Drama Vs. Data 3: Getting On The Scale And Sentence Stemming
“Hey! What’s up? It’s Ian Hart here. This is part 3 of Drama Vs. Data. If you saw my previous videos I talked about how when you step on the scale that’s a data point and drama is “Oh! I can’t step on a scale…, No! I’m not gonna do it today I’m gonna do it tomorrow, I’m gonna do it next week or I can’t do it because I don’t know like…” so that is drama. And drama doesn’t help anybody, it actually makes you go further away from your goals and if you read some of the neuroscience or seen the videos about the neuroscience of transformation, habit change has to come from making something more important and more conscious so when you step on the scale it gives it more tension, you’re more likely to make the change and habit change.
If you have an issue with stepping on the scale then we need to address the issue because it’s not the scale itself, it’s the feelings attached to with the scale. So what happens is people don’t have self acceptance so it can be condemned themselves and guilt and shame comes to stepping on the scale. But, self acceptance means there’s no guilt or shame, it’s just accepting what you did so if you had a bad weekend then there’s no reason to feel guilty about it. Move on and upward towards your goal and look at the data as a reference point. Okay, I might have eaten a lot of food this weekend and I gained a couple of pounds but this week I will do better. If you have a problem stepping on the scale, we need to adjust the feelings that are associated with it so sentence stemming is a good way to use for anything but here’s a good one. Write this down if you have any issues getting on the scale:
I would feel better stepping on the scale if…
This will lead you to figure out where the issues and feelings are coming from and then once you understand the feelings that are coming up then you can anticipate them and once you can anticipate your feelings you can make a prediction and a response so you can predict “Hey if I get on the scale I might have a bad feeling well now let me create a response based on that…” Typically what happens and this is how people prevent transformation is they don’t have a prediction, they don’t have a response and they react so they get home, they have bad feelings, they start to gorge themselves with food. So they did not prepare and did not plan out what they are going to do when that feeling arise so it leads to doing something without even thinking about it. So it’s not conscious, it’s not on the brain. We know that something must have more tension and be more conscious in our mind to make the transformation. So try the sentence stem, you can do this for anything if you want more freedom in your life, if you want more love you can say… “I would have more freedom in my life if…”, “I would have more love in my life if…” whatever it is you want so I would feel better stepping on the scale if… and this writing it out not just thinking about it and really putting the work in will allow for you to reflect and once you start to make associations to why you feel this way you can start the process of transformation and get to the root cause of the issue. All right, Ian Hart with EarthFIT training. I hope this helps.”
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
Drama Vs. Data 2: Self Acceptance
“Good Morning! It’s Ian Hart. This is part 2 of the Data Vs. Drama and right now I’m in up right outside of Vegas doing some master mind work and you know last week and the week before I’ve spoke to a lot of people about getting on the scale and how they have problems with the scale because they didn’t want to check in their weight, it made them feel bad, and I sent a video about Drama Vs. Data and so data is just a checkpoint to see where you’re at so you know where you’re going. Drama is not helpful for anybody. All right and so the feeling of shame or guilt is what many people feel when they step on the scale and it’s coming from a place of judgment because they think what’s on the scale is wrong according to them but there’s no such thing as wrong or right, right? so if you can’t accept yourself when you’re fat or a little bit above what you feel is right or wrong whatever it might be then you are not going to accept yourself when you are not completely thin, right? or completely where you want to be.
So self acceptance is the first thing so if you have trouble with the scale then you have trouble with self acceptance and taking away the judgment of yourself is the first step. So if you get on the scale and step on removing any wrong doing there’s no wrong or right. There’s no right number there’s no wrong number and that is removing the drama and just looking at it objectively like I’m 10lbs above where I would like to be all right and is realistic to get 10lbs down from where you are at to is another question you might wanna ask. And based on your activities and what you’re doing in your life. Are you really committed to that 10lbs down cause if you’re not then you know you’ll always going to feel wrong whenever you step on the scale.
