Beaufort Health and Fitness: H2O
“You got questions. Hopefully I have the answers. And today’s Q and A. I’m going to go over H2O. Im talking about water. So very commonly asked question we had one in the group – “How much water should you be drinking?” Accompany with that usually, “Why do I need to drink that much water?” So I’m going to get into that right now. Let’s start with the why, why do you need to be drinking so much water? So as most people know, hydration is very, very important.

Number (1) reason we want to hydrate is we want to avoid anything serious. We want to avoid any brain issues, muscle spasms, cramps. Those things can happen if you’re severely dehydrated. So we want to avoid that at all costs obviously.

Second thing, (2) we want to make sure we’re not going to confuse hunger signals with dehydration. Most people will feel they have snacky craving, things like that. And most of the time it is a signal of dehydration. If you drink a bunch of water and then wait a little bit, typically that will go away. So we want to avoid that as well.

And then the third thing, (3) we want to help our body expel toxins, especially those of you that are starting out on a fitness program. We want to facilitate flushing out all those bad things out that may have been built up over time. And then the question is how much water should you be drinking? So you’ll see general recommendations and really I’ll give a general recommendation here in a minute, but it’s gonna depend on where you’re at currently. I know I’m always saying that, but if you’re somebody that sits on the couch guzzle down mountain dew and watches Netflix, it’s going to be different from somebody that is exercising frequently, and has been for quite some time, right? And has healthy, healthy habits for the person that’s sitting on the couch all day or somebody that drinks a lot of diet soda doesn’t get any water in. We’re going to want to start out small. Start up 2, 3 cups, get consistent with that. And then move on. Let’s say you’re a generally healthy person starting out, you’re somebody that drinks, you know, 2-4 cups of water a day, and you’re not sure how to go up or where you should end up at. The recommendations I give out to clients are females need to be about 3 quarters of a gallon at the minimum. Men are at a gallon at the minimum. You, some people will say, you need to drink half your body weight and ounces of water. I’ve tried to recommend that in the past the clients, when I have found that they’re still often being lax still miss a cup here or there, and they’re still experiencing some of those cravings and things like that from dehydration.
So just to recap, you want to be drinking water so we don’t get muscle spasms, cramps. We don’t end up in the hospital. We want to help our bodies recognize that we’re just not hungry as we think, we’re not hungry as often as we think. Third, we want to make sure we’re facilitating expelling all those toxins and want to be drinking about three quarters of a gallon. If you’re a female or a man, you want to be drinking a gallon of water again, you can work your way up to that depending on where you’re starting. All right, that’s all for today. I hope you found value in this video. If you did give me a thumbs up and a like, if you love it, give me a heart as always, stay strong.”
-EarthFIT Coach Sam