll tell them just do that so that you consolidate the third pillar – the rest one. It’s a sleep but it’s not just a sleep, resting. Take time off to do other things, not take time off to workout necessarily. Take time off to do nothing and you’re okay doing nothing. And something you’re just in bed and just like look at your ceiling and that’s what meditation helps you to be okay with not doing anything. And it could be just have a walk in the park. I tell people actually to practice grounding and then resting. So I tell them go if you have a park next to you or woods or something, take your shoes off, go walk for half an hour that’s the best antidepressant.
Yeah well that’s one thing actually I wanted to touch on to when you’re talking about you know we eat fruits and vegetables and we are electrical beings and so we need electrical food that’s alive right and so connective with the live food, connecting with the ground doing the grounding. You can actually see in the background that I have the electrical machine.
Yeah… yup I saw that… you can’t pretend being and keep a healthy life and being a living human being if you only eat dead food. At some point something is going to… it’s not going to compute and that’s the reason why… for example in terms of… I mean you’ve learned that I’m sure. A normal healthy male, adult male should eat about 2400 calories per day. If you workout it might go up to 3500.
But that’s the equivalent calories you need to be able to keep yourself a living human being with cooked food. When you eat raw food you eat much less than that.
And it gets absorbing.
Yeah after you’ve cleansed of course because at first your body is just going to start compensating for all the deficiencies it’s been carrying along. So you’re going to eat like a ton, first 3-4 months it’s going to be oh my god! My nut budget goes crazy… especially if you cleanse regularly. Your body is going to be like okay I have all I need and I just eat and that and it’ll be fine. My brother is a crossfitter and he eats raw food all the time. And (his wife 1:34:14) actually both of them are crossfitters, they go to crossfit 5x a week and they’re fine. So because of cleanse and now the body is on autopilot and they can… I run everyday, less now but I used to run much more than I do and I workout and I get goodbye with 1500 calories a day. And if I do workout a little more or something or then I might be a little more but then when I stopped working out I just stop eating. So you’re very much into your body. So the third pillar is the rest that’s going to be important and the 4th is eliminating and this is where cleanses are important. And I know in America that are very popular. I love Dr. Morse’s work, he does — he’s anti purges and cleanses. The reality is that if you have a very solid body, you’ll be okay without cleansing because your body… you’re going to go through crisis but with the help of plants you’ll be fine. When your body is weaker it’s going to be really tough for your body to expel whatever needs to expel and you needed to help it. And all of these purges, all of these cleanses they’ve been used for ages and they are… this is how we get people other crisis. Instead of going through a crisis that is going to last for like a week or two, within a few hours it’s over.
Wow really…
And your body’s expelled everything and I’m the first one who experienced that. When I tell people to take castor oil stuff like that, I know why I’m telling that because I’ve been through it, I was going through like a crisis where I had bronchitis and I was told by Irene my mentor, She told me at her place I met her I was doing one of our workshops I’ve been coughing non stop I don’t know if you’ve ever had that but…
This just happened to me this last week. It was the first time.
Non stop cough for four days to the point where it hurts and every time I was coughing I felt like somebody was stabbing me and it was super painful and I cough like all the time and I talked to her during the workshop and she said well you know now that you understand the mucus, and the acids… what is it I would think that your lungs are trying to expel mucus but it’s a dry cough and she said you’re probably too tired. Your body is even not being able to form the mucus. It’s irritating by the way that it happened after 3 week juice cleanse and every time I did this 3 week juice cleanse, the day after the first thing it happened was a fever. I never understood that, it took me time to understand once I understood why Irene was trying to say, once I went to her workshop I understood it. But it started with a fever at 4 o’clock in the morning like clockwork I did how many of this juice cleanse and like clockwork first thing that happened – big fever 4 in the morning drenching the sheets… you’re expelling a lot of stuff so you are expelling acids so you’re going to have fever and then dealing with the fever all day and then the next day I was start taking essential oils and I would start coughing mucus and stuff would come out either on nose or lungs or something and because I use essential oils within a matter of 24-48 hours over…done, finished because you help the body expel really fast. But this time was different it was just before I went to a workshop and it was a dry cough and I didn’t get it and she said well you’re probably too tired, maybe you didn’t sleep enough that week or something and then your body was not able to form the mucus so now it stuck there and it feels like you know you’re coughing and you wheezing and everything. And I say “what should I do” you’ve heard what I said this afternoon, you can take castor oil instead… that’s a whole protocol with castor oil. You’d never encourage somebody who’s never taken it to just take it all willy-nilly. You’d have to understand how it work… she told me well instead of having dinner just take that… I did. Within… mind you I was coughing all the time. By the time I went to the bathroom the first time it was maybe an hour later, the minute I went to the bathroom my cough stopped and all mucus was in the toilet.
