Walking and Back Pain
“Hey! What’s up? It’s Ian Hart here. I’m here at my fitness studio and I had a quick thought that I think can help you if you’re dealing with back pain. And so that being: how you walk.
Okay, a lot of times the way you walk can either cause back pain or relieve back pain and so there’s one tip that I think a lot of people can use right now. And that is when you walk, you’re suppose to swing your arms, alright. If you notice that your walking without swinging your arms you’re putting a lot of torque and tension in your lower back and it’s causing damage. Now if you swing your arms you’re dissipating the force and letting your body flow freely. And what happens is, when people have back pain they actually tighten up and they let fear get into the mind so they tense up their whole body and they stop moving their arms and their shoulders and they walk, you know, in this position like this (please see the video) and this is actually causing more pain than if they just walk freely. Alright?
So you’ll notice when you swing your arms with your body nice and fluidly, it feels great. Just in general just go nice swing, you’re actually, your whole physiology will change and this goes, you know, you’re changing your nervous system when you let your body flow freely and walk. This is true for posture too, you know we know that if you sit up straight you get your spine in alignment, information sent from the brain down to the spine faster, automatically your whole physiology change. You feel better about yourself and you feel better about the world around you just by increasing your posture, increasing your breathing and all those things because that’s the way the body’s designed. It wasn’t designed to be hunched over alright. So as soon as you’re hunched over or you walk with your arms tightened up and you’re not moving, these little things can transform the body dramatically. Alright, so when you walk, walk with your arms swinging nice and fluidly, it dissipates force so you don’t put torque and more compression in your back leading to more microtrauma which will cause more pain. Alright, I hope this helps. Walk with your arms swinging. Ian Hart with MyBackPainCoach.com, BackPainRelief4Life.com have a great day!”
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
Beaufort Health and Fitness: Sitting
“Hey! What’s up? It’s Ian Hart here with MyBackPainCoach.com, BackPainRelief4Life.com and today I wanted to speak to you about sitting. You know sitting gets a bad wrap for numerous things and it should because sitting all day is not good for you right? They say it’s the new smoking because your blood doesn’t flow, you don’t get nutrients and oxygen all that stuff to the body and the body is designed to move and get a lot of energy. And so lack of movement is really what can cause back issues. If you’re sitting in a certain position all day there’s going to be compression on the discs, lack of movement of those ligaments, tendons, that support the spine and it won’t get the nutrients it needs. But, if we were going to be completely honest about it you know sitting is not really that detrimental to the back. All right, it’s just the fact that lack of movement, nutrients and all that stuff overtime is really what’s damaging. Alright so it’s damaging to every part of your body, your cardiovascular system, your neuromuscular system, your back, all those things. Sitting is not good for long period of time all day everyday right? we know that.
But, there’s a few thing that make it extremely bad for your back. I’m going to show you right now on the chalkboard here. So if you’re doing twisting movements, spinal flexion and then sitting that is damaging your spine or damaging the disc so you’re going out in doing more damage than sitting without doing that would cause. So for an example people who are golfers, if you go out golfing and you’re swinging and then picking up the golf ball and then you go home and then you sit down and crashed in a hunched over position, you’re creating damage and you’re going to end up in pain eventually. We worked with a lot of golfers so I see it often you know just doing some of the movements we have allowed them to not only get rid of the back pain but actually hit the ball further. Working out incorrectly, some people go to gym in the morning they’re not lifting correctly, they do ab exercises that cause torque and twist in the spine and then they go and sit for 8hrs a day so they’re asking for back problems.
So, the proper movement patterns, the right exercises, and then sitting properly all day will prevent back pain and you know there’s other factors that going through like hydration and less stress, etcetera. But the main key here is don’t do any twisting, spinal flexion, and then go and sit. And spinal flexion would be you know hunching over to pick something up where your back is not straight rather than squatting all the way down. All right if you seen some of our videos on the most dangerous things to do nor not to do for your back then you know squatting down with back straight when you pick the weights up rather than hunching over and putting torque and tension on your lower spine. Alright, so I hope this helps you know – No twisting, spinal flexion and then going to sit down all day. If you do that you are asking more trauma to the spine, more pain, more injury and then eventually it’s going to lead to somewhere bad. All right, so take preventive measures that’s why we’ve created Back Pain Relief4Life program. Alright so you can check it out at MyBackPainCoach.com.”
