There are a few misconceptions about weight training. Many people associate weight training with muscle bound body builders and pro football players. It is true that people with super fit bodies get that way by including weight training in their Beaufort fitness plan, but weight training is not what creates bulky muscles. In fact, weight training is an ideal way to speed up weight loss. It is also a great way to ward off aging and to increase energy. It’s really simple actually. EarthFIT has the equipment and a Beaufort personal trainer know how that can get you on your way to a healthier, fitter you.
One of the best ways to fight the aging process and to increase core strength is through Beaufort fitness: weight training. Getting older does not mean you have to become frail. Through weight training you can increase your strength and improve your general Beaufort fitness level. The stamina that you increase through the proper use of weights during your training session will easily help you to shed pounds and shave off the years. There is scientific evidence that supports the idea that a good weight-training program will actually turn back the clock and fight osteoporosis.
For the ladies that shy away from weight training because they fear getting “bulky” rest assured the professional staff at EarthFIT understand how the body works and can help you to tone up without the bulk. Most people don’t realize that by adding weights to your workout you are seriously increasing the benefit of your workouts. Adding weight training to your routine will directly translate into your everyday life and improve your performance in other activities making them easier to accomplish.
You can sculpt your body to get a longer leaner look by using the right amount of weights progressively, and doing the right exercises, but attempting to figure out what to do and how much to use on your own might be a bit difficult. In many cases people that have set out to do this on their own have found that they were not achieving the results that they expected and some even injured themselves by using the weights wrong with incorrect form (they might have even had a less-than-reputable trainer).
So they watch their investment go to waste and wind up selling their equipment turned clothes hanger at a garage sale. The professionals at EarthFIT can provide you with the guidance that you need to get the look that you want. You do not have to take on the task of designing a plan and sticking to it alone, EarthFIT can be your specialized support system.
The luxury of a personal trainer that can show you the ropes is not exclusively linked to the lifestyles of the rich and famous, just about anyone can afford to use the services at EarthFIT. The real question is; can you afford not to? It is actually cost effective to train at EarthFIT when you compare it to buying the equipment and the risk that you take having at it alone. Of course there are other gyms that offer the same equipment but what really sets EarthFIT apart is the Beaufort personal trainers that are there for YOU.
There is no doubt that the benefits are tremendous! EarthFIT can help you look and feel your very best through weight training. At EarthFIT all your excuses will go right out the window. You will want to be there and take advantage of this great program.
After a training session I have never heard someone say,
“I wish I didn’t workout this morning” …
Or “I shouldn’t have exercised today” …
What about stuffing your face with junk food or over-indulging on unhealthy foods?
Have you ever regretted that?
Of course you have.
The reason is simple one takes discipline, will power and makes you feel and look great; the other makes you feel and look like crap.
Can you guess which one does what?
Here’s a quick solution for when you get the urge to eat unhealthy junk food – Exercise! Do some push-ups, squats, walking lunges, run etc.
And when you feel like exercising, exercise harder and longer 🙂
Our brains are literally like computer programs and the more we repeat a behavior, we reinforce it creating a pattern. The longer and more often the behavior has been repeated, the greater the neural pathway in the brain is and the harder it is to stop that pattern.
So we can reprogram the brain through actions since the typical process for an action is:
1. A thought that leads to…
2. A feeling or an emotion, which leads to…
3. An Action
If we are caught in a never-ending cycle of repeated actions that we do not like then we need to reverse the process.
But first we must be aware of the patterns before we can change them. So look at patterns in your life that lead to actions for unwanted results.
If you find that you have an unwanted pattern that is hard to correct, here is a simple way to get started on correcting it.
1. Take action first, even if you do not feel like it (for example, exercise even when your brain says “I want to stuff my face with junk food and veg out)
2. You will feel better
3. You will begin to think differently and change the thought patterns in your brain that lead you to the unwanted behavior.
Does that make sense? It’s kind of along the same lines as fake it till you make it;but faking it never works. You actually have to “do” and “be” in the action for changes to be made.
“Being” is the highest form of action. Intentions are great but ACTION IS KING.