And of course I was like this is weird. This is nothing I learned in medical school and of course what do I find? This is amazing! As a former asthma patient I was like why didn’t anybody tell me this knowing that my mom grew up with castor oil, my grandparents grew up with castor oil. It was a regular thing to use in caribbean and I was the one who needed the most and my mom because she suffered from it so much, she felt like she didn’t want me to go through that but it would’ve been the best medicine for me…
So like my son kind of… so it’s interesting to hear all this up because my son had a lot of what you explained like he had a strep throat and we didn’t want to give a medication, and finally people like pressured us like hey all these crazy stuff can happen we gave him antibiotics it was like a shock to his system he kind of changed a little bit emotionally he had like… then he started like crying and having like tantrums, would cry for like bananas and like he’d freak out for the bananas and he had like a little change, I don’t wanna say he was autistic but he had like it’s not even close to it but he had like this little idiosyncrasies that went in that direction slightly and now he has every time he has a gut issue which is usually from the food, he starts to get the cough and he has inflammation in the gut and so… well one of the questions I have which I’ve already asked you and this is something that you can tell people who are going to listen to this. In that situation, how do you go about doing something, how can they work with you if they’re interested? Do you work wi9th people overseas and through Skype?
I do, through Skype I do yeah. I do Skype. Right now my material is through translations so Im still translating my material that I give people after a Skype session so right now it’s in French so it’s not going to help a lot of English speakers but I’m in the middle of doing that, It’s going to be ready by the end of the month…
But yeah that could be done through Skype. It is very important to understand the whole acids and mucus thing that people don’t freak out. Kids are… necessary you know unless they have a lot of medical issues like diabetes and stuff like that, that is more difficult because… when you have a kid, the problem is not the kid but the fear of the parents and there’s nothing wrong with that I’m just saying that could be the hindrance and the parents are going to start doing things that are kind of productive just because they’re ran by fear. And fear comes because you don’t know stuff. And this is one of the reasons I encourage, really encourage people to take classes like for essential oils, plant medications, stuff like that. Just take classes, there are classes everywhere and learn how to use plants to heal yourself, learn how to use essential oils to heal yourself and you can do a lot already even with kids and of course they’re going to tell you not to use essential oils with kids, not to use essential oils with pregnant women and I think it’s a big time joke. Of Course your should know what you’re doing… you’re not going to just give anyone any type of essential oils obviously. You need to understand the safety issues that come with it but thats like everything, same thing with using a knife right?
It’s funny because they say like don’t use this essential oil but when you inject your kids with poisons from vaccines, we’ll give them antibiotics.
And pregnant women who get chemo when they’re pregnant. And they have no problem with that. So I’m like are you kidding me?
Yeah I know it’s crazy.
Yeah no essential oil has never killed anybody.
