Your Belief Create Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
“Hey! What’s going on? Here it’s Ian Hart at EarthFIT Blog and today I am going to talk to you about the #1 thing that is going to prevent or create your goals or getting the result that you are looking for in life.
That #1 thing has to do with your Beliefs. You can actually go further beyond that what, how are your beliefs formed but basically your beliefs lead to your Thoughts. Your thoughts create your Feelings and your feelings lead to an Action and create a Result. But the important part here is your Thoughts. When you have a thought, it creates a feeling so you think “Ugh.. Today sucks!” or “Today’s great!” that releases chemicals and those chemicals when released are attached to your cells, they send chemicals from the brain, they attach to your cells and those feelings that you have lead to a specific action. So when those chemicals are released, they can send pain signals, they can lead to a thought of you being poor or never having money – and that is a belief that led to a feeling – or feeling unhealthy, overweight or feeling misery or you can have the opposite reaction which is feeling good, feeling like you are going to be rich and wealthy, healthy, happy or in good shape.
So obviously what we want to do to get the result we want is break down our belief patterns. So if we have a belief that is not benefitting us we need to reprogram ourselves so we can get the end result. So changing our beliefs so we have different thoughts. So what I want you to do is right now,
anytime you have a negative belief or negative thought what you could do is wrap rubber band around your arm and every time you have a negative thought or thought that is not positive for your life or for the direction that you want to go in, I want you to just snap the rubber band and that is just to remind you and give you bio-feedback as to how you need to change your thoughts and your belief.
So let’s think about what can be something that is not a good thought like “Oh! you know I can’t do that, I’m not going good enough to get that result, I’m not good enough to have that car, I’m not good enough…” Those thought patterns anytime you talk to yourself that way, snap the rubber band and tell yourself “You know what I can have that or I can do that.” And once you start to believe it then you have different thoughts, then you have different feelings, then you take different action and then you have a different result. So remember, beliefs need to be changed first, so I want you to start that simple thing just by snapping that rubber band anytime you have any negative belief, any negative thought pattern and change it to a positive. So turn the negative to a positive and your life will change into a positive.
So this is Ian Hart of EarthFIT blog on I’m telling you how to get results by changing your beliefs.”
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
It’s a New Year and your #1 resolution is to start a regular exercise or a Beaufort health and fitness routine. And this time you’re serious, motivated and committed. Congratulations – you made a very wise decision!
However, if you’re new to the world of fitness, you may be swayed by some false ideas about exercise.
There are a lot of misconceptions out there that have to be debunked and clarified, says Beaufort personal trainers. The more people are informed before they start working out, the more benefit they will be able to get from their regimen.
Some of the commonly held myths about exercise that Beaufort personal trainers says have no merit are:
- Any exercise is good.“Actually, no. There are some moves that can definitely harm you. For example, if not done properly, the lat pull-down behind the head can cause serious injury to your shoulders or vertebrae. The list of potentially dangerous (and often useless) exercises is long. Again, ask your Beaufort health and fitness professional or a Beaufort personal trainer for safer and more effective alternatives.”
- “No Pain No Gain:”Absolutely not true, Beaufort fitness experts says. “While you might feel a burn in the belly of the muscle if you are training hard, you should not be feeling pain in any of your joints. You may experience some soreness and minor aches when you first start working out. But the way to minimize this is to gradually increase intensity over time. Your exercise program should take off more like a plane than a rocket. The key is to start gradually. If you’re in a lot of pain or discomfort, you may have injured yourself. Maybe you did start exercising too abruptly, without a proper warm-up. Or perhaps you’re not doing the exercises correctly. In either case, ask a Beaufort personal trainer to show you how to work out safely and effectively. Remember: Often, pain is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong.”
- Exercise alone will make me lose weight quickly. “Exercise is very effective in Beaufort weight loss IF it goes hand-in-hand with sensible eating. But if you don’t pay attention to your calorie intake, it will be difficult – for most people – to achieve enduring weight loss through exercise alone. Remember: while exercising will burn a significant number of calories, a weight loss will occur only if you don’t replenish those calories in between workouts. Combining exercise with eating in a way that supports your metabolism, on the other hand, will give you the results you want.”
- Toning sneakers will burn more calories than “regular” athletic footwear. “That’s what all the ads would have you believe. However, the American Council on Exercise says there is no evidence to suggest that these expensive shoes will help you firm up butts, legs and calves. In fact, sports experts say that this footwear has special design features such as rounded soles, which may cause people with balance problems to fall down while walking or running.”