So I wanted to make this video just to have anybody who has an issue with getting on the scale to think about it that nothing is right or wrong and as soon as we go from a place of judgment we go into drama and we’re no longer looking at it as data and the data is helpful to where we wanna go. The drama is taking us further from where we wanna go and it is creating shame and guilt which is low vibrational energy and is actually destructive to our health and well being and destructive to the people around us right? so self acceptance is coming from a high vibrational point of view where there is love, and acceptance is where transformation begins so if you saw any of my videos on the map of the scale of consciousness then you know that acceptance is where the actual transformation in the mind and the consciousness level begins and that’s where life actually takes off so if you’re not in the level of self acceptance then now it would be a progress or progress to work towards that level.
Alright, so I hope this helps and this is part 2 of Drama Vs. Data and now I’m about to go hit my workout at the hotel gym. All right, have a great day!”
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
EarthFIT 60-Day Total Body Weight Challenge
Ben’s Push Up Pull Up Challenge
Hey EarthFIT Fan! Coach Ben here. And today I want to share with you an at home workout that you can do on top of the already existing EarthFIT workouts. It doesn’t matter if you’re coming in to EarthFIT twice a week or every single day. These workouts you’re going to be doing every single day for 60 days. It’s what I like to call the EarthFIT 60-Day Total Body Weight Challenge, and how does this challenge is going to work is for the next 60 days you’re not gonna have one day off. It’s from day 1 to day 60 you are doing this workout everyday, it’s going to involve a Push Up variation, a Pull Up variation and a Lunge variation. What I mean by that is on day 1 if you’re a beginner you’ll do 1 push up, 1 pull up, 1 lunge. And if you’re more advanced you’ll start doing 10. How it’s going to work is if you can do 10 pull ups right now you’re going to start by doing 10 on day 1. So by day 60 you’re doing 69 pull ups and if you’re a beginner you can only do 1 pull up less than 10 pull ups or you can’t even do any at all you want to start 1 repetition on day 1.
Okay how it’s going to break down is each day you’re going to add 1. Day 1 you’re gonna start 1 repetition of 1 push up, 1 repetition of 1 pull up and 1 repetition of 1 lunge. Day 2 you’re going to do 2 repetitions of push ups, 2 repetitions of pull ups and 2 repetitions of lunges. And when I talk about the lunges this is each leg so 1 repetition on each leg counts as 1 so on day 2 you do 2 on each leg. By day 30 you’re doing 30 push ups, 30 pull ups and 30 lunges on each leg and day 44, day 53, day 60 that’s how many repetition for the total day. Now you may think wow 30 pull ups, 30 push ups that’s a lot to do all at once. You don’t have to do all of them at once you can break them up into mini sets and it’s how many you are doing for the day so, day 30 you do 30 push ups, pull ups and lunges for the entire day. So you could do, 1 set of 5 reps and you would have 25 left to do during the day then you could do another set of 5 repetitions so on and so forth…
Day 1 you’re starting with 1 of each so you do 1 set of 1. Day 2 you could do 2 sets of 1. Day 3 you could do 1 set of 3. You see how you can do different variations and different set and reps schemes. So day 60 you would most likely break it down to maybe 6 sets of 10 or 10 sets of 6, things like that so it can be done up in many different ways depending on what your goal is…
If you wanna do more of something I recommend doing sets with high repetitions and less sets. If your goal is to get more strength or muscle or get leaner I recommend doing more sets of few repetitions so you’re doing more sets total.