So I’ve seen people like a kid, who like a toddler, who fell a tea tree bottle and then drank the whole thing and then the parents went to the emergency room and then oh he drank the whole thing and… again you see. You have to understand that except for certain essential oils, there are very very powerful and how to be use with caution like oregano as one…
And like wintergreen or something like that…
Wintergreen as one, oregano, cinnamon… so this you have to be… you have to know what you’re doing and they’re not very dangerous but you have to know what you’re doing . Most of the others are pretty cool like you know…you have to know that you never put them in the eye and you never put them in your genitals. Although some of them you can and it doesn’t even hurt and you know you don’t… there are certain things like all the citrus family you never put them on your skin and go in the sun, that’s going to burn your skin and you never gonna put a… something like a cinnamon on your skin, you’re not going to put in your bath… you know certain things you need to know, certain essential oils that are totally mild like lavender you can totally put that on your bath it’s fine. It’s going to be just fine. Never put mint or cinnamon in your bath, thats a bad idea… very bad idea. Mint, its… you might suffer from hypothermia with mint in your bath.
Oh really.
Just saying yeah…
Like in a warm bath or cold bath?
Yeah…it’s bath. So yeah you have to understand how to use them and then when you start… one of the best aromatherapist in France his name is Daniel Penoel, he goes…he travels a lot around America. He’s done amazing work on essential oils, he’d been talking about it all around the world. He developed a way of looking at essential oils thats called quantum aromatherapy and I’m pretty sure his book…(1:46:00) in English because he speaks in English so if you wanna learn more about this, read his books… another French guy because it’s a French speciality actually – aromatherapy. It’s a Baudoux Dominique and that’s his first name. Amazing books! If you wanna know anything about it just read his books and he gives recipes for this and that and try it and see like for little ailments of everyday it will work…
I’ve used essential oils on almost everything and I’ve found out how powerful they were and because I was poisoned by an antibiotic avelox, I’ve research and researched and found this formula for what they call flaux detox and I took the essential oil and as soon as I’ve took it, I basically passed out. And I woke up and felt like rested and better, I was like oh my God this things are real medicine and ever since then I’ve used them and researched and I’ve used them for my kids all the time now. So yeah powerful stuff.
Yeah once you know how to use them, it’s wonderful. I don’t think anything else you know… my parents have had some teeth removed because you know they started… even though they changed their diet but 60 years of eating like caribbeans eat, even though my parents are pretty careful about what you ate and not too much fried stuff that carribeans love that still, lots of starches and everything and so they had some teeth removed and stuff like in the back and normally you get antibiotics before and antibiotics after and you know we’ll just going to give you essential oils for same amount of time and that was it and no infection and even the dentist was like wow healing really quickly that’s weird.
It stimulates the healing process.
Cool. So… let’s wrap it up here cause I know we’ve been a… and I appreciate your time. So if someone want to work with you. How are they going to work with you?
So once I get the whole website and stuff put together, they can reach me by phone or Skype or WhatsApp or something. Right now it’s not with me ready yet. Well as soon as it is then I’ll let you know.
And yeah they can get in touch with me and we can set up a consults overo on Skype and… but at the meantime let’s not forget that you have already excellent healers in the United States I say and Im thinking about Dr. Morse and all the people he’s been training. You’ll get stellar, a help and service from people from the Morse consolation I should say.
So that I think proximity is king here I think you need to understand that, the grass is not necessarily greener elsewhere and there’s a very very… everybody that’s been training by Dr. Morse do amazing, amazing work. And the good thing is that they’re close to you, they speak your language, everything that you need to purchase or whatever is very accessible, they did great work, we can talk to them over the phone regularly if there’s an issue.
And what’s the full name? So Dr. Moritz.
Robert Moritz.
And it’s M-o-r-i-s?
No. Moritz. So you have Andreas Moritz one guy with the liver cleanse – M-o-r-i-t-z Andreas, that’s the liver cleanse guy which I recommend you reading the book if you haven’t yet. And then Dr. Morse. M-o-r-s-e who’s in Florida as a matter of fact.
Okay so not too far.
And if you can train with him, on his website you can go on and can do either distance learning or you can go and learn where he is. I think he is in Jacksonville actually.
Oh okay, not so far.