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
Beaufort Personal Trainer: Sentence Stemming
Make the unconscious conscious with sentence stemming.
“Hey! What’s going on? It’s Ian Hart here with MyBackPainCoach.com, EarthFITtraining.com and BackPainRelief4Life.com. And today I wanted to go over with some things that would help you shine a light on areas in your life that you can change. So most people are aware of what is consciously going on in your life, they’re understanding, like what’s in the reality consciously, but they’re not fully aware of what’s going on subconsciously. Maybe the talks that they have with themselves, inner talk, the chatter that’s going on, the emotions that they might push down that tend to manifest out in reality whether in pain in their body or emotional issues or relationship issues, etc.. And so today I wanted to give you a simple way to maybe shine some light, and it’s kind of a first step in a process that would help you kind of coach yourself to, maybe, a better life.
Alright, so this would help shine a light on some of those things that you might be doing that are causing the reality that you don’t want and that’s the first step into changing that reality.
So Sentence Stemming. This is a great way, it seems like you know, the first time I write it, it’s like, could this really be that powerful? Then I did it myself, and it helps you think through and process some information to help you get where you want to be. So I just put examples right here… “I would be healthier if…” and then you fill in the blank. So, whatever you think would make you healthy right? Well if I stop eating fast food, if I did more exercise, if I got a health coach or started doing a personal training, whatever it might be. “I would be happier if…” who knows, I’m just making example, if my commute was closer to my job or whatever, if I exercise more often. “I would be in better shape if…” etc., etc. “My back would feel better if…” because we’re dealing with a lot of people with back pain and a lot of them are doing things daily that are causing back pain like sitting all day. We all know that it’s terrible for the back. Alright, so maybe my life, with my back pain, would be gone if I stood up or I had a standing desk or whatever it might be. So this will make you more conscious of the things you’re doing unconsciously that are causing the problems that you want to solve. So sentence stemming will help tremendously. I hope this helps you. This is Ian Hart again with EarthFITtraining, MyBackPainCoach.com and BackPainRelief4Life.com.”
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
Degenerative Disc Disease
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS DEGENERATIVE DISC DISEASE… If you have been told you have degenerative disc disease, you may want to watch this video and check http://
“Quick tip for those suffering or been told that they have Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD). This is a label and a term and it means nothing; there is no such thing as DDD. If you look it up online and it’ll tell you this is not a disease. Everybody has degenerating discs, it’s part of getting older and I heard Dr. Stuart McGill say when you go to a Doctor’s office (Dr. Stuart McGill is one of the leading spine specialist in the world) and he’d say, when you go to the Doctor’s office and they see wrinkles on your face they don’t tell you, “You have degenerative face disease,” right? Because no one would accept that or buy that. But as soon as somebody accepts that they have DDD they believe that they have a disease when the true cause of all degeneration is typically stress, diet, are you getting the minerals? Are you intaking inflammatory foods? etc., etc., like, are you gluten intolerant, but you eat gluten which has an affinity for collagen so it attacks the collagen that wears down the joints faster, etc.
So, main thing is there is no such thing as Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD). Everybody above the age of 50 when they look at a cadaver their disc are degenerated. Now, some are degenerated a little faster, because everybody’s different and some degenerates slower. Now, if you’re someone that the disc degenerates faster, then I would highly recommend:
- Looking at your diet
- Looking at your stress level
- Looking at your exercise/ activity level
How often are you moving? How often are you sitting? If you’re sitting, that is one of the most dangerous things for your back, like if you are sitting all day and you’re in a certain position where you are not activating your abs, you’re putting stress on your lower back, then this can cause your disc to degenerate because it is not getting the oxygen, the blood flow and the nutrients that it needs. And the nutrients is transferred through synovial fluid which is released through compression on the back. So compression is needed to keep your back healthy which means that you need to be lifting or doing things that cause compression on the spine and this is how we get nutrients and blood flow but if you’re sitting all day what happens is you create a lack of blood flow and energy to the certain area. Imagine you sit 8 hours a day, that’s 1/3 of your day, you are sleeping the other 8 hours typically right? So in between that time the time that you’re sitting and sleeping there is not much going on, so activity level is very important. So when you’re in between those two 8 hours of sitting and sleeping, you should be doing some activity right? that’s why we’ve created Back Pain Relief4Life, because it helps people get blood flow, nutrients and oxygen to their back so that they can come back, de-stress the lack of activity, the lack of blood flow, and nutrients to the back. So there’s no such thing as Degenerative Disc Disease; really it comes down to you being your own best doctor with nutrients, stress level, activity level and that’s gonna be the main three things that affect your back. So you make sure you focus on those areas and you should see 90% of all back issues and DDD go away if you’re able to incorporate healthy lifestyle and nutrition, reducing stress and activity level.”