Now, how this is going to work is like I said if you’re a beginner you’re starting with 1 of 1 push up, 1 pull up and 1 lunge and I want you to start off with the most basic forms of that, with push ups this is going to be the most basic push ups I’m going to come down into the floor here, come over to the mat… (Please watch the full video to see the proper exercise form)
Beaufort Health and Fitness: The #1 Reason People Do Not Reach Their Goal
Beaufort Health and Fitness: The #1 Reason People Do Not Reach Their Goal
“There’s one main reason that people do not get the goals or hit the goals that they’re looking for, and that #1 reason is commitment. So if someone sets a goal, they set that intention in motion. But mostly they don’t reach it because of commitment level all right? There’s a quote and it says “It’s hard to beat someone who never gives up.” someone who never gave up is somebody who’s committed to reaching to where they want to be. Most people give up.So I want you to think about this… Think about where failure isn’t even an option all right? For example, when they build a bridge let’s say the Golden Gate Bridge, they didn’t say “Oh! I’m gonna try and build a bridge and you know maybe we’ll hire somebody that is okay, a decent engineer.” No! they said “We’re gonna build a bridge we better make sure that it doesn’t fall apart so we’re gonna hire the best engineer, we’re gonna hire the best architects, we’re gonna hire the best construction company, we’re gonna hire all the right people and we’re gonna invest a lot of time, money and energy to make sure that it’s failproof”, the same with airplanes. For the most part it’s pretty darn failproof. All right? So every once in awhile, there’s a mishap but very infrequently it happens so they pretty much make them failproof like there is no “Uhmm…I’m gonna try and make sure this plane makes it to LA.” No! They have a system to make sure that everything is in align and in order that they can get you from New York to LA.
And so it’s the same with your goals. All right? Set your intention, decide what it is that you want and sometimes the people that aren’t align with their purpose so they get lost, they don’t really know what they want and that’s the main problem is that they’re lost and don’t know what they want. So investing in yourself only helps further that process and then when you know who you truly are you’ll know what you want and then you can stick with it and reach the goal that you desire. It’s worked for me and I’m sure it can work for you.”
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
Drama Vs. Data: Which one are you feeding?
Drama Vs. Data: Which one are you feeding?
“Hey! What’s up? Today I want to cover a topic which is Drama Vs. Data. Since we’re a personal training facility part of our value is tracking data and holding people accountable to move in towards the data that they are looking for and that data would be weighing people in, re-doing our InBody assessment that graphs everything out, also doing before and after pictures; and just those 3 points of data can tell you a massive amount. And then we’re also adding the heart rate monitors coming in soon. So we’re going to have polar flow heart rate monitors where you can see on the screen what your percentage of heart rate is, what your max, your lowest heart rate throughout your workout, how fast you recover, etc. and that will give you even more data. And so the more data we give the better.
Now there’s difference between data and drama. Drama is… “Ugh! I’m so fat, Ugh! I don’t feel good, I don’t feel like doing that, I can’t do that… blah blah blah…” that is drama. And drama takes you further away from your goal whereas data takes you closer to your goals so for an example if someone is going to weigh in… “Ugh! I just feel so fat, I just take so much on the weekend, I hate the scale, I can’t weigh in, I don’t feel good…” that’s drama or approaching the scale by saying “You know what this is telling me that 20lbs away from where I would like to be…” and now that’s data. If you focus on the drama, you’re not going to get closer to your goal, and that drama, that feeling, and that vibration you’re giving off actually is a low energy which takes you further away from your goal whereas the data brings you closer because it’s a mindset change.
So what I would suggest or consider looking at where do you have drama in your life that is actually stopping you from getting to where you want to be and turn that into data. So change the mindset around it. Just say Okay, you know you can relate it to anything so weight how you feel, money in the bank right you know would people have this reels in their head that are telling them so that’s a certain thing. And so, your self dialogue comes from your thoughts, your thoughts come from your feelings and your feelings come from your environment so ultimately either something needs to change in your environment, or you’re not hanging around the right people to make you feel good, you’re not living in an environment that makes you feel good, feel healthy and happy, you’re not buying the right foods, the foods that might trigger the emotional eating. So your environment ultimately dictates your feelings, thoughts, actions, all those things and can create more drama. So, stay away from the drama, focus on the data and you will get closer to your goals.”
