“Hey! What’s going on? Here it’s Ian Hart at EarthFIT Blog and today I am going to talk to you about the #1 thing that is going to prevent or create your goals or getting the result that you are looking for in life.
That #1 thing has to do with your Beliefs. You can actually go further beyond that what, how are your beliefs formed but basically your beliefs lead to your Thoughts. Your thoughts create your Feelings and your feelings lead to an Action and create a Result. But the important part here is your Thoughts. When you have a thought, it creates a feeling so you think “Ugh.. Today sucks!” or “Today’s great!” that releases chemicals and those chemicals when released are attached to your cells, they send chemicals from the brain, they attach to your cells and those feelings that you have lead to a specific action. So when those chemicals are released, they can send pain signals, they can lead to a thought of you being poor or never having money – and that is a belief that led to a feeling – or feeling unhealthy, overweight or feeling misery or you can have the opposite reaction which is feeling good, feeling like you are going to be rich and wealthy, healthy, happy or in good shape.
So obviously what we want to do to get the result we want is break down our belief patterns. So if we have a belief that is not benefitting us we need to reprogram ourselves so we can get the end result. So changing our beliefs so we have different thoughts. So what I want you to do is right now,
anytime you have a negative belief or negative thought what you could do is wrap rubber band around your arm and every time you have a negative thought or thought that is not positive for your life or for the direction that you want to go in, I want you to just snap the rubber band and that is just to remind you and give you bio-feedback as to how you need to change your thoughts and your belief.
So let’s think about what can be something that is not a good thought like “Oh! you know I can’t do that, I’m not going good enough to get that result, I’m not good enough to have that car, I’m not good enough…” Those thought patterns anytime you talk to yourself that way, snap the rubber band and tell yourself “You know what I can have that or I can do that.” And once you start to believe it then you have different thoughts, then you have different feelings, then you take different action and then you have a different result. So remember, beliefs need to be changed first, so I want you to start that simple thing just by snapping that rubber band anytime you have any negative belief, any negative thought pattern and change it to a positive. So turn the negative to a positive and your life will change into a positive.
So this is Ian Hart of EarthFIT blog on I’m telling you how to get results by changing your beliefs.”
Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.