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
Inflammation and Instant Relief
“Hey! What’s going on? Ian Hart here with MyBackPainCoach.com and BackPainRelief4Life.com and today I wanted to speak to you about the main reason that you’re suffering from back pain. So the #1 reason that you’re suffering from back pain, and this reason is kind of the pinnacle of a bunch of things that lead up to it, so lead up to this one thing. So I want to break it down for you very simply so that you can get relief just by listening to this video, so if you follow some of the steps that I go over today then it will help you to find relief. All right, at least a little bit.
So the #1 reason that most people have back pain is that they have inflammation, systemic inflammation throughout the whole body. All right, so if we can reduce inflammation we can reduce back pain, so if we can reduce instantly through a couple things then you will get relief. And so, here are 4 things that will help you right away:
- The biggest thing, and will always be the biggest thing for many aspects of our life and disease, is hydration. Dehydration happens on the body level and on a cellular level. First, it happens on a body level and then it happens on a cellular level. And then this is where inflammation occurs when you dehydrate on a cellular level and you’re constantly dehydrated then inflammation starts to creep into your body. So, are you dehydrated? Ask yourself that question. And I’m not just talking about water, I’m talking about the minerals and electrolytes because those help balance out our cells. So what I could recommend to you, you may want to try, is putting a half a teaspoon of sea salt or himalayan sea salt, celtic sea salt (preferably no additives), anything else organic, all that stuff. Along with lime juice, fresh lime juice squeezed in warm water in the morning with 2 cups, at least, that will help get electrolytes into your cells. The celtic sea salt has over 80 trace minerals, it has electrolytes and it helps balanced out cells so that’s the first thing. The same thing with lime juice.
- The second thing is how much you exercise are you doing. Are you exercising too much? Most people I find out are not exercising enough so the exercise will get energy and blood flow to your lower back, but it will also activate synovial fluid, and synovial fluid is how we get nutrients to the spine which helps with the healing process. All right, very important.
- The third thing is how many grains are you eating per day. All right, that causes inflammation, typically wheat and gluten causes inflammation, but all grains have gluten so look at your diet. Are you eating a lot of grains? Well, if you are, I would reduce the amount of grains or eliminate them for time being and see how you feel. A lot of people find out that they have systemic inflammation because they’re constantly eating foods that causing inflammation. Check to see if you have allergies to certain foods. Processed dairies also causes inflammation. So, look at those areas of your life and you’ll noticed just these few things will cause inflammation to go down, therefore reducing your back pain.
- The last thing – stress. What are your stress levels att? Do you allow yourself to relax, and meditate and go down into what it’s called the parasympathetic nervous system which is where rest, digest, love and peace live. A lot of people are stimulated in the sympathetic nervous system. They wake up, they drink coffee, they go on the news. It’s a bunch of fear, bad news, coffee stimulant then they go to work all day, and they sit down, overworked, overstressed and they don’t take time for themselves to relax especially if they’re eating foods that cause inflammation and are threat to the system, especially if you’re dehydrated. So, do you get the point? If you’re not exercising you are not distressing. Exercise lubricates the joints, it gets blood flowing, nutrients.
So, those 4 things, if you just monitor them and you incorporate them into your life, you will reduce inflammation in your body, therefore finding relief in your back or getting more relief. So, I’d love to hear your comments. Go ahead and leave a comment below if you have any questions or let me know if this was helpful. I think this can be something that most people can get benefit from and I hope it helps and if you want an exercise program that helps specifically with the back and hips. Go to backpainrelief4life.com or mybackpaincoach.com.”