Take action now 🙂
Committed to your success,
P.S. Yesterday a client made my day when she told me that EarthFIT was by far the best gym that she had ever been to and she said “I have A LOT of experience with gyms, this one is the best”. Our goal is to make people see that
P.P.S. See Jason Bell’s Bio (The new addition to EarthFIT) by clicking HERE
P.P.P.S. Habersham Heads up: The schedule at Habersham will be changing slightly as we transition Jason into the EarthFIT Team. We will keep you updated on this.
“Hey! What’s going on? It’s Ian Hart here at Relief4Life. I’m a Back Pain Relief Expert and Co-Creator of Back Pain Relief4Life that you can find
Today what I want to speak to you about is activating your abs. We find that most people are disconnected with being able to consciously activate their abs. They don’t even know how to fire from thought to the abs; they can’t even activate it. This is leading to a lot of back issues. The abdominals are endurance muscles that help support the body. Because people are sitting down all day or leaning over, those muscle atrophy, they become weak and they become disconnected from those muscles.
So, I’m going to give you 2 techniques to help you activate your abs, but before I get into that, I want to explain a misconception and a myth that has been taught through a certain mindset or thought or idea in the training and this can lead to issues later on. It’s not the best approach, it’s actually not only not the best approach but it’s not correct in terms of activating the abs. Here it is: Sucking In or drawing in close to your spine. A lot of times when I say activate your abs when I’m working with a client, they will suck in and I say No no… press out with your abs. They have no idea what I’m talking about. They think activating your abs is sucking in. So sucking in actually weakens the abs so if you think about it just in terms of structure, in terms of creating your foundation if you have something closer together it’s [getting] weaker than wider apart. So if you draw your abs in, it’s weakening the area around your spine plus you are not activating the muscles which is a contraction so the muscles are meant to protect the organs, sucking in is not protecting. Okay so don’t suck in, don’t draw in.
The best way that I’ve learned to teach people is through Coughing. When you cough <cough> – just natural coughing, it forces you to activate your abs. If you hold your stomach and cough, you can feel your abs activating. So now once you connect that thought process, you can now do it consciously. It might take a little bit longer for you to get it if you haven’t done it in a long time, but it will help. The next thing is Punching Yourself in the stomach, obviously not to hard but just taking your hands and hitting yourself in the stomach. It forces you to activate yourself, your abs, core muscles are there to protect you so unconsciously it will protect yourself when you hit yourself in the stomach. That will help you connect your mind to the movement, and this is also very important in our Back Pain Relief program because it helps you reconnect your mind with the movements; It gets better results; it gives us that 4G access we want in the body. Remember, your body is like the internet. It can be disconnected and it can have dial up. We want 4G.
So here you go, this is Ian Hart with talking about Ab Activation. I want you to go ahead and try if you’re sitting in your chair, go ahead and just hit yourself in the stomach or cough and see how it activates your abs. Now if you are sitting down all day, you should think about keeping your abs active throughout the day, sitting up right and this is going to help prevent back pain. It’s going to make you stronger and you’re going to feel better. Take that home, use that one. This is Ian Hart with”
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
Please make sure to vote for me by clicking the “VOTE”
button in the upper right hand corner!
Committed to your success,
P.S. For those current EFers we are doing re-assessments next week at Lady’s Island. Please look out for an email for more details.
P.P.S. Watch the “Triple 10 Challenge” workout and please make sure to click the vote button in the upper right hand corner and tell all your friends and family as well! I really appreciate the support!
“Hey! What’s up? It’s Ian Hart here and today I am going to show you the top challenge for the Men’s Health Top Trainer Challenge workout.
So here’s how it works: It is super simple, but super challenging and everybody and anybody can do this. So, you don’t need any weight. It’s just your body weight but it’s the 10-10-10. So the triple 10’s and it’s going to be 10 push ups, 10 squats, for 10 sets in under 10 minutes. And if you can do it in under 10 minutes, that is the Easy level. If you can do it under 7 that is Intermediate; under 4 minutes, it means you’re a Master. So the challenge goes like this:
You are going to be doing 2 push ups regular push ups and then 1 clapping push up, 2 push ups, another clapping push up for 10 reps you are going to do that circle. For 10 reps, jump up and get into a squat, do 2 regular squats then a jumping squat, 2 regular squats then a jumping squat for 10 reps and it’s going to look just like this…
(Please see the video)…
Okay, so that’s 1 set. You are going to be doing 10 sets of those in under 10 minutes for the Easy level, under 7 minutes for the Intermediate and under 4 minutes for the Master level.
