“What Can We Learn From Near-Death Choices”
“What Can We Learn From Near-Death Choices”
A MAJOR part of our philosophy and what makes EarthFIT successful is that we eliminate negative energy. We will not tolerate negative vibes, period. People who are whiners and complainers are encourage to leave because that energy rubs off and effects other EarthFITters, the employees, the group trainers and every in a 60 foot radius as a whole. Don’t get me wrong, if a person has a valid complaint we are always willing to listed and correct something that may be wrong. What I am talking about are chronic complainers and energy suckers. You know, the people you hang around that just drain the life force out of you and spread their negative venom all over the place. Like people attract each other so we keep those kind far away and I don not care how much money the person might be paying. I have had to kindly tell people that our program is not for them. I decided before I created EarthFIT that I would eliminate negative energy from my life and as a result my life continue to get better and better. I brought that philosophy with me when we opening EarthFIT personal training facility and it makes work and doing what I do a pleasure. I suggest that everyone should do the same with their lives because the results are nothing short of a miracle. Now if you are a negative person and you try to distance your self from negative people it will be more of a challenge but it is possible and the first step that needs to be take is, WATCH YOUR THOUGHTS! Your thought create your energy, your thoughts have their own energy just like a radio signal has its own frequency. You might be locked on a channel that is gory and scary. Change the channel with these 3 steps.
1) Start your day off with a daily dozen gratitude list. 12 things that your grateful for and write it down every day until your thoughts begin to change.
2) Visualize your self acting and hanging with positive and successful people and then go out and find them!
3) Forget about yourself and serve others. Help other people achieve what they want and you will be rewarded in return. Zig Ziglar just passed away and one of his most famous quotes was “If you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want.” That is 100% true.
Along with many other quotes that relate to this post, like “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” This quotes relates to #1 because the gratitude list changes your attitude and your perception about life which changes your energy and begets more positive vibes which can bring about happiness and prosperity which is what everyone is dreaming about.
Thanksgiving might be over but the holiday season is just beginning, and you know what that means for most Americans: eating like there’s no tomorrow! The period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s – appropriately named “the binge season” – is notorious for… you guessed it – weight gain. Even if you put on only a pound or two each holiday season, you may, according to the National Institutes of Health, carry this extra weight for years to come.
There is some truth to the saying ‘a moment on the lips leads to a lifetime on the hips’, says Beaufort fitness experts. That’s why it is so important to pay attention to what we eat and how we burn the extra calories during this time of the year. This is certainly not the time to become sedentary. You might think that eating sensibly during the season that is so focused on food and drink is an impossible task… worse yet, fitting Beaufort fitness exercise into your hectic eating schedule.
Not so. It’s all comes down to good planning, a dash of motivation, and a pinch of self-control. It may not be easy when you are surrounded by all this delicious food, but you will be rewarded on January 1 when you look in the mirror and realize you haven’t gained a single pound!
Here are some of EarthFIT’s tips for holiday weight management:
Watch what you eat: If you regularly follow a calorie-restricted diet rich in fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy and lean protein, a little splurge once in a while probably won’t hurt you – assuming you pay attention to portion control, don’t reach for second helpings, and avoid the most caloric and fat-laden food and drink on the table; I’m talking to all of you on the gravy train and the pie poppers.
Make time for Beaufort fitness: No matter how busy or tired you are, don’t even think of skipping exercise. Why is it so important? Beaufort fitness activity will help you burn off extra calories if you over-indulge. Even if you don’t consume food in excess, exercise will help control and maintain your weight.
Interval training is a very time-efficient workout that will burn lots of calories and fat, and still allow you to enjoy all the festivities according to Beaufort fitness experts. It only takes 20 minutes or so three times a week so you can fit it into your schedule even during the busiest time.
Not sure how to make the most of your interval training session? That’s where a Beaufort fitness instructor can help you by creating a set of exercises that will boost your metabolism and burn fat for dramatic results during the holiday season – and beyond.
Thanksgiving Wherever Workout

Do a 5 minute warm up by running or walking up and down stairs.
Despite medical advances that have been made in recent years in the prevention of diabetes, a studies still show that the number of people suffering from this disease worldwide has more doubled in the past 30 years. Recent research demonstrates that currently 347 million people around the world have this invasive and often debilitating sickness, which can lead to heart disease, stroke, and even premature death, especially in people who have other risk factors, such as obesity.
These alarming findings should strike a chord among Americans because the incidence of diabetes in the United States is increasing twice as fast as in Western Europe, say Beaufort personal trainers. Official figures show that nearly 26 million people in this country have diabetes, and that number could triple in the next 40 years. That’s why it is so important to not only treat this disease, but also help prevent its onset. And one of the steps should be Beaufort weight loss and management. In fact, studies have indicated that obesity and inactivity are primary causes of type 2 diabetes: 67 percent of people diagnosed with this disease in the United States are overweight and 46 percent are obese. Sensible diet along with a regular exercise or Beaufort fitness program will be beneficial in fighting obesity and, consequently, staving off the risk of developing diabetes.
- Exercise will help control your weight and lower the blood sugar level. And by improving insulin resistance, blood pressure, as well as cholesterol and glucose levels, it will also reduce the risk of heart disease, which is common in diabetics.
What kind of workout will help bring diabetes under control in the most effective way?
- Research shows that any regular Beaufort health and fitness activity that raises the heart rate for an extended period of time, will be beneficial to Beaufort residents, adding that diabetics should get their doctor’s permission before starting a diet or a Beaufort fitness program.
- Strength training has been proven effective in Beaufort weight loss because it lowers body fat, increases your lean muscle, and burns calories more efficiently.
Still not sure how to work out safely and effectively?
- An expert Beaufort personal trainer can show you exercises that take into account your specific needs and goals.
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
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