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
Relief4Life: I felt really really good so I do believe in the program…
Relief4Life Ronnie Testimonial
“My name is Ronnie Reiselt. I came in with some lower back pain and some upper glute pain, some sciatic pain, numbness on the side of my leg. In the beginning I was kind of skeptical of the program, It seemed very awkward in some of the movements but after the third session – it was a Saturday morning I used to have to when I was brushing my teeth I would squat and kind of relieve the pain in my glute and I was brushing my teeth and I was standing there and – I was like “Hey I’m not feeling it right now.” so I felt really really good so I do believe in the program and I have done it some on my own and I think I will continue to do it.
You just gotta get in here and try it. Just so you know anybody is skeptical about anything that is new and when it’s not a medicine and it’s not a quick relief then people you know they don’t tend to wanna try it but if you get in and give it a try you just… feel great!
Several people at the gym, some guys that I’ve told I was skeptical about it like a said in the beginning because… it doesn’t seem like you’re doing very much to achieve where I’m at so you just gotta get in and you gotta give it a try and let your body tell you how you feel.”
Back Pain Relief4Life is the world’s simplest and most effective way to eliminate back pain naturally… without the need for drugs… surgery… or fancy equipment.
It is a lower back pain cure that beats out every other back pain remedy and option in the world for getting a healthy and strong back.
4 Stretches For Instant Back Pain Relief
“Hey! It’s Ian Hart here with BackPainRelief4Life.com. I’m a Back Pain Relief Expert and I’m going to show you 4 stretches that you can do right now for instant relief of back pain. This is not going to be the end all be all of helping your back. It’s something that you can do right now that will give you some relief. Ultimately, if you’re dealing with back pain, we want to do something that is going to fix the root cause of the problem. Typically, there is a root cause but we’ll explain about that later. So right now let us get into it.
We’re going to start off with the:
(1) Hip Flexor Stretch: you’re getting in this position putting your knee down the floor try to find the pad or something that when you put pressure down you make sure that this way too. Putting your knee down here, 90 degrees of your front foot. Abs are going to be tight, this will going to allow more of a stretch in the hip flexors, you’re going to gently move your hips forward. Remember you’re not pushing down, you actually want to take pressure of this knee and move forward, so abs nice and tight. Take a deep breath in and then breathe out and move a little bit more forward. Hold it for 15 seconds and then relax. You can actually do that 3 sets. So relax and repeat. One thing I forgot to mention that’s very important with stretching is that you warm up or loosen up [before]. You can also if necessary you don’t feel like warming up in terms of riding a bike or going for a jog or doing mobility drills, is you can take a hot shower, very hot shower or going to a sauna and then you do this exercises. It’s important that you have blood flow going to the joints and to the muscles that allows them to be a little bit more pliable when we do the stretches. Stretching while you’re cold can sometimes have the opposite effect that you’re looking for, we want the muscles to relax. So let’s do the other side, we’re going to switch, so again you’re doing 3 sets 15 seconds, abs tight pushing the hips forward, deep breath in, feel the stretch kind of breathe into the hip flexors so you might feel this all the way up into the stomach. The hip flexors are attached to the lower lumbar spine. Then breathe out and then go forward, feel a bit stretch. Alright, so that’s the first stretch – the hip flexors. So if you have a bad back make sure you’re going slow in control using your elbow to get back into this position.
The next stretch we’re doing is the:
(2) Glutes Stretch: You’re going to take one leg [right leg/foot] put it over the pull your left knee into your chest. Deep breath in. Again, hold it for 15 seconds, we’re going to do 3 repetitions, deep breath in and pull back a little bit further. Hold that for 15 seconds, count, and then relax. And 3 sets so do 2 more sets, we’re going to show you on the left side so you can see from this angle. Pull back, deep breath in and breathe out. Alright, so go ahead and do 3 sets on each side. You’ll notice that each time that you’re going a little bit further into this stretch, that one is stretching your glutes. The gluteus maximus is a large muscle group right in your butt, it’s another term for your butt.