All right! There you have it. That is the top challenge for the Men’s Health top trainer challenge. Go have at it.”
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
BEST Booty Exercise #1: LUNGE
An amazing exercise that targets the muscles of your butt, thighs, and hips is the lunge. Putting one foot out in front of the other, lower your body toward the ground, keeping your abdominals tight and your torso straight. Lower until the front knee is bent at 90 degrees and not extended past your toes. Stand back up and then extend the opposite leg and bend. Perform 10 repetitions. For an increased Beaufort fitness workout, hold dumbbells in each hand.
BEST Booty Exercise #2: HIP LIFT
A great exercise to work your glute muscles is the hip lift. To do this exercise, lie on the floor with your back flat, knees bent, and feet resting on the ground. While keeping your arms at your sides on the floor, lift your bottom and lower back off of the floor. Hold for a few seconds, and then slowly lower yourself. Repeat. To work your muscles even more, lift a leg in the air when you raise your bottom off the ground. Lower yourself and then repeat, lifting the other leg.
BEST Booty Exercise #3: BANDED SHUFFLE
This is a great exercise to get your heart pumping and work your buns. To do this exercise, you’ll need an elastic sports band. Stand up straight with your legs hip-width apart and tie the band around your lower legs. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, your back is straight, and your abdominals are tight. While in this squatting position, take several steps to the left, then several to the right. You may need to use your arms for balance, but your butt muscles should feel a workout.
BEST Booty Exercise #4: LEG LIFT
To do a leg lift, lie on your side and prop yourself up on your elbow. Raise your top leg slowly into the air, as high as you can, so your legs make a “V” shape. Hold for a few seconds, and then slowly lower your leg. Repeat 10 times, turn onto the other side, and lift the other leg.
BEST Booty Exercise #5: RUN OR WALK
Running or walking outside or on the treadmill are other great exercises that work your butt while giving you a cardio workout to burn fat at the same time. Make it your goal to exercise 30 to 45 minutes at least three times a week, including walking or running each time.
BEST Booty Exercise #6: PLIE SQUAT
Another form of squat is the plie squat. This is the exercise to add definition and shape to your butt. Start by standing with your legs slightly more than shoulder-width apart and your toes pointed out to the sides. This is what ballerinas call the plie position. For balance, hold your arms in front of you. While keeping your back straight, slowly squat to the ground until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold this for five seconds and stand back up. Repeat 10 times.
Burn, Baby, Burn! These 6 exercises are excellent ways to burn extra fat off your booty while adding the definition you desire. Not used to working your gluteal muscles? You’ll definitely feel the burn the first few days, but the end result will be worth the effort!
Please resist the urge to let past failures get you down. I don’t care how many times you’ve tried and failed to transform your body – and you shouldn’t either. What matters is that you’re motivated NOW, so let’s grab that momentum and get moving!
The one and only way to reshape your body (and your booty) is with a combination of cardio exercises, a healthy diet, and the right resistance Beaufort fitness workouts targeted for the butt and thighs. This is the winning combination that will see you through to your goal.
If you’re serious about transforming your body then call or email today to set up a consultation with me. Together we will create the perfect program that will quickly get you into the body that you deserve.
Don’t wait! Let’s get started today…”
(Courtesy of fitpronewsletter)
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
Being coached is one of the best ways to ensure continued self awarenss and growth, which is vital to reaching new heights in life.
So congrats on allowing yourself be coached, just that in itself is an accomplishment.
The truth is, we are all playing a game… the game of life. We are either winning (being happy and in control of our current situation) or we feel like we are losing (unhappy and not in control of our current situation).
Feeling like a loser sucks, believe me, I know. I have spent too many years feeling like a loser; but the truth is I wasn’t a loser.
It was my thinking that was backwards – and that made me feel like a loser. The reality was that I was a winner but I was living in “The Gap”.