I think it’s in Florida on Caribbean coast. Yeah proximity is I think is key there.
I mean Jacksonville is like 2 hours away from me so…
So yeah I think it’s a good thing to be close to your caregiver. So I’m not saying the people shouldn’t contact me, I’m just saying that…
There’s an options…
There are options that are very good options, excellent options in America and that I’m really talking about Dr. Morse specifically. You have all those but Dr. Morse and Dr. Moritz as well. And if you’re not sure about how to change your diet, you can look at… John Kohler’s videos. K-o-h-l-e-r. He has tons of videos on YouTube about health, nourishment, and not nutrition and pharma culture and stuff like that like he teaches you how to make and grow your own food. He has amazing, amazing work all across the board So this guy is worth it to check out. And he has good, very good videos about health and how you need to get nourishment from what you’re eating.
So yeah you have a very big options in America and you’re not left alone.
Yeah I mean yeah there’s a lot of people. You know I go down in the Costa Rica and theres like healers that are hiding up in the mountains and stuff and you can just… Im just amazed by them but umm… so any last closing words or healing hacks that people can do, that just can stimulate healing process?
I think first of all, if you wouldn’t put in your mouth, don’t put it on your skin.
Good one.
Just saying… that’s number 1. Number 2 I would say if you’re trying to change… if you don’t plan on changing anything in your diet, at least cleanse your liver once a month. The Clark cleans or the Moritz cleanse, whatever you want to call it. – do that once a month, that’s only to do. And you’ll see, the funny part is that as you do that your diet will change.
Yeah you’ll crave different things.
Yup so it’s not going to be very… something that it comes from your body, it’s very natural, it’s not going to feel like you’re missing out or whatever. You kind of want to eat what you’re eating. You eat right? And from the outside it looks like well you’re starving yourself or you’re not enjoying whatever is that. I was like no no… Im totally enjoying what I was eating right now… I don’t wanna eat anything else – that’s number 2. Number 3 is I would say learn to nourish yourself before you feed yourself. Go from nourishment before you go to fulfilling. And so first thing you need to do without even telling yourself I need to eat raw food, I need to eat vegan food whatever. Just tell yourself I’m going to start my day by eating the fruits because that’s what I’m supposed to eat and before every single meal I’m going to be eating fruits even if it’s cooked food. Even if there’s meat in it and there’s no product or whatever, eat things that are good for you first. Reverse what you’ve been doing by eating fruit, you know if we think about it and at the end of the meal. Do it first and eat the fruit that you love the most because facing a plant based raw food item, your instinct is always right. Your instinct is going to flip and go wrong when what you’re presenting your body is non plant based, and it’s cooked. It’s going to be the other way around. So just give your body what it needs first and you’ll see what happens. It will change and you won’t have to think about it until your body is ready to cleanse so that’s probably another story if we talk about crisis and how that happen and everything and I’ll be more than happy to… I’ll talk about it more. But in the first… that’s what happens to all the people who goes through raw food, they go through raw food for like 1 years 2 years maybe and then the first crisis happens because they never cleanse and they don’t understand and they’ll feel like the raw food almost killed me, Kim probably had deficiencies, I almost lost my teeth or whatever like yeah because you didn’t cleanse, your body trying to find a way to expel the toxins and probably expelled through your teeth.
Yeah.. cool.
So you have to understand that. So do these 3 things and see where it leads to and again you have plenty of excellent healer in America so…
Awesome! Well thank you! I appreciate your time…
I appreciate you… trusting my input.
Oh yeah no you have a unique background so I love it because of where you come from and what you’re doing now. I think it brings a lot of information together that people need to hear so there’s like not many people have your experience and background on what you’re doing so it’s very powerful and yeah I appreciate it. I’ll be in touch with you anyways.
Awesome… thank you Ian!
Yeah…Thank you and I’ll talk to you soon.
Alright, love you brother.
Love you too, man! Bye…
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, author of HEALING HACKS, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.