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
Body And Consciousness Transformation
Are your thought preventing you from reaching your goals? Do you know what consciousness level you vibrate at? I was inspired to shoot a video when I woke up this morning about body and consciousness transformation after getting some amazing feedback from the 10 people in THE THRIVE PROJECT coaching group and how much it has transformed their life. Here it is…
If you interested in seeing a video on stress reduction and consciousness level let me know.
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
Beaufort Health and Wellness: Oxygen
“Hey! What’s going on? A quick video for you about something that is vital for your health and wellness. And this has to do with… Oxygen. All right!
So this is something that every single day should be extremely important; something that you should be conscious of and if you are unconscious of it, it can lead to pain, other health issues and tons of different ailments. Okay, so if you are not taking in the oxygen that your body needs on a daily basis, you will end up suffering a specific ailment. It could even be emotional so I want you just to try this simple trick just to show you how oxygen levels affect your perception of reality.
So picture an orange as you exhale. I want you to exhale and visualize an orange, close your eyes visualize the orange and exhale. Then I want you to inhale and visualize an apple. Okay? Take 2 seconds to do that and then tell me what you see; you can leave a comment below.
Typically what you’ll find is that as you exhale the fruit will seemed more distant and further away, right? And it will also seem like it’s dying sometimes people will say that they see maggots coming out of it or it’s something grotesque is happening to it, right? And then the apple as you inhale will be larger, bigger, more plump better colors.
The reason being as you exhale – which is also to expire – meaning like if your body feels like it’s going to expire like it’s gonna die, your brain is telling you that you’re getting rid of the action of it. That’s how the brain works on a very deep level and so it alters your perception of reality because it conserves everything else for the body to function. So you can no longer access prefrontal cortex as well with limited oxygen. Prefrontal cortex is where we’re allowed to visualize things, that’s the human part of the brain that allows us to think in the future, visualize things and create our reality. When you inhale you can see and visualize things better. So that’s just one simple thing that allows you to see the effect that oxygen has on your perception of your reality. So imagine this: you’re sitting down at your desk all day, tensed, tightened, you breathe from your chest, very shallow breathing right? And then you start to feel aches and pains in your back, you start to get headaches, all this different things pop up… Symptoms right?
So, how we should breathe? Deep belly breaths [breathing] into the belly and then out. This will not only affect your perception of reality, it will also help you digest things better, you will burn more calories and people will associate with you better; because when we look at somebody, if we sense that there in fight or flight we are going to categorize them if they’re friendly. Will they help us feed me or bring me to my goal? This is deep on the subconscious level or are they a threat to me, right? If someone’s in fight or flight, they’re typically a threat to you right? If someone’s breathing from the belly they are on a relaxed state, they are more calm, and they are more appealing to us even on an unconscious level.
So those are just small things that have the ability to affect everything so your brain will function differently, your body will function differently, you will have more energy, right? Imagine that just one simple thing that you do daily is inhaling, letting your belly expand, inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. If this becomes an instinctual process, then you will change your whole day, you will feel better all around. Alright, so I hope that helps you. What we find is typically most people are living in fight or flight all day, they are tensed up, they breathe shallow in the chest and this prevents them from truly feeling good, relaxed, rested, digested completely throughout the day. Alright, so I hope this tip helps deep breaths. If you can’t do it all day, take 3 sets each day: morning or breakfast, lunch, dinner. Take 10 deep inhales into your belly, hold the breath in there for about 3 or 4 seconds and then exhale. This will actually saturate your body with oxygen you should be instantly feel relaxation and ultimately feel better. Alright so I hope that helps. Have a good day! Ian Hart checking out.”
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
Beaufort health and fitness: Omega 3
Beaufort health and fitness: Omega 3
“Hey guys! Ben here, Precision Nutrition Coach. I’m going to be talking to you again about supplements today. The supplement I’d like to speak with you about today is going to be highly beneficial for you because what happens is a lot of people they have a lot of joint inflammation; their shoulder hurts; their back hurts; there are people walking around their knees hurt. Essentially, you can almost ask any different person they’re going to say this hurts and you ask them why they’re like it’s inflamed. So with this supplements going to help you do is decrease the amount of inflammation in your body while also helping you burn more fat.
