Caffeine: How To Get It Out Of Your System
Hey EarthFIT fam! You have questions? Hopefully I have the answer. In today’s Q and A I’m gonna give you five steps to cut out the caffeine. Let’s get right into it. So it’s always asked to me specifically, because most people know that I enjoy a cup of coffee from time to time. How do I get rid of this caffeine? How can I cut it out without feeling terrible? How do I even go about it? I know that I’ve been drinking coffee for years and it’s just difficult. How can I cut it out? We’re gonna get right into that. I’m gonna give you five steps. So first thing, whenever we’re taking in a lot of caffeine, you know, Hey, maybe it’s time to start scaling back.

(1) The first thing you could do is measure. We need to measure how much we’re actually consuming. The reason being is this is gonna drastically impact the way that we go about it. If you’re somebody that’s consuming a thousand milligrams of caffeine a day, we’re probably not just gonna cut you out all at once, right? you know, you might go to 800, then 600. So you need to know where you’re actually starting from. So you could scale it down appropriately.

(2) Second thing. We’re going to anticipate that we’re going to have some physical withdrawal symptoms and other mental, emotional withdrawal symptoms from caffeine. This can be a hard habit to break. Caffeine is the most widely abused drug in the United States. So some of those physical withdrawal symptoms could be headaches, nausea, just feeling terrible of low energy. In the back half, you can get mild forms of depression, just mood on not being there, being a little bit more anxious or just closed off and angry even. Those are all things that can happen when we cut down caffeine. So we need to get ready for those and anticipate “Hey, some of these things are gonna come up”.

(3) Third thing, we need to start making substitutions. A lot of times the caffeine is also paired with a habit. It’s the habit of ‘Hey, I like that warm drink in the morning’. So what can we substitute that either has less caffeine or no caffeine? Some recommendations specifically for coffee drinkers would be either go with decaf coffee and go mushroom coffee, or we can go a tea. Those all also work out well for anybody that really likes energy drinks or pre-workouts with lots of caffeine in them. So again, we have first, we’re going to measure out, we’re going to anticipate we’re gonna have some withdrawal symptoms. We’re gonna make some substitutions.

(4) Then the fourth thing we’re gonna do is check our hydration. A lot of times, we’ll go for caffeine because we want more energy, but we want more energy because we’re dehydrated. Hydration plays such a vital role in how our body works efficiently. And when your body’s working efficiently, you’re gonna have more energy. You’re gonna feel better. So check your hydration levels. This will help big time. I cannot stress this enough 0.75 times your bodyweight. That’s how many ounces of water you should be drinking. So for example, if you’re a 180 pound female, you’re gonna take 180 times it by 0.75, whatever that equals is how many fluid ounces of water you want to be drinking. So that was number four. To recap again, we’re gonna first, we’re gonna measure out how much caffeine we’re drinking. Second, we’re going to anticipate we’re gonna have some physical withdrawal symptoms or mental, emotional withdrawal symptoms. Third, we’re gonna make substitutions healthier, substitutions fourth, we’re gonna hydrate.

(5) And then fifth, we’re going to manage our sleep. This should actually be number one. We want to manage our sleep. Most often people are drinking caffeine because simply they’re not sleeping well at night or they have no structure… Their sleep’s all up and down. I made lots of videos on this. Get structured, sleep, set up a sleep routine. So that’s step number five. So to recap, one more time for you guys. First we’re going to measure out how much caffeine we’re consuming. Second, we’re going to anticipate physical withdrawal symptoms. Third, we’re going to make healthier substitutions or substitutions that have less caffeine in them. Fourth, we’re going to hydrate properly. And then fifth, we’re going to check our sleep. Make sure our sleep routine is dialed in. If we have all those in you stand a great chance of kicking caffeine to the curb.
So that’s all for this video. Like I said, check out some previous videos I made on this topic. If you need more info or reach out to me directly, if you have any specific questions on this drop in the comments below. If you love this video, gimme a thumbs up. If you love this video, gimme a heart. If you liked it, gimme a thumbs up. And as always, stay strong.
-EarthFIT Coach Sam