It is like that famous qoute “When you change how you look at things, the things that you look at change.”
There is a simple formula that can make you feel like you are winning instantly!
But before I get in to that, let me explain what “The Gap” is. It’s something that I learned from world renowned coach, Dan Sullivan. One of the coaching programs that I am currently in was created by Dan Sullivan. Over the past 5 years I have consistently had a coach and have had the opportunity to work with some of the best coaches in the world to help me help EF trainers and clients progress to new levels. My hope is that this concept and the recommendation at the end of the email assists you towards your goals in 2014.
OK… So, “The Gap”…
“The Gap” is the place between where you are currently and your ideal self. Your ideal self being an image that is held in your mind and is never obtainable becasue when a goal is reached, the ideal self shifts again to something different, therefore the “ideal” is never truly reached. You are always left with the feeling of losing which never helps self-esteem. Essentially you want to stay out of this place because happiness and fullfillment can never be achieved when you live in “The Gap”.
On the filp side, when you compare yourself: where you started vs. where you are today, you can ONLY see the success and the progress you have made. This always leads to happiness and fullfillment because there is a sense of accomplishment and forward progress. It is also focusing on the positive, creating postive feelings of success and accomplishment giving motivation of wanting to do more and more.
If you do even 1 thing a day that helps you towards your goal, you are successful.
Nobody is perfect so small success leads to major success over time. As coaches we know this as it relates directly to fitness.
Every workout translates to calories lost/strength gained/cardio increase or what ever your goal may be and every meal can be postives to your physiological function and goals, or destructive and sabatoging.
Every decision counts. Every decision you make is either taking you further from or closer to your goals. But we want to focus on the positive.
I will share pieces of how you can do that becasue my goal in 2014 is to help you win.
Winning is accomplishing the desired result. And it all begins with how you look at things.
Let’s walk through 2014 with winning confidence instead of feeling like a loser.
And if you already feel like your winning, then lets win bigger!
The app WinStreak created by Dan Sullivan has help me stay in a positive focus.
I highly recommend it to assist you on reaching your goals for 2014.
“Hey! What’s going on? It’s Ian Hart here! And here is Holiday Workout #1. It’s going to be four exercises thus, many circuit is going to take about 3 minutes roughly. So I want you to do 3 – 5 sets of this. This workout should take less than 20 minutes total if you do all these exercises. You can do variations of these exercise so I am going to explain as we go through them. If you don’t have weights you can do all these exercises without weights, or you can grab something around the house that adds a little bit more of weight to this.
The first exercise that we will be doing is going to be squattobackwardslunge. I am using a kettlebell for this. We are going to start of lifting up, do a backwards lunge, lift it up again alternating legs, squat, backwards lunge, squat, you are going to do 10 reps on each side. So squatting, backwards lunge – 20 reps.
The next exercise is going to be what some people call a DiveBomberPushUp. You’re going to get through a V position, feet wide, hips up in the air, you are going to come down and up and then repeat – reversing the movement. So coming down then pushing your body back up and repeat. Back down, and up. You are going to do 15 to 20 reps of the Dive Bomber push-ups.
Then you are going to do 20 jumpsquats, if your body is not ready for jumping you are just going to do 20 fast body weights squats. Jump squats are just going to be like this – you want to land nice and soft, just get up in the air. If you are familiar with plyometrics then you can go higher and jump higher in the air, make sure you are landing nice and soft, 20 reps of jump squats.
And then bicycleabs. You are going to do 20 nice and fast and then 20 nice and slow, One counts your elbow to knee so one, two, three… this would be fast and then 20 slow. Make sure you’re squeezing the abs and then repeat…
So that’s Holiday Workout #1. Get to that and you’re going to have two more exercises or two more exercise regimens following up on this in the next couple of days.
Alright, I hope you have a great holiday and enjoy the workout.”
EarthFIT Holiday Workout 2
“Hey! What’s going on? It’s Ian Hart here at EarthFIT and here’s Holiday Workout #2. Again it’s 4 exercises. Each exercise should take about 45 seconds to a minute. So it’s a total of 16 to 20 minutes and it’s going to be 4 exercises that you do without weight, but I’m going to show you with weight.