The reason people aren’t getting enough of this is because we are eating too much of the wrong foods. The supplement I am specifically talking about is an Omega 3 which comes from fish oils – that’s the one we’re going to be talking about today. The reason people aren’t getting enough omega 3s is they’re eating too many omega 6, it skews with the balance of the omega 6 and omega 3 ratio. Way, way back in our ancestors past and everything, we used to eat a lot more fish and things that had omega 3s in it. Now we eat a lot of meat products and things like oils and all the processed foods so that pushes the omega 6 ratio. So the ratio you want to have is about 4:1. Right now most people are eating a 20:1 or 40:1. So, not getting nearly enough omega 3s and getting way to omega 6’s.
The reason this causes the problem is the omega 6 is causing the inflammation in the body, they cause restriction of the blood vessels, they cause coagulation in the blood, they cause restriction in the airways and they cause the pain in the joints where the omega 3s do the complete opposite. They are anti-inflammatory, they are anti coagulants, they increase the airway pathways in the body and they eliminate pain. So you want to get that ratio closer to the normal level and you may say to yourself “Hey, I eat fish you know I eat fish all the time.” Ask yourself this question:
- Have you eaten fish today?
- Did you eat fish yesterday, or last week, or anytime in this past month, and how much?
Because the amount of fish that you actually have to consume to get that proper amount of omega 3s is about 3lbs. Each serving of fish is about 250-500mg of omega 3s. You need several grams of omega 3s a day to get the benefits.
So the benefits of consuming omega 3 supplements are going to be like I spoke earlier:
- A decrease in joint pain and joint inflammation
- Increase in fat burning and your metabolism
How does it occurs is omega 3s cause a turn on a particular part in the body called peroxisomes within your cells. The peroxisomes, they digest the fat and they break down the fat differently from other different parts of the body, different cells in the body. So the omega 3s activate the peroxisomes. This increases the amount of heat that is release in the body by 30-40%. More heat being released means the metabolism is working even harder and also reduces the amount of energy that is actually produced by fat breakdown. This is actually beneficial for you because if less energy is being produced for each gram of fat that is being broken down. Your body has to actually break down more fat to get the required energy for the activity you’re trying to do so it actually burns more fat with the activation from the omega 3s.
The supplement that we have here at EarthFIT is the AdvoCare OmegaPlex. This product, it has a maintenance dosage of 2 soft gels and this is going to give you a maintenance just for optimum health. However, if you want the fat burning benefits and the anti-inflammation benefits that will help decrease the pain in the shoulders you are currently having, decrease the pain in your back, your hips, your knees, eliminate all types of inflammation in the body and increase the fat burning, you want a minimum of 3 grams of omega 3s. The OmegaPlex that I have here it has per serving which is the 2 soft gels 1 gram of omega 3 so you need 6 softgels to get the optimum benefits, the anti-inflammatory and the fat burning benefits. So 6 soft gels is going to give you 3 grams and that’s the minimum dosage required to get all the benefits from omega 3s.”
Beaufort health and fitness: Probiotics
Beaufort health and fitness: Probiotics
“Hey guys! Ben here, Precision Nutrition Coach. Again I’ll be talking about more supplements with you. The supplement I’ll be speaking about today is going to help you improve your gut function, your digestion and then also it’s going to help boost your immune system. Thus, some questions I’d like to ask you right now are:
- Are you currently feeling things like bloating? gassiness?
- When you eat a meal, does it not seem to sit well? Or immediately after again you get bloated and gassy?
- Are you currently getting acid reflux where you know again, you eat something and it just doesn’t seem to sit right.
- Are your bowel movements irregular?
- Are you getting sick very frequently? It seems like you’re always sick and no matter what you do you can’t get better.
This supplement is definitely for you then.
