Beaufort Fitness: EarthFIT Training Styles
“Hey everybody! In today’s Q and A I’m going to talk about training. Yes! Training at EarthFIT. The three different types we do, let’s get right into it. So Crystal asked in the group, “what are the differences between the three training styles we do at EarthFIT?” The 3 trainings we do are Meta Strength training, Strength training, and Hurricane training. “Why do we rotate them, et cetera?” So let’s get right into it.

All right. First thing, we do have three different styles of training at EarthFIT. They’re all designed to kind of do something different. And I’m going to talk about that right now. First one, Meta Strength training, fun fact about Meta Strength training. It’s actually trademarked by EarthFIT, LLC. So Meta Strength training. What that is is it’s a combination of compound resistance movements. So that is full body, multi-joint, multi muscle movements, like a barbell squat, shoulder press, things like that. Those are the strength aspect of it. And then there’s an anaerobic exercise component to it as well. Anaerobic means without oxygen. So that’s more of your high intensity cardiovascular type movements. So you’re getting on the battle ropes, you’re sprinting the sled, things like that. That is what Meta Strength training is based around.

Typically we’ll do a strength.. strength movement followed by anaerobic movement. That way we’re getting muscle-building benefits, but we’re also spiking the heart rate. What you can expect on a Meta Strength training day is typically if those of you that have your MyZone will notice that is going to be the day where your caloric burn has the highest inside the gym. So that’s kind of what you’re looking for for a Meta-Strength day.

Now, Strength [training] day, we’ll go to our regular strength day. Regular Strength day is lifting again, heavy compound movements, and that’s all the exercises for that day. Typically, the reason that we’re doing that is we’re trying to send a loud muscle building signal to your body. This is the day where the weights are going to be the heaviest, the reps are going to be on the lower side. Again, the whole purpose and intent of that day is to build muscle and strength. That’s the primary focus. The reason why you’re going to notice you’ll burn less calories that day if you have a Myzone. However, it’s not about the calories you’re burning in the workout that day, there’s also an afterburn effect that’s going on and you’re getting additional calorie burn through your body trying to support muscle growth. So you’re getting it throughout the day and then obviously the more muscle you have on you, it speeds up your metabolism, it gives you all those health benefits.

And the third training we do is Hurricane training. Hurricane training, it’s going to be three compound resistance movements followed by a sprint. So this was made popular by warrior trainings, basically for fighters, people in mixed martial arts, things like that. Really the core design of this is to build muscle and then we’re going to spike the heart rate up for a short sprint. You’ll notice your heart rate should be getting up very high there for that sprint. And then it’ll come back down as you’re doing those compound resistance movements. And then we’re going to sprint again. This one, typically your heart rate will be elevated the majority of the time, but you should see it come down in the workout and then spike back up again while you’re doing that sprint.
What we’re looking for there is really building muscle and then EPOC which is exercise, Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption. That’s the afterburn effect. So after you’re leaving here, your body has to cool itself down from the sprinting you’ve done, and it’s going to burn calories as you leave, kind of same thing with Meta Strength training. You’re going to get an EPOC effect as well. So I hope that clarifies things.
Those are the three training styles we do at EarthFIT. I do challenge you to start to think about this. When you go into those workouts or maybe you don’t go to EarthFIT, maybe you go somewhere else. Really think about the intent that that day of training has around it. That’s something that’s often lost in training. A lot of times we’ll think we need to go super fast on days, maybe like a strength day. We need to slow ourselves down a little bit, not worry about what our heart rate is doing and just push for maximum weights. So remember the intent that is very important. That’s how you’re gonna get results a bit quicker there. All right. That is all for today. Hope you found value in this video. If you did give me a thumbs up. If you loved it, give me a heart. That is all. Please stay strong.”
-EarthFIT Coach Sam