Ankle Warm Up For Plantar Fasciitis
Hey EarthFIT fam! I have a great video for you guys today, especially for those of you with plantar fasciitis or any knee pain. I’m gonna show you a quick, simple ankle warmup to get you ready to go in the gym. This will improve things, all those lower body movements, those lunges, the squats, anything that really includes the ankle, needing to be mobile.

So we’re gonna get right into it. So what I’m gonna strengthen or warm up on you guys today is the tibialis anterior muscle. So what that is is right here in the front of the shin. Why is that important? A lot of times we will get really tight in the back here in the calves, calf muscles, and that will create an imbalance. So we’ll get really tight pulling. It’ll go down into the foot. Sometimes plantar fasciitis can be caused by overly tight.

We’ll also get problems in the knees. If you have some knee joint aches, pains, this could alleviate some of those as well. So first thing you’re gonna do is you’re gonna grab a wall, make sure your shoes are off. As I have here. I’m gonna have to bend my knees here today. If you can, ideally you wanna lock your knees out a little bit more, then I’m gonna be able to demonstrate just because the floor is a little slick here and I’m wearing these socks. So you’re gonna go flat against the wall. And then all you’re gonna simply do is pull your toes up towards your knees.
So I’m just pulling up, creating dorsiflexion in the ankle. That is when the ankle goes up this way and that’s gonna strengthen these muscles here. And really what we’re trying to do the goal is to try and warm up, get ’em fired up and ready to go. So we could do 20 reps of those, rest a second, do 20 more. You could do that in 2 or 3 sets. That’s gonna warm up. You should get a good burn right here in the front of the shin and get ready to go. All right. That’s all I have for you guys today. Hope you found value in this video. If you liked it, gimme a thumbs up, if you loved it, give me a heart. And as always, stay strong.