The supplement I’m specifically talking now is probiotics and here at EarthFIT we have probiotic supplement in particular by the Qivana company that we sell and this is going to help you replenish the probiotic storage within your body. You may ask yourself why do I even need a probiotic? Shouldn’t my body be getting the beneficial bacteria from things like yogurt, and other things like that. Those foods aren’t very beneficial, they don’t give you enough probiotics, and what happens is those yogurts that you’re consuming actually have more harmful ingredients like the sugar and artificial sweeteners that are killing off the probiotics within them. Other things that destroy the probiotics in the body that are going to cause all those symptoms that I spoke about earlier – the gassiness, bloating, poor digestion, sickness – are actually antibiotics.
So when you go to the doctors what do they recommend? They write you prescription and then they hand you an antibiotic and you’ll go pick it up and take it without any thinking about it. The term probiotic means for life, it promotes life. Antibiotics is against life so when the doctor writes you prescription and hands it to you it’s actually giving you something that is against life, it kills life, whereas the probiotic is beneficial for life. So, antibiotics kill off the probiotics in your gut. Other things that kill off the probiotics in your gut are artificial sweeteners. It’s a toxins to the body so again, it’s a toxin, it’s a poison, it kills things in your body. So artificial sweeteners, artificial food colorings, same thing as sweeteners, it’s toxic to the body, it kills off…
Gluten: Gluten is very inflammatory and it destroys the gut itself it destroys the microvilli which are the little particles in your gut that help assimilate and digest food and help absorb. It destroys that and really inflames the intestines so again, you’re killing off more probiotics that way. So, those are several things that you are eating without any thinking about it and then companies like the packaged food companies, they put in other chemicals and toxins that you’re not even currently aware of, they’re killing off the probiotics in the body.
So, what are the benefits of taking a probiotic? The benefits that you’re going to receive is going to be:
- An increase in your gut function, your digestion so you’re going to have better digestion
- Your assimilation of nutrients so you’re now digesting better. What’s going to happen is you will assimilate all the nutrients better. You may have heard of the saying “You are what you eat.” the saying should actually be you are what you digest and assimilate so the nutrients that actually get absorbed within the body are going to be the nutrients that are beneficial.
- Other things that you’re going to benefit from taking probiotics is a boost in your immune function. I can’t even remember the last time I was sick because I currently take a probiotics daily and my sickness just stays at the minimum. I never feel down, I never have to call off work or call off when I was at school because of I was sick. I always felt well. Whereas my friends they’re always sick, they seem to come out with just a cold that everybody at the school was getting… things like that.
- You’re going to have a decrease in the bloating, decrease in the gassiness from taking the probiotics and just you will have an overall better well being from taking the probiotics.
- You will feel much better just throughout the day.
- Your clothes will fit better, you will have a better self image of yourself.
So again, this is Ben, a Precision Nutrition Coach and talking about probiotics.”
Xbody Training Experience
Just finished up xbody training and my whole body is already sore. The electrodes stimulate the muscles to the designated degree created by the trainer. It was only 20 minutes long but enough to make you feel it. It was cool to try out but I it’s not my cup of tea, I like heavy weights and explosive movements :). I definitely recommend trying it out though.
“Hey! What’s up? It’s Ian Hart here. (“I can take a picture of you”, Yeah sure! I want you to film me…) So I’m here in Paris right now and I’m about to do this training called Xbody Training and right now he’s filling up a pads here with water so that conducts the electricity and then that stimulates the muscles right? (“Yes”). And so I’m about to start the training, I’ll let you know how it goes, I’ve been testing out different training while I’ve been out here and first time I did crossfit yesterday but anyways, I’ll let you know how it goes I might give you a video of me doing the actual training and I got my trainer right here say hi! (“Hi!”). Alright! Talk to you later.”
“Alright so right now I’m in Xbody, you can see I have a suit on and what they do is electrically stimulate all the muscles throughout the body. Pretty awesome, pretty intense. And so if I get a chance, I’m gonna have… film me the actual workout.”
I was sore for 5 days from this!
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
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