“Hey everybody! You have questions. Hopefully I have the answer. In today’s Q and A I want to answer Myranda’s question. “What do you do when you’re craving something sweet? So I’m going to get right into it. There are two kinds of approaches that are commonly recognized to tackle the sweet tooth craving. I get into those right now.

So the first one, this is kind of more popular amongst the fat loss community and the fitting within your macros community. It’s going for kind of more of an artificial sweetener to curb or take that sweet craving instead of going for the sugar, which has calories and things like that. An example would be, you know, there’s stevia, there’s monk fruit, an example would be getting like a diet coke or something like that. Now I wouldn’t, I kind of don’t like that approach. I strongly kind of actually advise against it. For those people that are very disciplined and can maintain something like that, you can go after it if you’ve been on like a regimented diet for a long time, and you’re really good with your nutrition. But for most people looking for fat loss, it’s not the case.

So what I would recommend is kind of the second approach is really going for something that’s sweet, but not very dense. So something like blueberries, strawberries are really my go-to. You can have a little organic honey as well. You just have to be careful. It is sugar. I would rather prefer when you have that sweet tooth. If you’re getting it from a more natural source, as opposed to an artificial sweetener, the reason being as artificial sweeteners are far sweeter than natural sugar, and they can actually jack your palate way up.

So there’s a few things to kind of consider when you’re doing this, when you’re having a sweet tooth craving, it’s (1) Have you had a lot of sugars? Have you been kind of consistently consuming a lot? Because then things like berries, aren’t going to taste as sweet berries, apples, things like that. They’re not going to really taste that sweet. So it’s probably best if you try to eliminate that completely. Taking supplements like Burn PM from Prestige Labs can really help that if you get it in at night time. And then if you’ve kind of have your palate realigned, you’ve cut down. We’ve eliminated before we can moderate or back in that moderation phase. And you have a sweet tooth, I would say, think of first fruit, berries are the main ones, berries then apples, really that’s kinda what I would like to do when I get a sweet tooth.
So that’s all for today. Just to recap, you can’t go the artificial sweetener route. I would recommend kind of staying away from it unless it’s like a last case scenario. The reason being is that can really jack your palate up. Those artificial sweeteners are like a hundred times sweeter than natural sugar. If you do find yourself with a sweet tooth and you just can’t seem to avoid eating altogether, you can try taking something like a Burn PM, or you could go through a natural sugar source, like honey or berries and an apple. All right. That’s all for today. Hope you found value. If you did give it a thumbs up. If you’d love it give it a heart that is all for today, stay strong.”
-EarthFIT Coach Sam