The next one we’re going to do is a:
(3) Piriformis Stretch: Piriformis is a small hip rotator that lies underneath the glutes and tends to be tighten a lot of people and we’re going to lay this leg straight out. You’re going to pull across bringing your knee to your shoulder and gently pull very slow and controlled. If you happen, if you’re pinching in your hips, just relax a little bit, the stretch might not work for you if you have very tight hips but we want to feel it deep down in here so you’re pulling for 15 seconds. Deep breath in, breath into that muscle so think about as you breathe in, feel that muscle and then breathe out. Pull back a little bit further again holding it for 15 seconds. I’ll show you on the other side, you’re pulling across. Remember, we don’t want to twist our body, we don’t want to torque our spine at all so back staying down and we’re pulling from the knee, left knee across to the right shoulder, focusing and feeling deep down below the glutes and the piriformis muscle, 15 seconds again 3 sets and relax.
You’re going to roll up again using your elbow if you’re feeling your back getting into the:
(4) Seated jack knife position: We’re also going to do 3 sets here. Sitting straight knees completely locked if you need to you can use a rope to wrap around your feet or a belt, just make sure you’re not tugging or bouncing. You go very slow and controlled. Knees completely locked which is very important moving from your lower back forward, reach for your toes, bring your forehead towards your knees, deep breath in and pull a little bit more forward and relax.
So there you go, there’s 4 stretches that you can do instantly that will help get you a little bit more flexible in certain areas that tend to be tight that will help with the golf swing and will help relieving back pain and just in general will help you feel more relaxed. So there you go, that is 4 simple stretches that you can do in about 2 or 3 minutes that will give you instant relief from back pain.”
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
How NOT To Walk With Back Pain
“Hey! What’s going on? It’s Ian Hart here, Co- Creator of Back Pain Relief4Life and Back Pain Relief Expert. Today I’m going to speak to you about walking and back pain.
Many times people are trying to protect their back when they have back pain – which is a normal response. The brain is trying to protect your body. But, when it comes to walking, stiffening up will create twisting torque on the back and will actually create more trauma and more pain. You might feel like you’re protecting it, but you’re not. So what I am going to show you is how to walk when you’re dealing with back pain. This might be something that goes against your intuition, but it’s going to help you in the long-term and I can show you few other things. We have other videos that are going to help for you to find the right place to put your pelvis when you’re walking. But for now I’m just going to show you a quick walking technique. I’m going to show you what NOT to do. The first thing is when we see people walking with back pain, they tend to be tensed up and then move very slowly, they take short choppy steps, they try to protect their back, and actually what’s happening is there’s causing a twist and torque in their back. This is not good especially if you have pain, it’s just going to exacerbate the problem.
So you want to relax the shoulders and you kind of want to let the arms swing while you’re walking and try to walk a little bit faster. You’ll notice that if you’re in back pain, you’ll actually feel better when you do this. So this is the way NOT to do it… tighten up here, you can see there’s twisting torque. If I just relaxed my arms and I let my arms swing and take a little bit bigger steps, and walk a little bit smoother, my body is going to function naturally, the spine stays straight, there’s no twist and torque going on. Twisting and torquing the spine is one of the worst things you can do. It’s the best way to cause back pain and injury later on and it puts a lot of compression on the disc.
So there you go, that’s one simple technique for walking. Make sure you are conscious of how you are. A lot of the people that we deal with with back pain we find as soon as they get on the bike or start walking, they tense up, they’re holding their body tight and they are actually not strengthening the muscles that need to be strengthened and they’re compensating creating more problems not only in their back but again you’ll see shoulders tense up, so the back muscles and the shoulders get tighter, and it creates more problems throughout the whole body.
Again, this is Ian Hart with backpainrelief4life.com. Go ahead and click the link below if you’re interested in checking out our program to help eliminate back pain as well as prevent future back pain and strengthen the core.”
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
How To Get Up And Down From The Floor With Back Pain
“Hey! What’s up? It’s Ian Hart and today I’m going to go over 2 ways that you can get up and down off the floor that is going to help protect your back.
One of the ways is something I learned from Dr. Stuart McGill, he’s the Spine Specialist at Waterloo, he is a professor up there. And then the other way is similar to a turkish get up and a turkish get up is an exercise that you can use for core strengthening, but it’s also a great way to get up and down off the floor, just knowing the techniques. But we use the turkish get up – you can decide which one is best for you.