The first one is going to be forwardandbackwardslunge so it’s going to incorporate legs and also stability; you’re going to have to balance. So I have one weight here, stepping forward and then backwards, and repeat. For a beginner, you can do stopping here (at start) and then back. So you are going to do 20 on each side going back and forth, switch sides and repeat. So back and forth… make sure you are pushing through the front heel when you go back and then go down bring the knee about an inch above the ground. That’s the first exercise.
The next one is going to be a Pushupwithaspin. You’re going to get into a push up position, push up and then spin around, and then back the other way. Push up – spin. So it’s coordination. Go slow and controlled if you need to. So you can go slow, once you are get it down you can go faster. And if you really feel frisky, you can do a full spin and then push up.
All right. The third exercise is going to be a SpinJump. This is a little bit complicated and more advanced, so I am going to show another one that you can do if you can’t do this. Starting sideways get down into squat, then you are going to turn and jump. So that is the simple one. You can do more advanced: turn, jump, touch the ground, turn, jump, touch the ground. For those who can’t do that (the jumping with a spin), you are just going to do a lateral lunge. So you are doing 20 of this on each side; 20 of the jumps total.
And then the last one are going to be one of my favorite exercises that incorporate the full body is the BearCrawl. Bear crawl is on all fours, getting low to the ground and crawling. You can use your speed, you can do it down a hallway, you can do it outside – you can do this whole work outside. You’re going to do the bear crawl for 30 seconds.
So again let’s recap. We have:
– Forward-backwards lunges (20 reps on each side)
– Spinning push ups (15 to 20 reps)
– The Jump squats with a spin (20 reps), and
– The bear crawl for (30 seconds)
So there you go Holiday Workout #2, make sure you do this and take action right now. Don’t watch it and say you are going to do it later, cause the day will get started and you missed out. So go ahead and start that, it takes about 16 to 20 minutes and enjoy the Holidays.”
EarthFIT Holiday Workout 3
“Hey! It’s Ian Hart here with Holiday Workout #3. Again it’s 4 exercises, but today we are going to be focusing on more stability than anything else. So I am going to show you 4 exercises, they’re going to be on one leg if you have any issue with dealing stability exercises then just do both legs – you can do the same exercises with both legs.
All right! So the first one incorporates if you have a dumbbell, you can also use a gallon of water or a gallon of milk, because the weight doesn’t really need to be that heavy because it is a stability exercise. You are going to have stand on one leg, lean over, back nice and straight, make sure your back is straight and then you are going to do OneArmRow, stabilizing on the leg, you can do 12 reps, 12 to 20 depending on how light the weight is. If it’s easy, do higher reps and then switch, and then repeat. Balance, stabilize, try to stay on there without falling over. If you need to you can use your foot in the back to tap down just to stabilize again.
The next exercise is going to be PushUp and this time you you are going to be shifting your body weight to one arm, you’re assisting with the other arm. So you are going to shift your weight over to this arm and then push up and then shift to the other side then back. If you’re not strong enough to do a full push up, you can just do a regular push up, or you can go to your knees and do the same thing, so pushing up and back. So 10 on each side, for a total of 20 reps.
Next exercise is going to be on one foot – OneFootToeTouch. Keep you back nice and straight, alternating your arms, if you are not able to get to your toe, get down to this point – you can get a reference point like a cone (the top of the cone) and then you are going to touch the top of the cone. You want to do 12 reps on each leg, switching until it touches back nice and straight again, as I’ve mentioned.
And then last one everybody’s favorite, HighKnees. So high knees, are meant to get your knees up; 30s you can go fast, speed, move your arm for both cardio, and then 30 seconds and repeat.
So again we have:
– One leg bent over rows (12 to 20 reps)
– Push ups shifting to one side (20 reps)
– Toe touches (12 reps, 12 to 15 on each leg depending), try to get the whole repetition without falling over if you need to, you can use that back foot
– High Knees (30 seconds)
Again, this is going to take roughly about 4 minutes per circuit, do 3 to 5 sets depending on how you feel and then let me know how you do. Go ahead and leave a comment below, and tell me what your time was, how many reps you banged out and how much weight you used. Again this is Holiday Workout #3 from EarthFIT. I hope you enjoyed it and take advantage of it. Do it now.”
