Testimonial: Julia’s Fitness Journey with EarthFIT
Testimonial: Julia’s Fitness Journey with EarthFIT
“Before EarthFIT, my life was mostly just kind of hanging around the house, not a lot of activity certainly wasn’t very strong. Now after EarthFIT, especially now that I’ve been coming five days a week, it’s so much different. I sleep so much better. I have so much more energy during the day. I’m so much stronger.
I remember when I first started, I couldn’t do anything really at my first initial assessment, doing lunges was hard and now I feel like it’s, I’m so much better at doing everything. I have so much more energy now, I’m much stronger. I remember when I first started, it was a struggle for me to be doing things with like 10 pound dumbbells. So, I’m just so much more able to move around and so much stronger and have definitely built some muscle mass. I’ve been to every other kind of gym that there is and being in a small group setting is so great because you not only get what one-on-one coaching from you guys, which is awesome, but there’s also other people to kind of help you along the way with both how to do things and just some camaraderie.
I think a lot of people see videos on Facebook to get their initial taste of what EarthFIT might be like and so seeing so many positive results, I think makes anyone skeptical about anything, but actually coming into the gym and seeing that as real and that all of the coaches put in so much work to everybody and it’s so individualized, all of that skepticism just floats away the first class that you have.

I would recommend EarthFIT to anyone who’s interested in doing any kind of movement. I would give them my phone number. Even if you feel like you can’t do anything right now, and you mostly just hang out on the couch, you guys are so good at taking people from absolutely nothing to wherever it is that they want to be. The hardest part of getting over it, I think is just coming in the door the first time meeting you guys, everybody is so easygoing and so truly interested in helping people, which is hard to find.” –Julia