These are just some of the myths you should be aware of. There are many more. Again: this is where a Beaufort personal trainer can put you on the right track – no pun intended.
All Personal Trainers At EarthFIT Beaufort are CSCS certified (Strength and Conditioning Specialist)
In the professional world you typically see letters after an individuals name. The letter signifies a distinction, certification, schooling, etc.
When it comes to personal training there are only a few letters that really count. The reason being, is that the personal training industry is unregulated. Someone can tell you they are a certified personal trainer but it means absolutely nothing because 1) they could have gotten that cert online or over the weekend with little effort; 2) They can have absolutely no experience. So at EarthFIT I decided to self regulate by only allowing people with highest level of education, experience, and of course, certification train our clients. Each trainer must garner the best the industry has to offer, the CSCS or Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist certification.
Before I explain to you the significance on the CSCS certification please join me in congratulating Jeff Conover, Maxine Langford and Khadine Clifford in obtaining this certification over the Holidays. Being that you train at EarthFIT, you can be proud that everyone on staff has the highest distinction in certification when it comes to coaching and personal training.
Now, since most people don’t understand what the CSCS really means, allow me to convey this certification to the layman, compared to the rest in the sea of certs that laden our industry (and sometimes give it a bad name). There are numerous certifications in our industry that Joe Shmo can get without having a high school diploma or any personal training experience. Someone can literally study for a couple days or weeks, take a test, and then call himself a personal trainer. Imagine if any other profession was like that, accounting, Law, Medical, Engineering, Architecture, it would be fair to say that life would be more complicated… When it comes to the CSCS, before you can even qualify for the test you must have at minimum a 4-year degree from an accredited college. This prerequisite eliminates every other certification in the industry except 1, which caters more towards rehab than personal training. On top of that, it is the only fitness certification that you will typically see directly after a PhD distinction. Meaning that it is the only certification that holds weight or respect in the academic world because of its in-depth sciences and difficulty in passing when it comes to strength and conditioning and personal training. I will spare you all the details but you can rest assured that you are in the best hands when it comes to quality, education, experience – and let’s not forget attitude – when you work with any personal trainer at EarthFIT.
Again, please join me in congratulating these 3 Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists by leaving a comment below this blog post.
If you have a friend who is interested in Beaufort personal training at EarthFIT studios send them this link for more information (
Help Your Fitness Goals With Positive Brain Frequencies
“Hey! What’s going on? It is Ian Hart here with EarthFIT Blog and today I am going to talk to you about something that is extremely important; it has to do with frequencies. Back in the day when we first came out with the Radio, and then came out with TV, then the Internet and cell phones, and so on and everybody was amazed by these because we can send a signal to somewhere and they can pick up a frequency and then it allows for it to reach into somebody else relatively easily without even seeing anything being connected with it. But, before the Radio was invented, before electricity was invented, before anything there were frequencies going off and on all day everyday by something else and that something is your Brain.
So, your brain literally emits frequencies and those frequencies depend on how you operate or you operate depending on your brain frequency. So if you have certain friends that you guys all have the same vibe and same thing you connect with certain levels generally, you are operating on same range frequency or some people you just don’t connect with because you are operating on totally different frequency.
Now it is known that we operate better in Alpha and Theta state and a Theta brain frequency is what kids are operating at from around 2 to 6. So if you remember your childhood days, everything was amazing right? You could dream and imagine you had imaginary friends and everything in life was good. So you’d probably feel great to be back at that mode.
So, there’s a few ways you can get back to that mode and the reason why this is very important is because being a certain brain frequency will allow you to achieve better things. There’s a guy by the name of Silva, who created a Silva mind technique and what he realized is that if you decrease the resistance in electricity then the lights work better, the electricity flowed better and he realized that if you decrease resistance in your brain that your brain works better and you achieve better results, you get to your goal faster and life becomes better. So it’s a long the same lines of what you resist persists. So if you resist something you’re focusing energy on it, it actually still keeps coming. If you let go and kind of stop resisting and just go with the flow then things become easier and you attract things you want in life.
So, there’s a few things that you can do that allow you to get in these mind states – that is Meditation, like I said just letting go and taking action but still taking action like I’ve mention in another blog post, you have to take action, take the step forward and then just relax and let go.