Personally, after going through this and just testing them out I believed that turkish get up can have less stress on the lower back, but they’re both great techniques to getting up and down off the floor.
So I’m going to show you the first technique that I learned from Dr. Stuart McGill. When you get down on the floor, you’re going to step forward to a lunge position. Make sure your abs are tight, your body is up straight, you’re not hunched over. You’re going straight down; you’re bringing your foot back. From here your hands are going on the thighs; sliding your hands down. Remember you’re pushing your butt back, the back is still staying straight. From here, you’re going down on all fours, you get into the quadruped position, and then you’re going to slide your arm forward (either one you can do right side but you’re doing the same sides so right arm right leg, or left arm left leg). You’re sliding the leg forward or the leg backward and the arm forward to your side and then you shift your weight and roll over make sure you’re not twisting your pelvis, you’re keeping your back completely straight. And there you go. You are on your back.
You just reverse the movement to get back up. So you rolling on to your side, get on your hand here twisting your body over. Make sure you’re not twisting your back, back stays straight. Come back seated position, hands on your thighs, pushing your hips forward so moving from your hips not your lower back, one leg forward pushing through the heel and standing back up.
If you noticed my back was straight all the time. People with back pain have a hard time creating that pattern. I’m gonna show you on another video how you can improve that.
So now we’re going on to the turkish get up technique. You will notice a variation of this. You’re starting in the same position, you make the first move stepping forward getting into that position. The difference here is from here you’re staying with your knee up keeping your back straight and now you’re shifting your weight to the side and going down to your butt; then to your elbow, and then if you need to switch in position you can shift; and then you just lay back using your elbow. Make sure you’re using the elbow, there you are you’re flat on the floor. Same thing shifting back always using your elbow to support your abs; support your back. Get back on to all fours and then back straight, standing up and pushing through the heel.
(So that one can be sometimes well confusing I’m just gonna go through it again).
One foot forward down, shifting to your butt, shifting down to your elbow so your back’s still straight and then laying on your side. Okay? So back always straight – make sure it’s straight. There are two techniques to getting up and down off the floor that are going to protect your back. It’s not going to put any stress on your back and therefore you can use that to get down on the floor to do your back strengthening exercises similar to… this is what we do when we tell people how to get down on the floor to do our back program.
If you’re not familiar with our back program. You can check it out at backpainrelief4life.com. That’s backpainrelief4life.com and see the tons of videos of people who got relief and see if this is a program you want to try out to help protect your back and prevent pain in the future, as well as eliminate pain now.
Again, this is Ian Hart with backpainrelief4life.com.”
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
Quick Spinal Stenosis Relief
“Hey! What’s up? It’s Ian Hart here with backpainrelief4life.com and Back Pain Relief Expert. Today I’m going to speak to you about a protocol that you can do if you’re suffering from Stenosis, that’s going to help take the pain away and then also get you moving better. So that’s something – a very simple technique – that you can do, you can do repetitions of this to help improve your walking and relieving the pain.
So the first thing you may want to do is get against the wall. You’re going to put your hands on the wall, you can also go with your elbows as well. So let’s say when you put your elbows against the wall and then you’re just going to slink your pelvis in slightly to a point where you kind of feel relief. Hold it there for about 10 seconds and then slowly push yourself back up, and then start to walk. And again if you haven’t seen our walking video where I show you how to walk, you’re just going to walk naturally. Loosen up the body, let the shoulders swing, take faster steps a little bit faster steps and then just walk naturally. When you tighten up the body and don’t let yourself walk naturally you’re actually creating more twisting torque on the spine… this is not good and this is going to create more problems later on.
So there you go. That’s a quick video, quick protocol, if you’re suffering from stenosis that’s going to help you progress. You can do more repetitions each day. So say, you do that for about 3 sets each day you walk a little bit longer and you’re going to notice that your pain is relieved. But if you really want a program that’s going to help blood flow and nutrients and oxygen, take compression off the spine and really help relieve your pain, go ahead and check out backpainrelief4life.com. It’s an internationally recognized program that allows people to be relieved of stenosis as well as other bulging disc issues that come along with the back.
So again, this is Ian Hart with backpainrelief4life.com. I hope you enjoyed this. Click that link below and check it out to see if it’s for you.”
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
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