One Simple Trick To Stay in Phenomenal Shape
Hey EarthFIT fam! In this video, I’m gonna give you one simple trick that you could take with you the rest of your life to stay a phenomenal shape year round at any time, no matter what the circumstance. Let’s get right into it. So my one simple trick to stay in your best shape year round for the rest of your life is to keep it simple.

Yes, it’s simplicity. Make your routine simple. So I’m gonna give you some examples of fitness. We’re gonna talk about fitness and nutrition and why is keeping it simple the best. Okay. Let’s start with the why. The number one thing that is gonna impact your physical stature, your overall health, how healthy you are is gonna be consistency, in either direction. If you’re consistently sitting on the couch and eating potato chips, your body’s gonna be a reflection of that.

If you’re consistently eating the right way, working out and exercising, your body’s gonna be a reflection of that and your health will be an overall reflection of that. We know that it comes down to consistency and especially long term. That’s why a lot of times you’ll see things like fad diets, people starting and then falling off and then gaining of extra weight back or fad exercise routines or programs. People starting getting some decent results at first and then usually falling off getting injured or whatever the case may be. So we want to keep it simple because if you can make it just something that you do as a regular part of your life, then you’re gonna take it with you the rest of your life. So let’s get into some examples. We’ll start with fitness specifically.
So like I said, a lot of times you’ll see new fitness routines coming out or do this, and this is gonna give you the miracle abs you’ve always desired. Really fitness comes down to basic scientific principles that are in fact actually pretty simple… your exercise routine. If you can keep it simple with enough variety that change, that’s gonna get you the best long term results. It’s when we really start to change things up, get really crazy with it. I’m gonna come 7 days this week, I’m gonna try this new run, a marathon everyday program, all these crazy things. We often find ourselves in to get a quick short term results and long term they do nothing, but throw us way out of whack because we start that program. We don’t get the results we want. We get discouraged. And then we find ourself in a rut sitting on the couch thinking, “oh, I really should be back to exercising.” But in fact, if we just keep it simple the entire time you’re gonna have all that time you missed going towards your long term health and wellness.

So an example of a simple routine would be simply hiring a coach, having them tell you what to do and setting appointments. That’s probably the easiest. If you’re somebody that likes to do it on your own, stick to simple exercises, squats, deadlifts, rows, bench press, shoulder press, things like that. These simple complex movements are the best ones. Now let’s talk about nutrition a little bit. So you’ll often see fat diets pop up here and there. I’ll just talk about like the low carb lifestyle, which is really popular now – ketogenic diet, right? So with that, you’ll see good short term results and short term. I mean, anywhere from, you know, three months to you can do it for three months all the way up to a year, and you’re probably gonna get some decent results, but why does it have such a high failure rate?
Why are so many people rebounding after this? It’s because we know that the diet’s not simple enough when you have to actively cut out one thing and all you’re thinking about is cutting out that one thing, the chances of you adhering to it long term are not that great. So a simple nutrition strategy, I would dare you guys to implore would be just eat whole foods, right?

Just eat whole foods and judge how your body feels off of that. That’s really simple. And that’s gonna be a long term strategy that gets you the best results. So my message today is very simple. It’s to keep your exercise and nutrition simple. And if you cannot have somebody do it for you, that’s simple enough. All right. I hope you guys found value in this video. If you did gimme a thumbs up, if you loved it, gimme a heart and as always stay strong.
-EarthFIT Coach Sam