A Threat To The Security Of Our Food
I have known for some time now what has been happening with our food supply and a few months back with in two day period, I ran into 2 separate people in the community that had family members who were farmers and became directly affected by what is going on with the food supply in this country.
The people that I spoke to were telling me about their family members who decided to use the GMO seeds and certain pesticides back in the day when no one knew the effects. The farmers ended up with cancer and died. These same chemicals are in 80% of the food that we eat today and everyone is wondering why people are getting sicker and sicker. Most importantly, no one really knows what the long term consequence are for ingestion of GMO’s. We know for sure that there is a massive uprising of auto immune disorders and sensitivity to foods.
The only way to change is to start eating organic locally grown food that is free of GMO, pesticides and harmful additives and preservatives. The only issue is that a bill has yet to be passed forcing the transparency of GMO food that are in our super markets. I understand that organic foods can be more expensive in the short term but lets think about the future our health and most importantly the people who inhabit this earth when we are gone!
I always urge people to spend the extra money on high quality foods that provide more nutrients and energy so you feel better in your everyday lives and stave off disease and illness.