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
Most people lose sight of their fitness and fat loss goals entirely this month, only to have a rude awakening when their clothes are snug come January.
It’s really no wonder most people gain weight during the holidays.
Want to sidestep those holiday pounds? We’re here to be your voice of reason and to make sure that you don’t forget your goal. Stay fit this holiday season with these 3 steps:
Step #1: Get Re-Focused
The focus in so many of our holiday traditions is on food. This holiday season try to re-focus your attention away from food and back on to what’s really important—friends, family, giving, and religious traditions. Stay focused on the reason for the season rather than the plate full of hors d’oeuvres in front of you.
It’s important that you don’t lose sight of your dieting goals. Remind yourself of all the progress that you’ve made. Keep your goals in the forefront of your mind. Be aware that the holidays can be a time of emotional eating. Sometimes stress, family conflict, or even depression can be triggered. If this happens to you, try to address the root of your problems with solutions other than food or drink.
Step #2: Use Strategy
It’s important to use strategy when approaching the many celebrations held this time of year. With night after night of parties and events, you’ll need to pace yourself in order to keep your diet on track.
The most obvious, and effective strategy is to not arrive at the party hungry. Instead, eat a small low-calorie snack ahead of time to prevent overeating. When it’s time for extreme measures, wear tight-fitting clothes around your waist so there’s not much room for expansion!
Another idea is to chew gum before and after a meal, so you won’t be tempted to overindulge in appetizers and desserts. During the party, don’t stand right next to the food table, instead keep a safe distance. And before you get a plate of food, choose your selections wisely. Use a small plate instead of a large dinner plate and don’t go back for seconds!
Another important strategy is figuring out how to get in the gym between parties. Finding room in your busy holiday schedule for Beaufort exercise will help you fight off the extra weight trying to attach itself to your midsection and rear.
Step #3: Moderation
We’re not suggesting that you deprive yourself of all the foods you love, as this will likely lead to a spurge that ruins all your good intentions. Be smart about what you choose to eat. Enjoy the goodness of the season, but in moderation. Trim calories where you can by limiting your trimmings-cheeses, gravy, sauces, creams, and nuts.
Some of your favorite indulgences may only come around this time of year. This may cause you to want to overindulge before it’s too late. Instead of stuffing yourself, survey what foods are available and make your choices. Indulge in your favorites and leave the everyday dishes for another time. Only eat what you love, and don’t just eat something because it’s on the buffet.
Also, be sure to limit the amount of alcoholic beverages you drink. While you may not know it, they’re filled with calories, too. Try alternating an alcoholic drink with a non-alcoholic drink.
Follow these simple tips, and you will avoid holiday weight gain this season and start 2014 off right!
We’re passionate about seeing our clients achieve results—without wasting time, energy and effort on mistakes. Call or email today to get started on our best available Beaufort fitness program.
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
True, crunches won’t reduce your body fat, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t strengthen your abdominal muscles. Consistent ab exercises are an essential part of a well balanced exercise or Beaufort fitness routine. Try these killer ab exercise:
Plank: Lie face down on mat resting on your forearms, palms flat on the floor. Push off the floor, raising up onto your toes and resting on your elbows. Keep your back flat, in a straight line from head to heels. Tilt your pelvis and contract your abdominals to prevent your rear end from sticking up in the air or sagging in the middle. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds, lower to the start position and repeat for 3-5 reps.
Knee Tucks: Start on your back, bend your knees with your feet on the floor and knees touching. Extend both arms overhead on either side of your ears, palms facing up. Exhale and bring your knees up towards your chest. Slowly lower your hips back down to start position. Repeat for 12-15 reps.
One-Armed Full Sit Ups: Start on your back with your right knee bent, foot flat on the floor, and left leg extended straight out. Extend your right arm to the ceiling and reach your left arm towards your left foot. Sit all the way up, rolling through your back, keeping your right foot on the floor, and your right arm up over your shoulder and your left arm reaching in front of you all the way up. Slowly roll back down to the floor. That’s one rep. Repeat 15 times on one side, 15 times on the other. For an extra challenge hold a dumbbell in your extended arm.
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.