Replenish | Boost Your Immune System
“Alright replenish. We went through remove. So if you remove the stuff that lowers the immunity, now we want to put the stuff in that builds it. And you may have heard me talk about vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for the body’s process of healing, fighting off infection. We have to get our vitamin C from foods, and that’s also very challenging to do because you have to eat a ton of fruits and vegetables and greens, and most people just aren’t getting them today. So that’s why I recommend supplementing with Lypo-Spheric Liposomal Vitamin C that’s high quality because you don’t want to get the GMO corn. That’s actually bad, that’s one of the toxins that we’d want to remove that I was talking about in the previous video.
So replenish, we want high vitamin C. We want selenium, zinc, magnesium. These are vitamins and minerals that are going to boost immunity, help fight off infection, keep the body in a stable environment. And this is essential, essential for the body. There’s a guy who believes that most people are walking around with subclinical scurvy, meaning their vitamin C levels are super low. We do not create our own vitamin C. When sickness comes in, we need to increase the doses massively. And it’s very hard to get it through nutrition. So get vitamin C, goats… dramatically create more vitamin C in their body when they’re sick and this helps them fight off infection. So again, I can’t stress this enough, always have vitamin C available, take it daily, especially the more you exert yourself, the more you’re going to need. It helps with the formation of collagen, right? That’s what your skin is made of, your joints are made of.
So it’s, it’s super important. So now vitamin C zinc, selenium, magnesium at EarthFIT, we have a ReMag, which is a magnesium, but we also have ReMyte, which is loaded with minerals. And it’s something I highly recommend that every client, especially as you age, as your body, doesn’t absorb more of the minerals that you take advantage of. So that’s one of the ways you can do that. So vitamin C core minerals, clean fruits and vegetables. That’s what I recommend. This is what’s gonna replenish bioavailable.

When I say clean, I’m talking about no pesticides, preferably organic fruits and vegetables. In my book, I go into a little bit more depth on this stuff. So if you’re part of this, you have a chance to get in on the advanced copy. But this is just a simple breakdown of what you can do now to replenish. Juicing daily is a great way to get all the vitamins and minerals that you need. So vitamin C, ReMyte minerals or any core minerals supplement that you can take and then things like eating more fruits, vegetables that are clean juicing can be a simple and easy way to do it. All right, so that’s how we’re going to replenish the body and get the vitamins and minerals we need to boost the immune system.”