You can’t control certain things so once you take the action and let go, you just let the things unfold, because there’s no use in stressing about things you can’t control. And then just have a faith or belief like we mentioned in the other blog post – you have to believe that things are going to happen, that life is going to unfold. So Meditation is a great way to get into the Alpha mind state. Theta actually happens right before you fall asleep. So when you are about to fall asleep, you go in the Theta state and it’s a good time to actually send suggestions to yourself and say ask before you go to bed, allow me to be relaxed and have good dreams and relaxing dreams and then go into sleep and that help you relax and will subconsciously prepare you for the next day. So that’s one tip and just remember that some people operate on one frequency and that’s it. You want to kind of open up your frequencies and operate so you’re on your smooth level.
This is Ian Hart from the EarthFIT blog talking to you about your mind frequencies and how they create results.”
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
Back Pain Relief4Life and Basketball
While we were filming a promo for Back Pain Relief4Life, a program we created which is now “The Worlds Simplest and Most Effective Way To Eliminate Back Pain… Fast and Naturally… Without the Need For Medication, Surgery or Fancy Equipment” it included a segment of me playing basketball which was cut up into the video you see below.
The video above is connected to our story because my back pain all started during my basketball career. You will see in the video above that I have a decent vertical jump and 2 times in my basketball career, I jumped up as high as I could and the opponent cut my legs out from under me, the result being that I landed directly on my back in the same spot 2 times. This happened 2 times in about 2 years. The first time I didn’t go to the hospital, the second time my parents insisted that I go and it turned out I fractured my fifth lumbar transverse process.
For about 10 years after that I believed I was doomed with back pain for the rest of my life. I tried everything and I mean everything. You can see more of the story in the video below about how I tackled my back pain or click onthis link All Natural Back Pain Relief to read about it.
Long story short, I now have the solution to back pain relief for the rest of my life, along with thousand of others who have tried the program and were amazed at how simple the solution is. You can do it any where at anytime all thanks to the back pain relief4life formula. The formula has been so powerful that it is now patent pending with the USPTO office and SELF Magazine has asked on a few occasion to write articles about back pain relief for their subscribers. If you or a loved one is suffering from back pain.
I highly recommend giving Back Pain Relief4Life a try. Don’t just take my word for it, when you go to you will see the only website in the world with real live testimonials of people who had tried everything to no avail until Back Pain Relief4Life.
Here are just a few simple quotes from all different people who have followed Back Pain Relief 4Life below:
“After My First Session Of Back Pain Relief4Life, I Felt An Opening In My Back That I Haven’t Felt In A Long Time. I Felt Stronger To My Core…”
“It’s Been Great. I Have Had No Muscle Pain At All, I Haven’t Had to See My Chiropractor Once. I Exercise, I’m Able To Be Active Work, I Have No Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain…”
“I’m Doing Things In Just Few Weeks That I Haven’t Been Able To Do For Years.”
“After Back Pain Relief4Life, I Am More Flexible, My Back Doesn’t Hurt, I’ve Had Three Sessions Here I Feel That Much Better”
“…Yeah, I Was Skeptical Until I Tried It. I Came In Hobbling And Left Walking.”
“…I Am A Lot More Flexible, I Haven’t Lost Any Work Days. It’s Been Great There’s No More Back Pain”
“I Gave It A Try And After The Very First Session I Started Feeling The Results. It Was Amazing.”
“My Pain Immediately Was Relieved. My Muscles Were Relaxed, It Weren’t as Tensed.”
“Since Doing The Program, My Life Changed Completely. I Have A Real Active Life… I Do Pretty Strenuous Workout, Three Days A Week…”
“Since I’ve come to this program, I don’t take any drugs, I’m off all medications, I don’t have to go to therapy anymore. I’m more active, I could actually do things, I’m walking again.”
“The Muscles Are Holding Where They Ought To Be And My Activities Are Back To Normal – Full Golf, Full Tennis, Full Everything!”
“…I Have Had Numerous Cortisone Injections And Nothing Has Helped Until I Started This Program.”
“…I Had A Prescription Of Steroids Waiting To Be Picked Up At The Pharmacy and I did Back Pain Relief4Life Twice And Never Picked The Prescription Up.“
“After The First Two Treatments, I Felt Enormous Relief… It Was Unbelievable!”
Those are just a few testimonials and like I said you can see the actual videos of people saying those thing at
Here’s some valuable information if you suffer from back pain – Lower Back Pain: Common Causes and Prevention For Athletes
If you have any comments or questions please leave them below.
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, HEALING HACKS author, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.
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